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Washington D.C. Metro Area Chapter


Meetings & Minutes

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Minutes from the September 5, 2003 meeting
at the home of Mario Ascencio, Washington, D.C.

Attending: Mario Ascencio (George Mason University), Toni Bissessar (Arlington County Public Library), María E. Díaz (Commission for Labor Cooperation), Katherine Faulkner (University of Maryland), Everette Larson (Library of Congress), Maria Elisa Martínez (Prince George’s County Public Library), Elissa Miller (Arlington County Public Library), Elena Tscherny (D.C. Public Library), Juan Carlos Ortega (Arlington Public Library), Bill Wilson (University of Maryland)

I. Welcome and Introductions

II. Status of the Chapter

  1. Mario asked if the chapter is going to try to recruit more members, get new officers, and become active again. If not, paperwork should be filed with the national chapter to say this local chapter is “inactive.” 
  2. Elissa suggested that we establish a couple of meeting times in the future. General discussion followed regarding when and where to have the meetings. We agreed that the next two meetings will be held on Fridays at 7 p.m.

III. Update on Chapter Elections 

  1. Elena noted that there were only three nominations for officers during the last formal voting process and the three members could not accept the nominations. General discussion followed regarding options for changing the leadership of the chapter. We agreed that interim officers should be appointed. The formal process of voting for new officers will begin in April 2004, so the new officers have been chosen in time to submit the correct paperwork to the national office in June 2004.
  1. Everett nominated Juan Carlos to be interim president. Katherine seconded the motion. Toni nominated Mario to be interim treasurer. Elena seconded the motion. Toni nominated Katherine to be interim secretary. Mario seconded the motion.
  1. Everette Larson will collect the votes at the April election.

IV. Chapter financial update

  1. The chapter can not maintain a banking account with Chevy Chase Bank without paying a $5/month service charge, so Mario closed the bank account. Maria Elisa explained that she called several banks, but could not find one that would allow a balance of less than $500 without a fee. Everett asked about the possibility of a credit union. Mario said he asked the credit union affiliated with George Mason; it allows each person to have one “membership,” and it would consider him opening an account for REFORMA as a second “membership” for him.
  1. Elissa asked if the national office could offer any advice. Mario said the national chapter is now willing to manage the accounts of local chapters. General discussion followed regarding the pros-and-cons of sending the money to the national office. The primary concern is that anything involving money must be planned further in advance, because the money must be recalled from the national office. The second concern is how easy it will be to get the money back if we decide to go back to managing our own account in the future. Mario said he will talk to Ramona Grijalva (national office treasurer) regarding the procedure for getting the money back if we decide we want to maintain a local bank account sometime in the future.

V. REFORMA participation in 2004 Maryland Library Association Meeting

Mario explained that Margaret Carty (Executive Director of the Maryland Library Association) expressed interest in REFORMA attending the MLA meeting in Ocean City, MD in May 2004. Bill pointed out that program proposals were due this week. General discussion followed regarding what kind of program we could present. We agreed that it should be about acquisitions. Elissa was nominated to attend the meeting and she accepted. Toni volunteered to help and Maria Elisa noted that she is planning to attend the meeting, as well. Mario, Elissa, and Toni will work together to draft a proposal to submit next week. Mario will call either Margaret Carty or Kay Bowman to let them know REFORMA is interested.

VI. Tentative agenda for the next meeting

  1. Discuss the possibilities for REFORMA becoming active with helping local libraries translate basic outreach material (pamphlets, etc.) in to Spanish.
  2. Discuss the possibility of the national office providing us with disk space for the local chapter web page.
  3. Discuss the wording of a letter to be sent to the board of the D.C. Public Library urging them to keep Spanish speaking patrons in mind as they search for a new director.

VII. Future Meetings

  1. 7 p.m., Friday, November 14, at the home of Toni Bissessar, Alexandria, VA.
  2. 7 p.m., Friday, January 9, 2004, at the home of Maria Elisa Martínez. Cheverly, MD
  3. Everette Larson said he will host a future meeting in the Hispanic Reading Room of the Library of Congress