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Descendants of Jeremiah Shrewsbury






1.  Jeremiah Shrewsbury was born in 1755 in Franklin Co. Va..  He died in 1809 in Spanishburg, Va. (Now WVa.).  Jeremiah and Mary were probably married in Penn. but there is no proof of this.


He was married to Mary Clay Unknown.  Jeremiah Shrewsbury and Mary Clay had the following children:


            +2                      i.    Thomas Shrewsbury.






2.  Thomas Shrewsbury was born in 1777 in Va..


He was married to Lucy Maxey (daughter of Josiah Maxey  and Phebe Boaz ) Jan. 8, 1801 on Thursday in Franklin Co. Va..  Lucy Maxey was born in Va..  Thomas Shrewsbury and Lucy Maxey had the following children:


            +3                      i.    Jeremiah Shrewsbury.

            +4                     ii.    Nancy Jane Shrewsbury.






3.  Jeremiah Shrewsbury was born about 1806 in Va..


He was married to Elizabeth Blankenship 3 Mar 1829 on Tuesday in Giles Co. Va..  Elizabeth Blankenship was born in Va..  She was born in Va..  Jeremiah Shrewsbury and Elizabeth Blankenship had the following children:


              5                      i.    Powhatan Shrewsbury was born in Va..

            +6                     ii.    Andrew Jackson Shrewsbury.

            +7                    iii.    George Washington Sr. Shrewsbury.

            +8                    iv.    Marcus LaFayette Shrewsbury.

            +9                     v.    Martin Van Buren Shrewsbury.

          +10                    vi.    Allen P. Shrewsbury.

          +11                   vii.    Elizabeth Shrewsbury.

            12                  viii.    Thomas Shrewsbury was born in 1843 in Mercer Co. Va..

            13                    ix.    Araminta Shrewsbury was born in 1847 in Mercer Co. Va..

          +14                     x.    John Burl (Fitty John) Shrewsbury.

          +15                    xi.    Lucy Ann Shrewsbury.


4.  Nancy Jane Shrewsbury was born in 1815 in Giles Co. Va..


She was married to Pleasant Lilly in Wyoming, Co. Va..






6.  Andrew Jackson Shrewsbury was born in 1832 in Va..



7.  George Washington Sr. Shrewsbury died 10 Mar 1910 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He was born 10 Sept. 1833 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He was buried Mt. Pisgah Cemetery in Barkers Creek, Wyoming Co. West Virginia.


Malinda (Lindy) Graham was born about 1834.  She died on 14 Mar 1909 in Wyoming, Co. Va..  She was buried Mt. Pisgah Cemetery in Barkers Creek, Wyoming Co. West Virginia.  Diane Phillips tells me that before they knew the name of Malinda, she was referred to as " Lindy with the sky blue eyes".  George Washington Sr. Shrewsbury and Malinda (Lindy) Graham had the following children:


          +16                      i.    William Riley Shrewsbury.

          +17                     ii.    Mary Ann Shrewsbury.

            18                    iii.    Martha Jane Shrewsbury was born 26 Nov 1859 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          +19                    iv.    Charlotte Shrewsbury.

          +20                     v.    Thomas Jefferson Shrewsbury.

          +21                    vi.    George Washington Jr. Shrewsbury.

            22                   vii.    Nancy Emma Lee Shrewsbury was born in 1868 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

            23                  viii.    Lot Shrewsbury was born in 1869 in Wyoming Co, WV..

          +24                    ix.    Ballard P. Shrewsbury.

          +25                     x.    James Harvey Shrewsbury.

            26                    xi.    Alice Shrewsbury.  


8.  Marcus LaFayette Shrewsbury was born 10 Dec 1834 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He was buried John Riley Shrewsbury Cemetery in Wyoming Co. W.Va..  He died in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Elizabeth Clark (daughter of Henry Clark  and Ruth Mize ) 13 Oct 1857 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. Va..  Elizabeth Clark died 26 Aug 1904 on Friday in Wyoming Co. WV..  She was buried John Riley Shrewsbury Cemetery in Wyoming Co. W.Va..  She was born Sept 20, 1830 on Monday in Franklin Co. Va..  In the 1870 census Elizabeth says she had eleven children with seven living.  We have listed the seven living, but couldn't find the other children.  They are probably buried in the John R. Shrewsbury cemetery in unmarked graves.

  Elizabeth is buried in this cemetery beside her second husband who was called Fayette Shrewsbury.  They are buried behind her first son, James Henry Cunningham.  Their daughter Martha is buried beside Elizabeth with one unmarked grave between them.  This could have been one of the children we couldn't find.  Marcus LaFayette Shrewsbury and Elizabeth Clark had the following children:


          +27                      i.    Mary J. Shrewsbury.

          +28                     ii.    Allen Preston Shrewsbury.

            29                    iii.    Worth E. Shrewsbury was born 10 Feb 1865 on Firday in Wyoming Co, WVa..

          +30                    iv.    Martha E. Shrewsbury.

          +31                     v.    William Thomas Shrewsbury.

          +32                    vi.    Isaiah Winton Shrewsbury.


9.  Martin Van Buren Shrewsbury was born in Feb 1835 in Mercer Co. Va..


He was married to Mahala Adeline Hubbard (daughter of Samuel Hubbard  and Elizabeth Pendelton) 10 Sep 1859 on Saturday in Mercer Co. Va..  Mahala Adeline Hubbard was born 10 Feb 1842 on Thursday in Patrick Co. VA..  Martin Van Buren Shrewsbury and Mahala Adeline Hubbard had the following children:


          +33                      i.    Henry James Shrewsbury.

            34                     ii.    John Green Shrewsbury was born 16 Oct 1865 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He died 17 Mar 1937 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..

            35                    iii.    Charles Jackson Shrewsbury was born 10 Oct 1867 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. Va..

            36                    iv.    George J. Shrewsbury was born in 1868 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

            37                     v.    Mary A. Shrewsbury died 13 Mar 1958 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  She was born 28 Oct 1870 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          +38                    vi.    William Martin Shrewsbury.

            39                   vii.    Araminta Shrewsbury was born in 1876 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

            40                  viii.    Anderson B. Shrewsbury was born 31 Aug 1877 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He died Feb. 1, 1962 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..

            41                    ix.    Samuel Thomas Shrewsbury died 14 May 1966 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He was born 23 Aug 1880 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. Va..


He was married to Martha Ellen Mills (daughter of Joseph Mills and Triphuea Reed ) 28 Feb 1905 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Martha Ellen Mills was born in 1887 in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Martin Van Buren Shrewsbury and Martha Ellen Mills had the following children:


          +42                      i.    Loma Shrewsbury.

            43                     ii.    Victoria Shrewsbury was born in 1906 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

            44                    iii.    Theodore R. Shrewsbury was born in 1907 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          +45                    iv.    George W. Shrewsbury.


10.  Allen P. Shrewsbury was born in 1839 in Va..



He was married to Arena Jane Perdue on 22 Jun 1877 in Raleigh Co. WVa..  Arena Jane Perdue was born in Apr 1855 in Va..  Allen P. Shrewsbury and Arena Jane Perdue had the following children:


            46                      i.    Thomas S.R. Shrewsbury was born in 1881 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

            47                     ii.    William M. Shrewsbury was born Jume 1885 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

            48                    iii.    Charles A. Shrewsbury was born in Sep 1889 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          +49                    iv.    George Washington Shrewsbury.


11.  Elizabeth Shrewsbury was born in 1842 in Mercer Co. Va..


She was married to Jeremiah (Jerry) Mills (son of William ( Bill ) Mills  and Emmarilla Emily Perdue) on 8 Apr 1858 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


14.  John Burl (Fitty John) Shrewsbury was born in 1849 in Mercer Co. WVa..  He died in Jul 1902 in WVa..


Louise Elizabeth ( Lizzie ) Basham was born in Mar 1854 in WV..  She died April 24, 1930 on Thursday in WVa..  John Burl (Fitty John) Shrewsbury and Louise Elizabeth ( Lizzie ) Basham had the following children:


          +50                      i.    Gordon Shrewsbury.

          +51                     ii.    Arminta Elizabeth Shrewsbury.

          +52                    iii.    Phillip Whittfield Shrewsbury.

            53                    iv.    George Paris Shrewsbury died July 7, 1962 on Monday in Mercer Co. W.Va..  He was born June 29, 1878 on Friday in Dott, WV..  George Paris's death was reported by Dillard Shrewsbury.


15.  Lucy Ann Shrewsbury was born !852 in Mercer Co. Va..







16.  William Riley Shrewsbury was born 13 Jan 1854 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He died Nov. 26, 1920 on Friday in Mercer Co. WVa..    William Riley died in Nov. 26, 1920, but we could find no record of his death at the Court House.  Our information came from his granddaughter, Macie Shrewsbury, daughter of Henderson and Arminta. She remembered the story of how he was found dead.

William Riley had gone to the corn field to shuck corn that morning and when two children living with Cynthia Olive went by, they saw him lying on the ground.  Cynthia Olive ask Arminta to go check on him, and Arminta had her baby  Garland three days later.  This was in Nov. 26, 1920.

  William Riley was very good to his mother-in-law, Masa Ann Wimmer after Samuel died.  He always fixed her plate and saw that she was the first one to sit at the table.  Mable Bailey Dalton remembers this being handed down, probably by Sarah Jane Wimmer Cunningham.


He was married to Cynthia Olive Wimmer (daughter of Samuel D. Wimmer  and Masa Ann King ) Oct. 2, 1879 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Cynthia Olive Wimmer was born 13 Jan 1854 on Friday in Va..  She died 4 Apr 1834 on Wednesday in Mercer Co.WV..    Cynthia Olive and William Riley Shrewsbury raised Gladys Hollaway for several years.  Gladys later married John King son of Hannah Wimmer and William Riley King.

  Both Cynthia and Wm. Riley are buried in the Wimmer Cemetery.  William Riley Shrewsbury and Cynthia Olive Wimmer had the following children:


          +54                      i.    Massie Malinda Shrewsbury.

          +55                     ii.    William Henderson Shrewsbury.

          +56                    iii.    Samuel Washington Shrewsbury.

          +57                    iv.    John Riley Shrewsbury.

            58                     v.    Male Shrewsbury died in 1885 in Mercer Co. WVa..  He was born July 11, 1883 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WVa..  This child is buried in the Wimmer Cemetery we restored in 1997 and he now has a marker.  We found a death certificate at the Court House, but William Riley didn't list the name of the baby at that time.  No one can remember the baby's name, but do know that he died from Diabetes.

          +59                    vi.    Chloie Destin Shrewsbury.

          +60                   vii.    Lonie D. Shrewsbury.

            61                  viii.    Baby Shrewsbury was born in Nov 1886 in Mercer Co. WVa..  He died in Nov 1886 in Mercer Co. WVa..  This baby is buried in the Wimmer Cemetery we restored in 1997 , and now has a marker.

          +62                    ix.    Walter H. Shrewsbury.

          +63                     x.    Nancy ( Nance) Ellen Shrewsbury.

          +64                    xi.    Opie D. Shrewsbury.

            65                   xii.    Fred Shrewsbury was born in Apr 1898 in Dott, WV..  He died 2 May 1934 on Thursday in Dott, WV..    Though we never knew Fred, Shirline Lilly and myself had a lot of fun with him as we cleared the Wimmer Cemetery.  We knew how he loved his moonshine and probably drank his share and then some during his lifetime.  Shirline would always tell him she was going to bring him a beer next time she came up, but she never took it.  Fred was waiting for her to pour it onto his grave, I am sure.  Our "cutting up" helped Bob get through the long day's of hard work.

                                              Fred road a mule and his feet would drag the ground if he let them drop.  The teacher on the mountain would always make the children come into the school when she heard Fred coming around the ridge.  How did she know ?  Well, it is told by everyone that remembers Fred that he would give a very loud scream as he rode his mule.

                                              When Fred was in World War two, he had to go to to a hospital in France.  When they released him to go back to the front lines, he was traveling by train and decided he needed more rest.  So, he threw his shoes out the window of the train.  Now, this wouldn't stop most people from going back into the fighting, but Fred wore a size 14 shoe and they were hard to find.  Fred got what he wanted as they had to send him back to the hospital until they could send to the States and have him another pair of shoes made.

                                              With all his drinking, Fred never hurt anyone.  I think Fred was a "mammas" boy, for he never left her, and when she died , Fred said that he didn't want to live in a world without his mother.  He died one month later from a "hit on the head", which was widely believed to have been murder.  His death certificate says he died from a hit to the head.

          +66                  xiii.    Laura Jane Shrewsbury.


17.  Mary Ann Shrewsbury was born in 1857 in Wyoming, Co. Va..



19.  Charlotte Shrewsbury was born in 1861 in Wyoming, Co. Va..



20.  Thomas Jefferson Shrewsbury was born on 2 Jun 1863 in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He died on 21 Jul 1931 in Wyoming, Co. W.Va..  He was buried Mt. Pisgah Cemetery in Barkers Creek, Wyoming Co. West Virginia.


He was married to Martha Ellen Blankenship (daughter of Lewis Blankenship  and Minerva Jane Rinehart ) 18 Mar 1884 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Martha Ellen Blankenship was born on 26 Dec 1865 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  She died on 30 Aug 1935 in Wuoming Co. W.Va..  She was buried Mt. Pisgah Cemetery in Barkers Creek, Wyoming Co. West Virginia.  Martha Ellen Blankenship would have been named for her aunt, Martha Ellen Rinehart Meadows.

  She and her husband Thomas Shrewsbury are buried in the Mt. Pisgah Church yard cemetery at the head of Barkers Creek in Wyoming Co. D.A. Martha's mother, Minerva is also buried in this cemetery.  Thomas Jefferson Shrewsbury and Martha Ellen Blankenship had the following children:


          +67                      i.    Malinda J. Shrewsbury.

          +68                     ii.    Martin Van Buren Shrewsbury.

          +69                    iii.    Media F. Shrewsbury.

          +70                    iv.    George Washington Shrewsbury.

            71                     v.    John Thomas Shrewsbury died in 1965 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He was born 9 Sep 1894 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          +72                    vi.    Leonard Cleo Shrewsbury.

          +73                   vii.    Paris Calloway Shrewsbury.

          +74                  viii.    Louvettic Shrewsbury.

          +75                    ix.    Ruthie A. Shrewsbury.

          +76                     x.    Lee Andrew Shrewsbury.

          +77                    xi.    James Edward Shrewsbury.

          +78                   xii.    Ethel Torie Shrewsbury.

          +79                  xiii.    Hulda Shrewsbury.

          +80                  xiv.    Lethie Shrewsbury.

            81                   xv.    Bertha Mae Shrewsbury


21.  George Washington Jr. Shrewsbury was born in 1865 in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He died 15 Nov 1944 on Wednesday in Dott, WV..  He was buried George Washington Cemetery in Top of Springtom Mountain, Springton, West Virginia.


Lucinda Meadows (daughter of William Thomas Meadows  and Martha Ellen Rinehart ) was born in 1867 in Dott, WV..  She was buried George Washingtom Cemetery in Top of Springtom Mountain, Springton, West Virginia.    Tommy Cook says that Lucinda  had a daughter out of wedlock who was given to Charles Bailey and his second wife to raise.  He says this child was named, Minnie and married Victor Farley and lived behind his grandmother Amanda Cook in Matoaka, VA.  Sherman Cook was supposed to have been her father and he was a brother to Amanda's husband, H.I. Cook.

  This was a well kept secret for my mother never heard this story.












  George Washington Jr. Shrewsbury and Lucinda Meadows had the following children:


          +82                      i.    Evelyn Shrewsbury.

          +83                     ii.    William Riley Shrewsbury.

          +84                    iii.    Theodor Thurman Shrewsbury.

          +85                    iv.    John Hughes Shrewsbury.

          +86                     v.    Malinda Ellen Shrewsbury.

          +87                    vi.    Leola Maude Shrewsbury.

          +88                   vii.    George Ballard Shrewsbury.

            89                  viii.    Aubrey Rosco Shrewsbury

            90                    ix.    Walter Clarence Shrewsbury


24.  Ballard P. Shrewsbury was born in Jul 1873 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He died in 1935 in Wyoming Co, WVa..


He was married to Rebecca Carolyn Meadows (daughter of Elijah Meadows  and Naomi Cox ) 19 Nov 1894 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Rebecca Carolyn Meadows was born in Raleigh Co. WVa..  Ballard P. Shrewsbury and Rebecca Carolyn Meadows had the following children:


          +91                      i.    William Hylton Shrewsbury.

          +92                     ii.    Eva M. Hylton Shrewsbury.

          +93                    iii.    Lue Annie Shrewsbury.

          +94                    iv.    Ida Alice Shrewsbury.

            95                     v.    Elbert Shrewsbury died 15 Apr 1972 on Saturday in Wyoming Co. WVa..  He was born 6 Apr 1901 on Saturday in Raleigh Co. WVa..

            96                    vi.    Wiley W. Shrewsbury was born in Oct 1903 in Raleigh Co. WVa..

            97                   vii.    James Shrewsbury was born in 1905 in Raleigh Co. WVa..

          +98                  viii.    Emmet Shrewsbury.

            99                    ix.    Delcie Pearl Shrewsbury was born 12 Apr 1908 on Sunday in Raleigh Co. WVa..  She died 21 Aug 1982 on Saturday in Wyoming Co. WVa..

          100                     x.    Lawrence Clifton Shrewsbury died 30 Dec 1983 on Friday in Wyoming Co, WVa..  He was born April 29, 1912 on Saturday in Raleigh Co. WVa..

        +101                    xi.    Acie Carl Shrewsbury.


25.  James Harvey Shrewsbury was born in 1869 in Wyoming, Co. WV..  He died 2 Jun 1953 on Tuesday in WVa..


He was married to Sarah Elizabeth Cunningham (daughter of James Henry Cunningham  and Sarah Jane Wimmer ) 28 Jul 1887 on Thursday in Mercer Co.WV.  Sarah Elizabeth Cunningham was born in 1872 in Wyoming, Co. WV..  She died in Mercer Co.WV..  James Harvey Shrewsbury and Sarah Elizabeth Cunningham had the following children:


        +102                      i.    Florence Shrewsbury.

          103                     ii.    Daisy H. Shrewsbury was born in Dec 1891 in Mercer Co. WV.

          104                    iii.    Milborn L. Shrewsbury was born in Jun 1893 in Mercer Co.WV.

          105                    iv.    Albern Lacy Shrewsbury was born 20 Jun 1895 on Thursday in Dott, WV..  He died 24 Nov 1900 on Saturday in Dott, WV..  Albern Lacy is buried in the Cunningham Cemetery on Bluff Mountain. He was the son of James Shrewsbury and Sarah Elizabeth Cunningham Shrewsbury.

        +106                     v.    Nora Beedy Shrewsbury.

          107                    vi.    Luther Shrewsbury was born in May 1898 in Mercer Co. WV.

        +108                   vii.    William McKinley Shrewsbury.

          109                  viii.    Pearlie E. Shrewsbury was born 19 Aug 1902 on Tuesday in Dott, WV..  She died 21 Nov 1911 on Tuesday in Dott, WV..  Pearlie is the daughter of James Shrewsbury and Sarah Elizabeth Cunningham Shrewsbury and is buried in the Cunningham Cemetery on Bluff Mountain at Dott, VA.

        +110                    ix.    Laura Dae Shrewsbury.

          111                     x.    Ida May Shrewsbury was born in Dott, WV..  Ida May is buried in the Cunningham Cemetery and the marker so far, if unreadable.  We are working on trying to get her dates from it.


27.  Mary J. Shrewsbury was born Feb. 27, 1860 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  She died June 18, 1901 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. Va..


She was married to William Marion Wood (son of James E. Wood  and Nancy E. ) 27 May 1880 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  William Marion Wood was born Aug. 17, 1858 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He died Sept. 30, 1946 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Mary J. Shrewsbury and William Marion Wood had the following children:


        +112                      i.    Nancy Wood.

          113                     ii.    Vincent E. Wood was born in 1882 in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He died in 1901 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

        +114                    iii.    Martha J. Wood.

          115                    iv.    Ida Jane Wood died 8 Sep 1901 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  She was born Feb. 1, 1884 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          116                     v.    Elizabeth Wood

          117                    vi.    James L. Wood was born in Oct 1886 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          118                   vii.    Eugenia A. Wood was born in Jul 1889 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          119                  viii.    Henry Wood was born in Apr 1891 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          120                    ix.    Amanda M. Wood was born in Mar 1894 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          121                     x.    Oliver N. Wood was born in Mar 1896 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          122                    xi.    Oscar C. Wood was born in Aug 1899 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          123                   xii.    Clarence N. Wood was born in 1899 in Wyoming, Co.W Va..

          124                  xiii.    Noah J. Wood was born in 1900 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          125                  xiv.    George Wood was born in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          126                   xv.    Hollis Wood was born in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


28.  Allen Preston Shrewsbury was born Feb. 24, 1863 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..


He was married to Sarah P. Reed 22 Oct 1881 on Saturday in Raleigh Co. WV..  Allen Preston Shrewsbury and Sarah P. Reed had the following children:


          127                      i.    Lee W. Shrewsbury was born in 1886 in WVa..  He died in 1899 in WVa..

          128                     ii.    Albert W. Shrewsbury was born in 1888 in WVa..

        +129                    iii.    Thomas S. Shrewsbury.

        +130                    iv.    Watson C. Shrewsbury.

          131                     v.    Frederick Shrewsbury was born in 1895 in WV..

        +132                    vi.    William Martin Shrewsbury.

          133                   vii.    Luanna Shrewsbury was born in 1898 in WV..

          134                  viii.    Conrad Shrewsbury was born in 1899.


30.  Martha E. Shrewsbury was born in 1866 in Wyoming, Co. Va..  She died in 1897 in Wyoming, Co. Va..



31.  William Thomas Shrewsbury was born Jan. 30, 1868 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He died Oct. 6, 1933 on Friday in Wyoming Co, WVa..


He was married to Mary E. Wood 30 Sep 1887 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


32.  Isaiah Winton Shrewsbury was born in May 1870 in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Elizabeth Clark Cunningham Shrewsbury Mother of Isiah Winton was living with him and Arminta in the 1900 census records.  Elizabeth died in 1904.


He was married to Araminta Little 17 Mar 1898 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Araminta Little was born in Apr 1878 in Wyoming, Co. Va..  She died in 1963 in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Isaiah Winton Shrewsbury and Araminta Little had the following children:


          135                      i.    Priscila V. Shrewsbury was born in Sep 1894 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          136                     ii.    Elizabeth Shrewsbury was born in Nov 1896 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

        +137                    iii.    William McKinley Shrewsbury.

          138                    iv.    Estell Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          139                     v.    Proni Shrewsbury was born in 1913 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          140                    vi.    Sadi Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          141                   vii.    Mary Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..


33.  Henry James Shrewsbury was born in 1859 in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He was born in Wyoming, Co. WV.


He was married to Lucinda (Lindy) Graham (daughter of James Graham  and Sarah Akers ) in Wyoming, Co. WV..  Lucinda (Lindy) Graham was born in Wyoming, Co. WV..  Henry James Shrewsbury and Lucinda (Lindy) Graham had the following children:


          +25                      i.    James Harvey Shrewsbury.


He was married to Lucinda Graham (daughter of James Graham  and Sarah Akers ) in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Lucinda Graham was born in Wyoming, Co. WV.  Henry James Shrewsbury and Lucinda Graham had the following children:


          142                      i.    Mary A. Shrewsbury was born in 1878 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

        +143                     ii.    Levi Harmon Shrewsbury.

          144                    iii.    Sarah A. Shrewsbury was born in 1885 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          +25                    iv.    James Harvey Shrewsbury.

          145                     v.    Lucinda Shrewsbury was born in 1889 in Wyoming, Co. Va..


38.  William Martin Shrewsbury was born 27 May 1872 on Monday in Raleigh Co. WV..  He died 9 May 1953 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WVa.


He was married to Carolyn Mandane Meadows (daughter of Richard Meadows  and Mary Moye ) 18 Feb 1889 on Monday in Raleigh Co. WV..  Carolyn Mandane Meadows was born 12 Apr 1865 on Wednesday in Mercer Co.WVa.  She died 31 Dec 1934 on Monday in Mercer Co.WVa.    Carolyn is buried in the Cunningham Cemetery in an unmarked grave. We hope to  make a marker for her in 1999.  William Martin Shrewsbury and Carolyn Mandane Meadows had the following children:


        +146                      i.    Bessie Pearl Shrewsbury.

        +147                     ii.    Richard M. Shrewsbury.

          148                    iii.    Mary A. Shrewsbury was born in Dec 1892 in Raleigh Co. WV..

          149                    iv.    Leslie Arthur Shrewsbury was born in Jan 1895 in Raleigh Co. WV..

          150                     v.    Samuel B. Shrewsbury was born in 1896 in Raleigh Co. WV..

          151                    vi.    William E. Shrewsbury was born in 1898 in Raleigh Co. WV..

          152                   vii.    Elmer D. Shrewsbury was born in 1899 in Raleigh Co. WV..

          153                  viii.    McKinley Shrewsbury was born in 1901 in Raleigh Co. WV..

          154                    ix.    Virgil Shrewsbury was born in 1903 in Raleigh Co. WV..


42.  Loma Shrewsbury was born in 1905 in Wyoming, Co. Va..



45.  George W. Shrewsbury was born in 1908 in Wyoming, Co. Va..



49.  George Washington Shrewsbury was born in Apr 1892 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Deliah Frances Mills in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Deliah Frances Mills died 11 Jan 1974 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  She was born 21 Apr 1892 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  George Washington Shrewsbury and Deliah Frances Mills had the following children:


        +155                      i.    Grover Grant Shrewsbury.

        +156                     ii.    Oscar Nathaniel Shrewsbury.


50.  Gordon Shrewsbury died Feb. 12, 1963 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WVa..  He was born March 6, 1876 on Mooonday in Dott, WV..


He was married to Massie Malinda Shrewsbury (daughter of William Riley Shrewsbury  and Cynthia Olive Wimmer) July 13, 1896 on Monday in Mercer Co, WVa..  Massie Malinda Shrewsbury died Feb. 1, 1962 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WVa..  She was born July 17, 1874 on Friday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Massie Malinda was named for her two grandmothers, Masa Ann King Wimmer and Malinda "Lindy" Graham.  She is buried beside her husband Gordon in the John Riley Shrewsbury cemetery.  Gordon Shrewsbury and Massie Malinda Shrewsbury had the following children:


        +157                      i.    Leaton Lawerence Shrewsbury.

        +158                     ii.    Edith Shrewsbury.

        +159                    iii.    Lessie Shrewsbury.

        +160                    iv.    Clarence Clifford Shrewsbury.

        +161                     v.    Nora Shrewsbury.

          162                    vi.    William Elmer Shrewsbury died Dec. 11, 1914 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He was born July 2, 1906 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          163                   vii.    Della Destine Shrewsbury died Jan. 28, 1914 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  She was born July 2, 1911 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          164                  viii.    Dottie Shrewsbury was born in 1912 in Mercer Co. WVa..  She died March 26, 1962 on Wednesday in WVa..    Dottie is buried in the John Riley Shrewsbury Cemetery beside her parents.

        +165                    ix.    Nellie Shrewsbury.


51.  Arminta Elizabeth Shrewsbury was born in 1881 in Dott, WV..  She died in Jul 1968 in Mercer Co. WVa..


She was married to William Henderson Shrewsbury (son of William Riley Shrewsbury  and Cynthia Olive Wimmer) Sept. 5,1896 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WVa..  William Henderson Shrewsbury died in 1962 in Mercer Co. WVa..  He was born April 20,1876 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Arminta Elizabeth Shrewsbury and William Henderson Shrewsbury had the following children:


          166                      i.    Amous Shrewsbury was born in 1897 in Mercer Co. WVa..

          167                     ii.    Andy Shrewsbury was born in 1899 in Mercer Co. WVa..

          168                    iii.    Effie Mae Shrewsbury was born in 1898 in Mercer Co. WVa..  She died July 15, 1903 on Wednesday.  Effie Mae is buried in the Wimmer Cemetery at Sand Gap, VA.  She now has a marker.  Effie Mae died from the flu in 1918.

          169                    iv.    Ethel Shrewsbury was born 19 Oct 1901 on Friday in Mercer Co. WVa..  She died Dec. 22, 1918 on Friday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Ethel died of the flu in 1918 and is buried in the Wimmer Cemetery and now has a marker.

          170                     v.    Hazel Glenna Shrewsbury was born in 1902 in Mercer Co. WVa..

          171                    vi.    Laura V. Shrewsbury was born Dec. 12, 1904 on Monday in Mercer Co. WVa..

          172                   vii.    Margaret Shrewsbury was born in 1904 in Mercer Co. WVa..

          173                  viii.    Ada Shrewsbury was born 10 Feb 1904 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WVa..  She died Feb. 10, 1906 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WVa..  According to Ada's death certificate, she died from a fever.  Ada is buried in the Wimmer Cemetery.

        +174                    ix.    Gladys Shrewsbury.

          175                     x.    Vertle Shrewsbury was born in 1906 in Mercer Co. WVa..

          176                    xi.    unnamed Shrewsbury was born in 1908 in Mercer Co. WVa..  He (or she) died in 1908 in Mercer Co. WVa..  This baby is buried in the Wimmer Cemetery we restored in 1997.  It now has a marker.

        +177                   xii.    Audley Shrewsbury.

        +178                  xiii.    Macie L. Shrewsbury.

        +179                  xiv.    Ella A. Shrewsbury.

        +180                   xv.    Clayton Shrewsbury.

          181                  xvi.    Hallie Gilmer Shrewsbury was born 13 Oct 1916 on Friday in Mercer Co. WVa..  He died Dec. 21, 1918 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Hallie Gilmer died of the flu in 1918 one day before his oldest sister Ethel.  He too is buried in the Wimmer Cemetery we restored in 1997 and now has a marker.

        +182                 xvii.    Garland Shrewsbury.


52.  Phillip Whittfield Shrewsbury was born June 16, 1893 on Friday in Mercer Co. WVa..  He died Sept. 29, 1985 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WVa..


He was married to Vercie May Akers (daughter of Lewis J. Akers  and Manervia C. Fletcher) Oct. 29, 1913, on Wednesday in WVa..  Vercie May Akers was born Sept. 14, 1897 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Phillip Whittfield Shrewsbury and Vercie May Akers had the following children:


        +183                      i.    Esther Shrewsbury.

        +184                     ii.    China Shrewsbury.

        +185                    iii.    Jesse Shrewsbury.

        +186                    iv.    Rachel Shrewsbury.

        +187                     v.    Vessie Shrewsbury.

        +188                    vi.    Melvin Shrewsbury.

        +189                   vii.    Lillie Shrewsbury.

        +190                  viii.    Bernice Mae Shrewsbury.

        +191                    ix.    Roby Shrewsbury.






54.  Massie Malinda Shrewsbury died Feb. 1, 1962 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WVa..  She was born July 17, 1874 on Friday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Massie Malinda was named for her two grandmothers, Masa Ann King Wimmer and Malinda "Lindy" Graham.  She is buried beside her husband Gordon in the John Riley Shrewsbury cemetery.


She was married to Gordon Shrewsbury (son of John Burl (Fitty John) Shrewsbury  and Louise Elizabeth ( Lizzie ) Basham ) July 13, 1896 on Monday in Mercer Co, WVa..  Gordon Shrewsbury died Feb. 12, 1963 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WVa..  He was born March 6, 1876 on Mooonday in Dott, WV..  Massie Malinda Shrewsbury and Gordon Shrewsbury had the following children:


        +157                      i.    Leaton Lawerence Shrewsbury.

        +158                     ii.    Edith Shrewsbury.

        +159                    iii.    Lessie Shrewsbury.

        +160                    iv.    Clarence Clifford Shrewsbury.

        +161                     v.    Nora Shrewsbury.

          162                    vi.    William Elmer Shrewsbury.

          163                   vii.    Della Destine Shrewsbury.

          164                  viii.    Dottie Shrewsbury.

        +165                    ix.    Nellie Shrewsbury.


55.  William Henderson Shrewsbury died in 1962 in Mercer Co. WVa..  He was born April 20,1876 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WVa..


He was married to Arminta Elizabeth Shrewsbury (daughter of John Burl (Fitty John) Shrewsbury  and Louise Elizabeth ( Lizzie ) Basham ) Sept. 5,1896 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Arminta Elizabeth Shrewsbury was born in 1881 in Dott, WV..  She died in Jul 1968 in Mercer Co. WVa..  William Henderson Shrewsbury and Arminta Elizabeth Shrewsbury had the following children:


          166                      i.    Amous Shrewsbury.

          167                     ii.    Andy Shrewsbury.

          168                    iii.    Effie Mae Shrewsbury.

          169                    iv.    Ethel Shrewsbury.

          170                     v.    Hazel Glenna Shrewsbury.

          171                    vi.    Laura V. Shrewsbury.

          172                   vii.    Margaret Shrewsbury.

          173                  viii.    Ada Shrewsbury.

        +174                    ix.    Gladys Shrewsbury.

          175                     x.    Vertle Shrewsbury.

          176                    xi.    unnamed Shrewsbury.

        +177                   xii.    Audley Shrewsbury.

        +178                  xiii.    Macie L. Shrewsbury.

        +179                  xiv.    Ella A. Shrewsbury.

        +180                   xv.    Clayton Shrewsbury.

          181                  xvi.    Hallie Gilmer Shrewsbury.

        +182                 xvii.    Garland Shrewsbury.


56.  Samuel Washington Shrewsbury died Nov. 14, 1967 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WVa..  He was born Nov. 26, 1878 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WVa..


He was married to Birdie Florence Basham (daughter of Albert Basham  and Amanda Pitmann ) in WVa..  Birdie Florence Basham was born in 1880 in Dott, WV..  She died Sept. 30, 1968 on Monday in Spanishburg, WV..  Samuel Washington Shrewsbury and Birdie Florence Basham had the following children:


        +192                      i.    Hassell Shrewsbury.

        +193                     ii.    Goldie Shrewsbury.

        +194                    iii.    Roy Shrewsbury.

        +195                    iv.    Wardie Shrewsbury.

        +196                     v.    Cledith Arles Shrewsbury.

        +197                    vi.    Amanda Dell Shrewsbury.

          198                   vii.    Doris Shrewsbury

        +199                  viii.    Maudie Shrewsbury.

        +200                    ix.    Elsie Myrtle Shrewsbury.

        +201                     x.    Norma Shrewsbury.

        +202                    xi.    Iris Shrewsbury.

          203                   xii.    Nova Arlene Shrewsbury died in 1921 in Dott, WV..  She was born Feb. 18, 1920 on Wednesday in WVa..


57.  John Riley Shrewsbury was born 1 Aug 1879 on Friday in Mercer Co. WVa..  He died Oct. 23, 1951 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..


He was married to Martha J. Wood (daughter of William Marion Wood  and Mary J. Shrewsbury ) in Dec 1899 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Martha J. Wood died 25 Aug 1965 On Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  She was born 25 Jan 1883 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. Va..    Martha and John are buried in the John Riley Shrewsbury Cemetery in Wyoming Co. WV.  John Riley Shrewsbury and Martha J. Wood had the following children:


        +204                      i.    Bertha Angeline Shrewsbury.

        +205                     ii.    Latha Shrewsbury.

        +206                    iii.    Ina Shrewsbury.

        +207                    iv.    Nathan Elmet Shrewsbury.

        +208                     v.    Theodore Shrewsbury.

        +209                    vi.    Ivory Shrewsbury.

        +210                   vii.    Corbet Marvin Shrewsbury.

          211                  viii.    Estil Shrewsbury died in 1920 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He was born in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

        +212                    ix.    Lora Elsie Shrewsbury.


59.  Chloie Destin Shrewsbury died April 11, 1966 0n Monday in Mercer Co. WVa..  She was born July 16, 1884 on Tuesday in Dott, WV..


She was married to James Kelly Wimmer (son of James Marion Wimmer  and Zerreda H. (Reedy) Clendenen ) Aug. 20, 1901 on Tuesday in Princeton, Mercer Co. WV..  James Kelly Wimmer was born May 17, 1882 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.  He died Sept. 30, 1967 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WV.    James Kelly Wimmer was a lot like his father Marion.  One only has to listen to his daughter Imogene to know he was a man who showered his love and kindness on children, as well as his wife and granddaughter, Lucille.

 Imogene tells me how Kelly would play with all the children in the neighborhood. He could have had a hard day on the farm, and most often did, yet never told the children he was too tired to play.  His kindness and gentleness is still remembered, and hopefully by writing it down, he will always be remembered this way.  Chloie Destin Shrewsbury and James Kelly Wimmer had the following children:


          213                      i.    Pearlie Arizona Wimmer died July 13, 1906 on Friday in Mercer Co. WV.  She was born Oct. 13, 1905 on Friday in Mercer Co. WV.

        +214                     ii.    Imogene Wimmer.

        +215                    iii.    Verlie Clayton Wimmer.

        +216                    iv.    Marion Frances ( Fannie ) Wimmer.


60.  Lonie D. Shrewsbury died about 1911 in Mercer Co. WVa..  She was born July 9, 1885 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WVa..    Lonie died during childbirth and is buried in the Wimmer Cemetery. Later her son, Lester, was shot and killed,and he is buried beside her.


She was married to Floyd Bailey (son of Charles Bailey  and Cecelia Meador ) about 1905.  Floyd Bailey was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Floyd has a marker in the Wimmer Cemetery left at the foot of his mothers grave.  It was left in memory of Floyd who was buried in a Beckley VA. cemetery.  Lonie D. Shrewsbury and Floyd Bailey had the following children:


        +217                      i.    Orpha Bailey.

          218                     ii.    Lester Bailey was born in 1908 in Mercer Co. WVa..  He died in 1919 in Mercer Co. WVa..  Lester was shot and killed with a shotgun while hoeing corn.  His Bailey cousins had taken the shotgun to the garden to shoot ground squirrels that were eating the corn, and misfired hitting lester in the face, killing him instantly.  Lester is buried beside his mother in the Wimmer Cemetery, and now has a marker.

          219                    iii.    Homer Bailey was born in 1909 in Mercer Co. WVa..

          220                    iv.    Lena Bailey was born in 1911 in Mercer Co. WVa..


62.  Walter H. Shrewsbury died on 19 Jul 1949 in Mercer Co, WVa..  He was born Aug. 18, 1889 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WVa..


He was married to Virgie Huffman Sept. 19, 1906 on Wednesday in Mercer Co, WVa..  Walter H. Shrewsbury and Virgie Huffman had the following children:


        +221                      i.    Carney Shrewsbury.

        +222                     ii.    Wilfred Shrewsbury.

        +223                    iii.    Fay Shrewsbury.


63.  Nancy ( Nance) Ellen Shrewsbury was born April 27, 1890 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WVa..  She died Feb. 9, 1970 on Monday in Mercer Co. WVa..


She was married to Eugene ( Jink) Huffman (son of William B. (Will) Huffman ) in Mercer Co. WVa..  Eugene ( Jink) Huffman was born about 1888 in Dott, WV..  He died Jan. 15, 1966 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WVa..  He was born in Mercer Co. WV.  He was born.  He died in Mercer Co. WV.  Nancy ( Nance) Ellen Shrewsbury and Eugene ( Jink) Huffman had the following children:


        +224                      i.    Mamie Dandelion Huffman.

          225                     ii.    Dennis Stout was born in 1913 in Dott, WV..  He died in 1933 in Dott, WV..    Dennis was raised mostly by his grandmother Cynthia Olive Wimmer Shrewsbury.  Dennis was a good friend to his uncle, Fred Shrewsbury. Macie Shrewsbury tells us that one day Dennis drank from a spring that all the children had been drinking from for years, but this day it was contaminated with typhoid.  Dennis died at age 20 and is buried in the Wimmer Cemetery we restored in 1997.  He is buried between his grandparents, Cynthia Olive and William Riley Shrewsbury.

        +226                    iii.    Dana Mae Huffman.

        +227                    iv.    Cynthia Huffman.

        +228                     v.    Elbert Quinton Huffman.

          229                    vi.    Lewis Huffman was born in Dott, WV..

        +230                   vii.    Connie (Cleo) Huffman.

          231                  viii.    Ed Huffman


64.  Opie D. Shrewsbury was born Dec. 22, 1892 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WVa..  He died May 2, 1969 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WVa..


He was married to Laura Hager (daughter of Ballard Jackson Hager  and Sarah A. ( Sally ) Shrader ) 9 Oct 1912 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Laura Hager was born June 29, 1887 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.  She died June 9, 1971 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.    Laura was 22 years old and  wanted to marry Opie Shrewsbury but her parents wouldn't let her for she was good to work at hone, so she slipped off to marry.  Laura knew her Mother would be sending her to the store to buy sugar to make apple butter, so the day before she hid her clothes under a rock.  Laura bought the sugar, hung it on the horse she had taken to the store, and ask the store owner, Bill Styder, to tell her brothers to take the sugar and horse home and tell her Mother that she was leaving to marry Opie.  She retrieved her clothes from under the rock and married Opie and the two of them lived very happy for the rest of their lives.    It was five years before Laura went back home to see her parents.

   Laura and Opie never had any children but did raise a young male child, but no one can remember his name, or where they got him from.

  This story was given to us by Betty Sue Croy.  Thanks to Betty for all her help and the very delightful stories she has shared with all of us.


66.  Laura Jane Shrewsbury was born Aug. 5, 1882 on Thursday in Mercer Co, WVa..  She died Nov. 5, 1977 on Saturday in Mercer Co, WVa..


She was married to Wiley Lusk Nov. 16, 1899 on Thursday in Mercer Co, WVa..  Laura Jane Shrewsbury and Wiley Lusk had the following children:


        +232                      i.    Okley Lusk.

          233                     ii.    Aldie Lusk was born in Herndon, WV..


67.  Malinda J. Shrewsbury died Aug. 2, 1965 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  She was born Dec. 25, 1884 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..




68.  Martin Van Buren Shrewsbury was born in Aug 1886 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He died July 20, 1940 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..



69.  Media F. Shrewsbury died Dec. 29, 1969 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  She was born Jan. 17, 1888 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..



70.  George Washington Shrewsbury died Dec. 23, 1977 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He was born Nov. 24, 1889 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  George Washington Shrewsbury is buried in the Mt. Pisgah Church Cemetery at the head of Barkers Creek in Wyoming Co. D.A.


  George Washington Shrewsbury and Laura Alice Akers had the following children:


        +234                      i.    Esther P. Shrewsbury.

          235                     ii.    Covie Dale Shrewsbury died on 29 May 1994 in Wyoming Co W.Va..  He was born in Wyoming Co W.Va..


72.  Leonard Cleo Shrewsbury was born Oct. 9, 1893 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..




73.  Paris Calloway Shrewsbury died in 1974 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He was born Aug. 25, 1895 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


  Paris Calloway Shrewsbury and Louise Farley had the following children:


        +236                      i.    Jasper Paul Shrewsbury.

          237                     ii.    Winford Shrewsbury was born in Basin, Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          238                    iii.    Thomas Shrewsbury was born in Basin, Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          239                    iv.    Garland Shrewsbury was born in Basin, Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          240                     v.    Harry Shrewsbury was born in Basin, Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          241                    vi.    Basil Shrewsbury was born in Basin, Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          242                   vii.    Helen Shrewsbury was born in Basin, Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          243                  viii.    Gay Shrewsbury was born in Basin, Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          244                    ix.    Icie May Shrewsbury was born in Basin, Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          245                     x.    Olay Cole Shrewsbury was born in Basin, Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          246                    xi.    Aretta Shrewsbury was born in Basin, Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          247                   xii.    Bennett Shrewsbury was born in Basin, Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          248                  xiii.    Gilmer Shrewsbury was born in Basin, Wyoming, Co. WVa..


74.  Louvettic Shrewsbury was born in Jan 1897 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..



75.  Ruthie A. Shrewsbury died in 1915 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  She was born Nov. 20, 1898 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..



76.  Lee Andrew Shrewsbury died in 1990 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He was born Feb. 4, 1907 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..    I would like to thank Dianne Basham and Calvin Shrewsbury for information on Lee Andrew Shrewsbury and family.  They were very helpful.


  Lee Andrew Shrewsbury and Lovdie O'Dell Graham had the following children:


        +249                      i.    Hazel Maxine Shrewsbury.

        +250                     ii.    Shirley Lee Shrewsbury.

        +251                    iii.    Claude Olie Shrewsbury.

        +252                    iv.    Dora Ellen Shrewsbury.

          253                     v.    Calvin Clay Shrewsbury was born 20 May 1938 on Tuesday in Wyoming Co, WV..

        +254                    vi.    Denns Cleo Shrewsbury.

        +255                   vii.    D Amon Shrewsbury.

        +256                  viii.    Martin Shrewsbury.

        +257                    ix.    Peggy Ann Shrewsbury.


77.  James Edward Shrewsbury died in 1986 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He was born 4 Oct 1900 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..



78.  Ethel Torie Shrewsbury was born in 1910 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  She died Nov. 17, 1992 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..



79.  Hulda Shrewsbury was born in 1911 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..



80.  Lethie Shrewsbury was born in 1913 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  She was cremated in 1972 in Roanoke, Co.Va..



82.  Evelyn Shrewsbury


Allen Meadows (son of Nelson Meadows  and Charlotte Bailey ) was born in 1892 in Dott, WV..  He was born in 1892 in Mercer Co. WVa..  He died Jan. 18, 1968 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WVa..  He died Jan. 18, 1968 on Wednesday in Bluefield, WVa..  Evelyn Shrewsbury and Allen Meadows had the following children:


        +258                      i.    Bertica F. Meadows.

          259                     ii.    Avery Meadows

        +260                    iii.    Talma Fay Meadows.

          261                    iv.    Ruby Meadows


83.  William Riley Shrewsbury was born April 27, 1888 on Monday in Dott, WV..  He was buried George Washington Cemetery in Top of Springtom Mountain, Springton, West Virginia.  He died March 1, 1961 on Wednesday in WV..


Cozeta Ann Akers (daughter of Lewis J. Akers and Manervia C. Fletcher ) was born in 1896 in Mercer Co. WVa..  She died on 31 Jan 1982 in Scottsdale, Ariz..  William Riley Shrewsbury and Cozeta Ann Akers had the following children:


        +262                      i.    Eldrige Shrewsbury.

        +263                     ii.    Gracie Shrewsbury.

        +264                    iii.    Evelyn Shrewsbury.

          265                    iv.    Russell Shrewsbury

          266                     v.    Arline Shrewsbury

        +267                    vi.    Lillian Shrewsbury.

        +268                   vii.    Homer Shrewsbury.

        +269                  viii.    Ralph Shrewsbury.

        +270                    ix.    Rema Shrewsbury.

        +271                     x.    Lynniel Shrewsbury.


84.  Theodor Thurman Shrewsbury was born in 1901 in Dott, WV..  He died in 1964 in Dott, WV..


He was married to Nancy Huffman (daughter of William B. (Will) Huffman  and Nancy Farmer ) 26 Jan 1925 on Monday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Nancy Huffman was born 24 Nov 1906 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WVa..  She died 26 Dec 1965 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Theodor Thurman Shrewsbury and Nancy Huffman had the following children:


          272                      i.    William Dale Shrewsbury died Jan. 22, 1997 on Wednesday in Dott, WV..  He was born Nov. 27, 1925 on Friday in Dott, WV..

        +273                     ii.    Curtis Mayford Shrewsbury.

          274                    iii.    Phillip Washington Shrewsbury died 14 Feb 1979 on Wednesday in Dott, WV..  He was born 17 Dec 1929 on Tuesday in Dott, WV..

          275                    iv.    Frank Shrewsbury was born April 14, 1932 on Thursday in Dott, WV..

        +276                     v.    Helen Shrewsbury.

        +277                    vi.    Larry Wayne Shrewsbury.


85.  John Hughes Shrewsbury was born in 1906 in Dott, WV..  He died in 1992 in WVa..


  John Hughes Shrewsbury and Ina Bennet had the following children:


          278                      i.    Hugh Ofenll Shrewsbury

          279                     ii.    Dorthy Shrewsbury

          280                    iii.    Barbara Shrewsbury

          281                    iv.    Joyce Shrewsbury


  John Hughes Shrewsbury and Lucille Profitt had the following children:


          282                      i.    Johnny Shrewsbury

          283                     ii.    Moris Shrewsbury

          284                    iii.    Betty Shrewsbury

          285                    iv.    Linda Shrewsbury

          286                     v.    Clyde Shrewsbury

          287                    vi.    Kenneth Shrewsbury

          288                   vii.    David Shrewsbury was born in Feb 1943 in Dott, Mercer Co, WVa..  He died on 1 May 1943 in Dott, Mercer Co, WVa..  David is buried in the George Washington Shrewsbury cemetery on Springton Mountain, Mercer, Co. W.Va. along with his parents.


86.  Malinda Ellen Shrewsbury was born in 1893 in Dott, WV..


Bea Copen (son of Marion Copen ) was born March 19, 1889 on Wednesday in Matoaka, WV..  He died November 15, 1961 on Wednesday in Bluefield, W.Va..  Malinda Ellen Shrewsbury and Bea Copen had the following children:


        +289                      i.    Cornedith Copen.

          290                     ii.    Maurice ( Morris ) Copen

        +291                    iii.    Romaine Copen.

        +292                    iv.    Marissa Copen.

        +293                     v.    Dixie Lee Copen.


87.  Leola Maude Shrewsbury died 19 Dec 1995 on Wednesday in Va..  She was born Nov. 1, 1900 on Thursday in Dott, WV..


She was married to Arley Lewis Basham (son of Anderson Basham  and Naomi Frances Crews) 23 Jul 1918 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Arley Lewis Basham died 10 Nov 1984 on Saturday in Salem, Va.  He was born 22 Oct 1898 on Saturday in Camp Creek, Mercer Co. WV..  Leola Maude Shrewsbury and Arley Lewis Basham had the following children:


        +294                      i.    Thelma Irene Basham.

        +295                     ii.    Naomi Pauline Basham.

        +296                    iii.    Calvin Basham.

        +297                    iv.    Iris Elaine Basham.

        +298                     v.    Betty Jean Basham.


88.  George Ballard Shrewsbury was buried George Washington Cemetery in Top of Springtom Mountain, Springton, West Virginia.  He died Oct. 23, 1933 on Monday in Dott, WV..


  George Ballard Shrewsbury and Connie (Cleo) Huffman had the following children:


          299                      i.    Ezra Basel Shrewsbury died Feb. 7, 1961 on Tuesday in Dott, WV..  He was born Nov. 17, 1910 on Thursday in Dott, WV..

          300                     ii.    Louis Amos Shrewsbury

          301                    iii.    Juanita Shrewsbury

          302                    iv.    Ivan Shrewsbury

          303                     v.    Theodore Shrewsbury

          304                    vi.    Mary Louise Shrewsbury

        +305                   vii.    Cephus Calvin Shrewsbury.

          306                  viii.    Ranille Shrewsbury

          307                    ix.    Bufford Shrewsbury.  Bufford was an adopted son of George and Carrie Huffman Shrewsbury.

          308                     x.    Linwood L. Shrewsbury

          309                    xi.    Robert Elmore Shrewsbury


91.  William Hylton Shrewsbury was born in Jul 1890 in Raleigh Co. WVa..


He was married to Bell Reed Unknoown.


92.  Eva M. Hylton Shrewsbury was born in Aug 1893 in Raleigh Co. WVa..


She was married to Lonnie McKinney (son of Samuel Paris McKinney  and Mary "Polly" Elizabeth Graham ) on 6 Nov 1913 in Wyoming Co, WVa..  Lonnie McKinney was born in 1895 in Wyoming Co, WVa..  He died in Princeton Mercer Co. WVa..  Lonnie has three other daughters, Mrs. Carl Shrewsbury of Beeson, D.A., Mrs. Howard Cooms of Coval, D.A.  Lonnie was buried in the Roselawn Cemetery on the Bluefield/Princeton road.  Eva M. Hylton Shrewsbury and Lonnie McKinney had the following children:


          310                      i.    Ina McKinney was born in Beeson, WV..

          311                     ii.    Hazel McKinney was born in Beeson, WV..

          312                    iii.    Hessie McKinney was born in Beeson, WV..

        +313                    iv.    Larlyn McKinney.

          314                     v.    Brian McKinney was born in Beeson, WV..

        +315                    vi.    Lena McKinney.

        +316                   vii.    Basil McKinney.

        +317                  viii.    Nina McKinney.

        +318                    ix.    Jeweldine McKinney.


93.  Lue Annie Shrewsbury was born 1 Dec 1896 on Tuesday in Raleigh Co. WVa..  She died 27 Sep 1956 on Thursday in West Virginia.  Lue Annie and Jessie were married in the home of Jessie's father.


She was married to Jessie Paris McKinney (son of Samuel Paris McKinney and Mary "Polly" Elizabeth Graham ) 19 Dec 1913 on Friday in Wyoming Co, WVa..  Jessie Paris McKinney died 15 Mar 1971 on Wednesday in West Virginia.  He was born 8 Mar 1896 on Sunday in Wyoming Co. WVa..  Lue Annie Shrewsbury and Jessie Paris McKinney had the following children:


        +319                      i.    Bradie McKinney.

        +320                     ii.    Lucy McKinney.

        +321                    iii.    Fred McKinney.

        +322                    iv.    Gladie McKinney.

        +323                     v.    Jessie P. Jr. McKinney.

        +324                    vi.    Hobart Rosevelt McKinney.


94.  Ida Alice Shrewsbury died 1 Oct 1990 on Monday in Herndon, WV..  She was born 24 May 1899 on Tuesday in Wyoming Co. WVa..  She died Oct. 1, 1990 on Monday in Sophia, WV..


She was married to Reed Issac ( Ike ) 3 Oct 1915 on Sunday in Wyoming co. Va..  Reed Issac ( Ike ) was born on 18 May 1896 in West Virginia.  He died in 1967 in Mullins, WV..


98.  Emmet Shrewsbury died 15 May 1967 on Monday in Wyoming Co, WVa..  He was born 22 Feb 1905 on Wednesday in Wyoming Co. WVa..  Emmet is buried in the Shrewsbury cemetery at Mt. Pisgah, VA.


He was married to Brady Basham (daughter of Henry Joseph Basham  and Lue Ann McKinney ) in Wyoming Co, WVa..  Brady Basham was born on 9 Nov 1903 in Herndon, WV..  She died Feb. 6, 1999 on Saturday in Daniels, WV..  Emmet Shrewsbury and Brady Basham had the following children:


          325                      i.    Merril Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, WV..

          326                     ii.    Ethan Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, WV..

          327                    iii.    Wilford Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, WV..

          328                    iv.    Jarrett Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, WV..

        +329                     v.    Zachie Shrewsbury.

          330                    vi.    Joyce Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, WV..

          331                   vii.    Yevonne Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, WV..


101.  Acie Carl Shrewsbury died 17 Mar 1991 on Sunday in West Virginia.  He was born 29 Apr 1913 on Tuesday in Raleigh Co. WVa..


He was married to Dell Vinnie Reed Oct. 16, 1938 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Acie Carl Shrewsbury and Dell Vinnie Reed had the following children:


          332                      i.    Acie Carl Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          333                     ii.    David Harold Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          334                    iii.    Norma Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          335                    iv.    Pam Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          336                     v.    Penny Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


102.  Florence Shrewsbury was born in 1892 in Dott, Mercer Co, WVa..  She died in 1938 in Mercer Co  .W.Va..


She was married to Lawrence Jennings in West Virginia.  Lawrence Jennings was born in 1890 in Mercer Co  .W.Va..  He died in 1966 in Mercer Co  .W.Va..  Florence Shrewsbury and Lawrence Jennings had the following children:


          337                      i.    Beaulah Jennings

          338                     ii.    Nathan Jennings

          339                    iii.    Trena Jennings

          340                    iv.    Grace Jennings

          341                     v.    Harold Jennings

          342                    vi.    Ethalene Jennings


106.  Nora Beedy Shrewsbury was born in Jun 1897 in Mercer Co.WV.  She died on 1 Jun 1984 in Tazewell  Co. Hospital Tazewell Virginia.


She was married to Charley Thomas Sisk (son of Gideon Sisk and Julia A. McCann ) in Mercer Co, WVa..  Charley Thomas Sisk died in 1960 in Mercer Co  .W.Va..  He was born Nay 12, 1896 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Nora Beedy Shrewsbury and Charley Thomas Sisk had the following children:


        +343                      i.    Velda Sisk.

        +344                     ii.    Cebert Sisk.

          345                    iii.    Elmer Jerry Sisk was born 25 Oct 1931 on Sunday in Mercer Co, WVa..

        +346                    iv.    Gathen Sisk.

        +347                     v.    Everett Sisk.

        +348                    vi.    Etta May Sisk.

          349                   vii.    Jimmy Sisk was born in 1928 in Mercer Co, WVa..

        +350                  viii.    Kathalene Sisk.

        +351                    ix.    Mayephus Sisk.

        +352                     x.    Maynard Sisk.


108.  William McKinley Shrewsbury was born in 1900 in Mercer Co.WV.  He died in 1940 in Arista, WVA..


  William McKinley Shrewsbury and Leota Flosey Casey had the following children:


          353                      i.    William McKinley, Jr. Shrewsbury was born in Mercer Co. WV.

          354                     ii.    Archie Doyle Shrewsbury was born in Mercer Co. WV.

          355                    iii.    Berkley Shrewsbury was born in Mercer Co. WV.

          356                    iv.    Donald R. Shrewsbury was born on 20 Aug 1931 in Dott, WV..  He died on 22 Jan 1999 in Princeton Mercer Co. WVa..

          357                     v.    James Shrewsbury was born in Mercer Co. WV.

          358                    vi.    Ruby Shrewsbury was born in Mercer Co. WV.

        +359                   vii.    Jewel Shrewsbury.


110.  Laura Dae Shrewsbury was born 12 Dec 1904 on Monday in Mercer Co.WV.  She died 6 May 1996 on Monday in Mercer Co. WVa..


She was married to Edward Earnest Basham (son of William T. Basham  and Virginia Ella Farmer ) 24 Sep 1921 on Saturday in Matoaka, WV..  Edward Earnest Basham died 4 Dec 1980 on Thursday in Princeton Mercer Co. WVa..  He was born 9 May 1896 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Laura Dae Shrewsbury and Edward Earnest Basham had the following children:


        +360                      i.    Wilburn Basham.

        +361                     ii.    Amous Harold Basham.


112.  Nancy Wood was born in 1881 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  She died in 1901 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


She was married to Unknown Anderson Unknoown.  Nancy Wood and Unknown Anderson had the following children:


          362                      i.    Carry E. Anderson was born in 1898 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


114.  Martha J. Wood died 25 Aug 1965 On Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  She was born 25 Jan 1883 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. Va..    Martha and John are buried in the John Riley Shrewsbury Cemetery in Wyoming Co. WV.


She was married to John Riley Shrewsbury (son of William Riley Shrewsbury  and Cynthia Olive Wimmer) in Dec 1899 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  John Riley Shrewsbury was born 1 Aug 1879 on Friday in Mercer Co. WVa..  He died Oct. 23, 1951 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Martha J. Wood and John Riley Shrewsbury had the following children:


        +204                      i.    Bertha Angeline Shrewsbury.

        +205                     ii.    Latha Shrewsbury.

        +206                    iii.    Ina Shrewsbury.

        +207                    iv.    Nathan Elmet Shrewsbury.

        +208                     v.    Theodore Shrewsbury.

        +209                    vi.    Ivory Shrewsbury.

        +210                   vii.    Corbet Marvin Shrewsbury.

          211                  viii.    Estil Shrewsbury.

        +212                    ix.    Lora Elsie Shrewsbury.


129.  Thomas S. Shrewsbury was born in 1890 in WVa..  He died in 1944 in WVa..



130.  Watson C. Shrewsbury was born in 1893 in WV..  He died in 1978 in WVa..


Mary M. Warner was born in 1897.


132.  William Martin Shrewsbury was born in 1898 in WV..



137.  William McKinley Shrewsbury was born in Dec 1899 in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He died Feb. 17, 1974 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. Va..


He was married to Lucy Mae McKinney (daughter of John Wesley McKinney  and Lou Anna Graham ) Feb 4, 1934 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Lucy Mae McKinney died Jan. 15, 1975 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  She was born Jan. 21, 1914 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  William McKinley Shrewsbury and Lucy Mae McKinney had the following children:


        +363                      i.    Willie Van Buren Shrewsbury.

        +364                     ii.    Isiah Wesley Shrewsbury.

        +365                    iii.    Betty Lou Shrewsbury.

        +366                    iv.    McKinley,Jr. Shrewsbury.

        +367                     v.    Thomas Shrewsbury.

        +368                    vi.    Tracy Lee Shrewsbury.


143.  Levi Harmon Shrewsbury died in 1970 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He was born May 2, 1881 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Bessie Pearl Sneed (daughter of Barnet Jefferson Sneed  and Rhoda Elizabeth Gadd ) in 1908 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Bessie Pearl Sneed was born April 14, 1892 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  She died Jan. 7, 1931 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Levi Harmon Shrewsbury and Bessie Pearl Sneed had the following children:


          369                      i.    Vernoy Carris Shrewsbury was born Dec. 28, 1910 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          370                     ii.    Glenna V. Shrewsbury was born May 21, 1913 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          371                    iii.    Ozena exit Shrewsbury was born March 7, 1915 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

        +372                    iv.    Rivanna Vallie Shrewsbury.

          373                     v.    Glenver C. Shrewsbury was born Nov. 11, 1918 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          374                    vi.    Berkly J. Shrewsbury was born July 13, 1921 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          375                   vii.    Gazona V. Shrewsbury was born June 3, 1924 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          376                  viii.    Levi Harmon, Jr. Shrewsbury was born March 14, 1927 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          377                    ix.    Cleora V. Shrewsbury was born May 20, 1929 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          378                     x.    Rachel V. Shrewsbury was born May 20, 1931 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          379                    xi.    Moses E. Shrewsbury was born Sept. 15, 1933 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


146.  Bessie Pearl Shrewsbury was born Jan. 18, 1890 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  She died Oct. 5, 1944 on Thursday in Speedway, WV..


She was married to Lonza Waymon Cunningham (son of James Henry Cunningham  and Sarah Jane Wimmer ) July 16, 1907 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WVa.  Lonza Waymon Cunningham died 19 Oct 1955 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.  He was born March 10, 1878 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co.WV.  Bessie Pearl Shrewsbury and Lonza Waymon Cunningham had the following children:


          380                      i.    Gilmer Dasil Cunningham died in Jul 1927 in Mercer Co. WVa.  He was born July 16, 1908 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WVa.

        +381                     ii.    Delmer Grayson Cunningham.

        +382                    iii.    Deluth Gressie Cunningham.

        +383                    iv.    Glenna Arleigh Cunningham.

        +384                     v.    Orcal Avenah Cunningham.

        +385                    vi.    Arnette Arthel Cunningham.

        +386                   vii.    Lanore Ferrell Cunningham.

        +387                  viii.    Oran Burlis Cunningham.

          388                    ix.    Sarah Caroline Cunningham was born June 11, 1928 on Monday in Mercer Co.WVa.  She died Oct. 14, 1994 on Friday in WVa..  Sarah is buried in the Athens Cemetery in Athens, WV.

          389                     x.    James William Cunningham was born Aug. 25, 1930 on Monday in Mercer Co. WVa.  He died Sept. 30, 1930 on Tuesdaay in Mercer Co. WVa.


147.  Richard M. Shrewsbury was born in Jul 1892 in Raleigh Co. WV..



155.  Grover Grant Shrewsbury died 19 Feb 1983 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He was born 29 Mar 1910 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Lois McKinney (daughter of Leonard McKinney  and Rebecca Elizabeth Church ) on 26 Jul 1930 in Sand Gap Schol House, Sand Gap, WVa.  Lois McKinney was born on 9 Jan 1913 in Wyoming Co W.Va..  Grover Grant Shrewsbury and Lois McKinney had the following children:


          390                      i.    Sadah Rothman Shrewsbury was born in 1934 in WVa.

          391                     ii.    Lena Corinna Shrewsbury was born in 1937.


156.  Oscar Nathaniel Shrewsbury was born 22 Jan 1913 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He died 8 Jan 1988 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Rivanna Vallie Shrewsbury (daughter of Levi Harmon Shrewsbury  and Bessie Pearl Sneed ) 4 Mar 1933 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Rivanna Vallie Shrewsbury was born 21 Oct. 1916 n Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  We visited Rivanna in 1997, and a more pleasant lady I have never met.  She opened her home up to us, and brought out her Bible's, which were loaded with information.  We should all keep records like Rivanna.  We fell in love with this wonderful lady.  Oscar Nathaniel Shrewsbury and Rivanna Vallie Shrewsbury had the following children:


          392                      i.    Bradly Kincaid Shrewsbury was born April 24, 1934 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. Wa..  He died Feb. 14, 1935 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

        +393                     ii.    Tessie Luversie Shrewsbury.

        +394                    iii.    Janet Lee Shrewsbury.

        +395                    iv.    Deury Colon Shrewsbury.

        +396                     v.    Sidney Carlos Shrewsbury.

        +397                    vi.    Roger Carson Shrewsbury.

        +398                   vii.    Delano Truman Shrewsbury.

        +399                  viii.    Larry Waddle Shrewsbury.

        +400                    ix.    Judith Aura Shrewsbury.

        +401                     x.    Delmer Mason Shrewsbury.

        +402                    xi.    Stephen Joel Shrewsbury.

          403                   xii.    Oscar Nathaniel Shrewsbury died Jan. 5, 1988 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He was born Oct. 14, 1954 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

        +404                  xiii.    Rita Lynn Shrewsbury.

          405                  xiv.    Bradford O. Shrewsbury died Dec. 22, 1938 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He was born Oct. 13, 1938 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


157.  Leaton Lawerence Shrewsbury was born in 1900 in Mercer Co. WVa..


He was married to Mary Jewel Addison April 20, 1921 on Wednesday in Mercer Co, WVa..


He was married to Stella Louise Burton Unknown.  Stella Louise Burton died 12 Feb 1958 on Wednesday in Beeson, WV..  She was born in Narrows, Va..  Leaton Lawerence Shrewsbury and Stella Louise Burton had the following children:


          406                      i.    Josephine Shrewsbury was born in Mercer Co, WVa..

          407                     ii.    Opal Shrewsbury was born in Mercer Co, WVa..

          408                    iii.    Delma Shrewsbury was born in Mercer Co, WVa..

          409                    iv.    Howard Shrewsbury was born in Mercer Co, WVa..

          410                     v.    Virgil Shrewsbury was born in Mercer Co, WVa..


158.  Edith Shrewsbury was born in 1902 in Mercer Co. WVa..



159.  Lessie Shrewsbury was born in 1903 in Mercer Co. WVa..  She died Dec. 25, 1984 on Friday in Mercer Co, WVa..


She was married to George Waddle Nov. 6, 1914 on Friday in Mercer Co, WVa..


She was married to Harrison Kinser in West Virginia.  Harrison Kinser was born in Wyoming WVa..  Lessie Shrewsbury and Harrison Kinser had the following children:


          411                      i.    Hester Kinser was born in Va..

          412                     ii.    Irene Kinser was born in Va..

          413                    iii.    Carless Kinser was born in Va..

          414                    iv.    Eulass Kinser was born in Va..

        +415                     v.    Cecil W. Kinser.


160.  Clarence Clifford Shrewsbury was born in 1904 in Mercer Co. WVa..  He died Feb. 7, 1968 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WVa..


  Clarence Clifford Shrewsbury and Estel Gunter had the following children:


          416                      i.    Glen Roger Shrewsbury

          417                     ii.    William Robert Shrewsbury

          418                    iii.    Ernest Warren Shrewsbury


161.  Nora Shrewsbury was born in 1905 in Mercer Co. WVa..


Lawrence McKinney (son of Robert Witten McKinney and Mary M. Graham ) was born July 3, 1906 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


165.  Nellie Shrewsbury was born in 1915 in Mercer Co. WVa..



174.  Gladys Shrewsbury was born Feb. 19, 1904 on Friday in Mercer Co. WVa..  She died Jan. 4, 1942 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WVa..


Kyle Lee Qusenberry (son of William Henderson Qusenberry  and Arminta Elizabeth ) died Jan. 10, 1944 on Monday in Mercer Co. WVa..  He was born March 11, 1902 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Gladys Shrewsbury and Kyle Lee Qusenberry had the following children:


          419                      i.    Ralph Qusenberry

          420                     ii.    Juanita Qusenberry

          421                    iii.    Everett Qusenberry

          422                    iv.    Leona Qusenberry

          423                     v.    Shirley Qusenberry

          424                    vi.    Avaline Qusenberry

          425                   vii.    Alice Qusenberry was born in 1926 in Dott, WV..  She died in Jul 1941 in Dott, WV..  Alice shot herself, supposedly over a boy who broke up with her.


177.  Audley Shrewsbury was born in 1909 in Mercer Co. WVa..


  Audley Shrewsbury and Ardella Cooper had the following children:


          426                      i.    Denner Shrewsbury

        +427                     ii.    Marie Shrewsbury.

        +428                    iii.    Lillian Shrewsbury.


178.  Macie L. Shrewsbury was born in 1910 in Mercer Co. WVa..  Without the knowledge Macie had of who was buried in the Wimmer Cemetery we restored in 1997, we would not have known where so many people were buried there.  We certainly do thank her for having such a good memory and sharing it with us to help make the Cemetery as complete as possible.

  Macie also shared several stories with me about my Dad ( Andy Nelson Sigmon ), which are in short supply for me.  She attended a Party on the mountain as a young girl and my father was also at the Party.  I am going to guess it was around the year of 1924/25.  Someone blew out the lights ( the only lights at that time were oil lamps) and one of the girls ask. " What was Moses doing when the lights went out" ?  My Dad replied, " Standing in the corner with his shirt tail out".  The girls got together and told Maudie Shrewsbury to go over and ask my Dad what Moses said when the lights went out, she did, and he gave her the same answer.  Maudie came back very upset that they had set her up for this insult.  The girls were shocked that my father would say something so shocking to and in front of a bunch of girls.  One will find it hard to believe that something so naive could be insulting to girls considering that today, nothing seems to be insulting.

  Another cute story from Macie:  She went to a Party, again on the mountain, and a Mrs. Shrewsbury had baked a "Guess Cake".  A Guess Cake was one baked with a secret something inside and the young people would pay a dime and get to guess what was baked inside the cake.  The one to guess right, won the cake.  Everyone had spent all their dimes, so the lady told them to just guess.  Basel Shrewsbury knew what his mother had baked the cake and as he was "Sweet" on Macie, he slipped up to her and said,     " Guess Allum".  She did, and won the cake. "Big Fred' Shrewsbury was at the party and said," Someone told her". I can still hear Macie laughing when she tells me this story.  We really thank her for sharing her memories with us, and making them partly ours.


  Macie L. Shrewsbury and L.W. McKinney had the following children:


          429                      i.    James W. McKinney was born Dec.25,1944 on Monday in Dott, WV..


Lowel V. Meadows (son of George W. Meadows  and Virgie Lee Cunningham ) was born Aug. 26, 1902 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. W.Va..  He died July 22, 1938 on Friday in Springton, WV..  Macie L. Shrewsbury and Lowel V. Meadows had the following children:


          430                      i.    Keneth V. Meadows was born May10,1927 on Tuesday in Dott, WV..

          431                     ii.    Beulah May Meadows was born Dec.10,1929 on Tuesday in Dott, WV..

          432                    iii.    Willie Virgil Meadows was born April 30,1931 on Thursday in Dott, WV..

          433                    iv.    Raymond Burless Meadows was born Jan. 22,1933 on Monday in Dott, WV..

        +434                     v.    Curmit Lee Meadows.

          435                    vi.    Imogene Meadows was born July 11, 1938 on Monday in Dott, WV..


She was married to L.W. McKinney in Mercer Co. WVa..  Macie L. Shrewsbury and L.W. McKinney had the following children:


          429                      i.    James W. McKinney.


She was married to Garland Cundiff in Mar 1951 in Matoaka, WV..


179.  Ella A. Shrewsbury was born in 1913 in Mercer Co. WVa..



180.  Clayton Shrewsbury was born in 1913 in Mercer Co. WVa..



182.  Garland Shrewsbury was born 19 Nov 1920 on Monday in Dott, WV..  Garland helped us one day to restore the Wimmer Cemetery.  He loves to play joke's, and I must admit that no one has ever gotten one over on me as well as Garland did that day.  I Still remember you Garland.


He was married to Bonnie Billings in 1942 in Mercer Co, WVa..  Garland Shrewsbury and Bonnie Billings had the following children:


          436                      i.    Marsha Ann Shrewsbury

          437                     ii.    James Lee Shrewsbury

          438                    iii.    Bobbie Jean Shrewsbury

          439                    iv.    Margie Lucille Shrewsbury

          440                     v.    Sandra Elizabeth Shrewsbury


183.  Esther Shrewsbury was born Nov. 21, 1914 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WVa..



184.  China Shrewsbury was born April 2, 1916 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WVa..  She died Feb. 17, 1991 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WVa..


  China Shrewsbury and Freeman Clark had the following children:


        +441                      i.    Karen Clark.

          442                     ii.    Connie Clark

        +443                    iii.    Ila Clark.

        +444                    iv.    Donna Clark.

        +445                     v.    Rhonda Clark.


185.  Jesse Shrewsbury was born Feb. 20, 1918 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WVa..  He died July 6, 1985 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WVa..



186.  Rachel Shrewsbury was born Dec. 18, 1919 on Thursday in Dott, WV..



187.  Vessie Shrewsbury was born Sept. 18, 1921 on Sunday in Dott, WV..



188.  Melvin Shrewsbury was born June 30, 1923 on Saturday in Dott, WV..



189.  Lillie Shrewsbury was born Aug. 15, 1925 on Saturday in Dott, WV..



190.  Bernice Mae Shrewsbury was born Sept. 25, 1927 on Tuesday in Dott, WV..


She was married to Curtis Mayford Shrewsbury (son of Theodor Thurman Shrewsbury  and Nancy Huffman ) Dec. 12, 1949 on Monday in Dott, WV..  Curtis Mayford Shrewsbury was born Nov. 3, 1927 on Thursday in Dott, WV..  Bernice Mae Shrewsbury and Curtis Mayford Shrewsbury had the following children:


        +446                      i.    Bernice Eilean Shrewsbury.

        +447                     ii.    Rigina L. Shrewsbury.

        +448                    iii.    Sharon L. Shrewsbury.


191.  Roby Shrewsbury was born Aug. 16, 1940 on Friday in Dott, WV..


He was married to Helen Shrewsbury (daughter of Theodor Thurman Shrewsbury  and Nancy Huffman ) Nov. 17, 1960 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Helen Shrewsbury was born Oct. 9, 1943 on Saturday in Dott, WV..  Roby Shrewsbury and Helen Shrewsbury had the following children:


        +449                      i.    Tina Marie Shrewsbury.

        +450                     ii.    Randall Roby Shrewsbury.

        +451                    iii.    Judy Allen Shrewsbury.






192.  Hassell Shrewsbury was born Nov. 11, 1907 on Monday in WVa..



193.  Goldie Shrewsbury was born Feb. 20,  1904 on Friday in Dott, WV..  She died May 25, 1970 on Mondaay in Beckley WVA..


She was married to Henry A. Sr. Sonak in Mercer Co WVa..  Goldie Shrewsbury and Henry A. Sr. Sonak had the following children:


          452                      i.    Henry A. Jr. Sonak

          453                     ii.    Arnold Sonak

          454                    iii.    Wilbert James Sonak


194.  Roy Shrewsbury died Feb. 15, 1972 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WVa..  He was born March 30,1906  on Friday in Dott, WV..


He was married to Eva Kester in Mercer Co WVa..  Roy Shrewsbury and Eva Kester had the following children:


        +455                      i.    Opie Shrewsbury.

        +456                     ii.    Florence Shrewsbury.


195.  Wardie Albert Shrewsbury was born June 15, 1915 on Monday in Dott, WV..


        +457                      i.    Mary Annette Shrewsbury.

        +458                     ii.    Carol Shrewsbury.

                                    iii.    xe "Thomas Engles


He was married to Shirley Rutherford June 28, 1915 on Monday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Wardie Shrewsbury and Shirley Rutherford had the following children:


                                    i.   Shrewsbury, Carlos E.

                                   ii.   Shrewsbury, Valerie

                                  iii.   Shrewsbury, Franklin

                                  iv.  Shrewsbury, Daniel

                                   v.  Shrewsbury, Beverly




196.  Cledith Arles Shrewsbury was born Sept. 12, 1912 on Thursday in Dott, WV..


Martha Jane Cecil (daughter of Alf Cecil  and Crozetta Unknown) was born in 1922 in Sophia, WV..  She died April 5, 1968 on Friday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Cledith Arles Shrewsbury and Martha Jane Cecil had the following children:


        +465                      i.    Blanch Shrewsbury.

          466                     ii.    Roby Shrewsbury

          467                    iii.    Steve Shrewsbury

          468                    iv.    Warren Shrewsbury


197.  Amanda Dell Shrewsbury died 30 May 1998 on Saturday in Mercer Co. W.Va...  She was born 5 Jun 1913 on Thursday in Dott, WV..


She was married to Dayton Akers in Mercer Co WVa..  Amanda Dell Shrewsbury and Dayton Akers had the following children:


        +469                      i.    Janice Akers.

        +470                     ii.    Vanice Akers.


199.  Maudie Shrewsbury was born Sept. 5, 1909 on Sunday in Dott, WV..


She was married to McKinney Virgle Sept. 5, 1929 on Thursday in unknown.  Maudie Shrewsbury and McKinney Virgle had the following children:


          471                      i.    Elwood McKinney

        +472                     ii.    Lora McKinney.

        +473                    iii.    Shirley McKinney.

        +474                    iv.    Mary McKinney.

        +475                     v.    Oreda McKinney.

        +476                    vi.    Arlene McKinney.

        +477                   vii.    Russel McKinney.

          478                  viii.    Lemuel McKinney

        +479                    ix.    Garnet McKinney.

        +480                     x.    Eunice McKinney.

          481                    xi.    James McKinney


200.  Elsie Myrtle Shrewsbury was born Nov. 12, 1917 on Monday in Dott, WV..


She was married to Lionel Cook in WVa..


She was married to Joseph Callis Unknown.


201.  Norma Shrewsbury



202.  Iris Shrewsbury


She was married to Dayton McGinnis Unknown.


204.  Bertha Angeline Shrewsbury died Oct. 8, 1926 on Friday in Mercer Co, WVa..  She was born Sept. 10, 1900 on Monday in WVa..


She was married to Andrew Jackson Sisk (son of William Sisk  and ?ervia Unknown ) July 28, 1920 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Bertha Angeline Shrewsbury and Andrew Jackson Sisk had the following children:


        +482                      i.    Hessie Sisk.


205.  Latha Shrewsbury was born in 1903 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  She died about 1980 in Wyoming, Co. Va..


She was married to Virgil A. Cook in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Virgil A. Cook died on 24 Jan 1935 in Pineville, W.Va. (Wyoming Co.).


She was married to Glen Johnson Unknown.


206.  Ina Shrewsbury died Aug. 30, 1970 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  She was born July 9, 1904 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


She was married to Aaron McKinney (son of Samuel Paris McKinney  and Mary "Polly" Elizabeth Graham) in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Aaron McKinney was born March 21, 1906  on Wednesday in Wyoming Co, WVa..  He died Oct. 2, 1984 on Tuesday in Wyoming Co. WVa..  Aaron and Opie were twins.  Ina Shrewsbury and Aaron McKinney had the following children:


        +483                      i.    Reba McKinney.

          484                     ii.    Orvill McKinney

          485                    iii.    Corbett McKinney

          486                    iv.    Darrell McKinney


207.  Nathan Elmet Shrewsbury was born July 17, 1907 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He died June 2, 1987 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Julia Sink (daughter of William Marion Sink  and Mary A. White) Aug. 2, 1931 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Nathan Elmet Shrewsbury and Julia Sink had the following children:


        +487                      i.    Helen Shrewsbury.


208.  Theodore Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Jennice Garretson in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


209.  Ivory Shrewsbury was born Aug. 21, 1910 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  She died Nov. 12, 1971 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


She was married to Raymond McKinney in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


210.  Corbet Marvin Shrewsbury died June 30, 1995 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He was born March 22, 1916 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Ollie McKinney (daughter of Joseph D. McKinney and Rebecca Ann Hunt ) in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


212.  Lora Elsie Shrewsbury died Nov. 5, 1986 on Wednesday in Mercer Co, WVa..  She was born Oct. 8, 1922 on sunday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


She was married to Glen McKinney (son of Samuel Mitchell McKinney and Allie Cornett ) Aug. 31, 1940 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Glen McKinney died Nov. 30, 1989 on Thursday in Mercer Co, WVa..  He was born Oct. 16, 1919 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Lora Elsie Shrewsbury and Glen McKinney had the following children:


        +488                      i.    Carol Gaye McKinney.

        +489                     ii.    Estil Martin McKinney.

        +490                    iii.    Samuel Riley McKinney.

        +491                    iv.    Kenneth Allen McKinney.


214.  Imogene Wimmer died on 18 Jan 2000 in Maples Nursing Home, Bluefield, West Virginia.  She was born Nov. 30, 1906 on Friday in Mercer Co. WV.    Imogene Wimmer Robinette...  To know her is to love her.  She has told me so much about the "old" times, and about our family that I would never known, if not for her.  She has a fantastic memory for things that happened years ago when she was a child.  I remember once when she told me of my grandfather George Meadows coming to their home when she was a child and sitting up at night talking to her father Kelly, and how the two of them would go fox hunting at night.  I thought, I have her now, for I knew that my grandfather George never went fox hunting.  If he had, my Mother would have told me about it, wouldn't she ?  Well, little did I know that Imogene knew what she was talking about, for while visiting a relative and friend, Arley Monk, he just happened to tell me about how my grandfather loved to fox hunt.  I have never had Imogene tell me a story that wasn't true.  I take everything she says as gospel now.  You see, Imogene has no short term memory, but if she does tell you something that happened years ago, you can take it and run to the bank.


She was married to Clarence Robinette (son of Andrew Jackson Robinette  and Lillian Linkous ) Sept. 27, 1928 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WV.  Clarence Robinette was born March 22, 1902 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WV.  He died Sept. 6, 1950 on Wednesday in Blueffield, WV..  Imogene Wimmer and Clarence Robinette had the following children:


        +492                      i.    Lucille Frances Robinette.

        +493                     ii.    Ruth Melvin Robinette.


215.  Verlie Clayton Wimmer was born April 10, 1910 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WV.  He died Nov. 12, 1981 on Thursday in Mercer Co WVa..


He was married to Mary Ellen Carter (daughter of Henry  and Mary Mack Belcher ) Aug. 29, 1929 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WV.  Mary Ellen Carter died on 20 May 2002 in Princeton Mercer Co. WVa..  She was born May 19, 1912 on Tuesday.  Verlie Clayton Wimmer and Mary Ellen Carter had the following children:


        +494                      i.    Faye Marie Wimmer.

        +495                     ii.    Myrtle A. Wimmer.

        +496                    iii.    Margaret Edith Wimmer.

        +497                    iv.    James Marvin Wimmer.

          498                     v.    Mason William Wimmer died Aug. 20, 1937 on Friday in Mercer Co. WV.  He was born Feb. 20, 1937 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WV.

        +499                    vi.    Robert Clayton Wimmer.

        +500                   vii.    Charles Richard Wimmer.

        +501                  viii.    Marion Frances Wimmer.

        +502                    ix.    Ronald David Wimmer.

        +503                     x.    Roger Lee Wimmer.


216.  Marion Frances ( Fannie ) Wimmer died April 18, 1988 on Monday in Mercer Co. WV.  She was born Oct. 1, 1911 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WV.  Again...  we must thank Fanny for all the help she was to us.  I know she was dead when we started on the book, yet if she had been alive, she would have been with us every step of the way, and in many ways she was.  She saved every obituary, picture, document, and write up she came across.  We would have had so little if it had not been for fanny's foresight.  It is as if she knew that some day, if not Bob and I, then some one would come along and finish her work.  She gave her information to the one person she could trust to save it for us, Lucille Wimmer, her nice.  Yes ! I like to think that Fanny knew it would be us that would put everything together and finish it.


She was married to Charles Wells (son of Daniel Wells  and Dorcas Winfrey ) June 10, 1950 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WV.  Charles Wells died Nov. 30, 1074 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WV.  He was born sApril 18, 1889 On Thursday in Ingleside, WV..


217.  Orpha Bailey was born in 1906 in Mercer Co. WVa..



221.  Carney Shrewsbury was born in 1914 in Mercer Co, WVa..


He was married to Aileen Gladwell in WVa..


222.  Wilfred Shrewsbury was born in 1915 in Mercer Co, WVa..


He was married to Elva Mae McKinney in WVa..


223.  Fay Shrewsbury was born in 1916 in Mercer Co, WVa..


She was married to Dewey Wood in WVa..


224.  Mamie Dandelion Huffman was born in 1917 in Dott, WV..  She died 11 Apr 1974 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WV.


She was married to Thomas David Carden in Mercer Co. WV.  Thomas David Carden died Jan. 7, 1983 on a Friday in Mercer Co. WV.  He was born in Mercer Co. WV.  Mamie Dandelion Huffman and Thomas David Carden had the following children:


        +504                      i.    Barbara Carden.

        +505                     ii.    Marvin David Carden.

        +506                    iii.    Edward Carden.

          507                    iv.    Johnny Carden was born in Mercer Co. WV.

        +508                     v.    Lula Carden.


226.  Dana Mae Huffman died Oct. 12, 1965 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WVa..  She was born in Dott, WV..



227.  Cynthia Huffman was born in Dott, WV..



228.  Elbert Quinton Huffman was born 16 Oct 1918 on Tuesday in Dott, WV..  He was born in Dott, WV..


He was married to Ora Reed in Mercer Co. WVa..  Ora Reed was born on 30 Aug 1924 in Reed, WV..  Elbert Quinton Huffman and Ora Reed had the following children:


        +509                      i.    Elbert, Jr. Huffman.

        +510                     ii.    Curtis lloyd Huffman.

        +511                    iii.    Lacy Allen Huffman.

        +512                    iv.    Ronnie Huffman.

        +513                     v.    Doris Gail Huffman.

        +514                    vi.    Anita Raye Huffman.


230.  Connie (Cleo) Huffman


George Ballard Shrewsbury (son of George Washington Jr. Shrewsbury  and Lucinda Meadows) was buried George Washington Cemetery in Top of Springtom Mountain, Springton, West Virginia.  He died Oct. 23, 1933 on Monday in Dott, WV..  Connie (Cleo) Huffman and George Ballard Shrewsbury had the following children:


          299                      i.    Ezra Basel Shrewsbury.

          300                     ii.    Louis Amos Shrewsbury.

          301                    iii.    Juanita Shrewsbury.

          302                    iv.    Ivan Shrewsbury.

          303                     v.    Theodore Shrewsbury.

          304                    vi.    Mary Louise Shrewsbury.

        +305                   vii.    Cephus Calvin Shrewsbury.

          306                  viii.    Ranille Shrewsbury.

          307                    ix.    Bufford Shrewsbury.

          308                     x.    Linwood L. Shrewsbury.

          309                    xi.    Robert Elmore Shrewsbury.


232.  Okley Lusk died in 1962 in Matoaka, WV..  He was born 8 Jul 1907 on Monday in Herndon, WV..


He was married to Stella Miller in 1932 in Matoaka, WV..  Okley Lusk and Stella Miller had the following children:


          515                      i.    Jackie Lusk was born in Matoaka, WV..

          516                     ii.    Bobby Lusk was born in Matoaka, WV..

          517                    iii.    Judith Ann Lusk was born in Matoaka, WV..

          518                    iv.    Sandra Lou Lusk was born in Matoaka, WV..


234.  Esther P. Shrewsbury was born on 17 Aug 1923 in Wyoming Co W.Va..


She was married to Thomas Taylor in Wupming Co or Raliegh Co. W.Va..  Thomas Taylor was born in Possible in Wyoming Co. W.Va..


236.  Jasper Paul Shrewsbury died 22 Jan 1998 on Thursday in Beckley WVA..  He was born 8 Dec 1920 on Wednesday in Basin, Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Helen Shrewsbury in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Helen Shrewsbury died in Nov 1995 in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Jasper Paul Shrewsbury and Helen Shrewsbury had the following children:


          519                      i.    Jerry Shrewsbury died 30 Dec 1996 on Monday.  He was born in Wyoming, Co. WVa..

          520                     ii.    Patsy Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


249.  Hazel Maxine Shrewsbury was born 13 Nov 1930 on Thursday in Wyoming Co, WV..



250.  Shirley Lee Shrewsbury was born August 12, 1932 on Friday in Wyoming Co, WV..


He was married to Hannah Cook 22 Jun 1963 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


251.  Claude Olie Shrewsbury was born 28 Apr 1934 on Saturday in Wyoming Co, WV..


He was married to Jewel Canaday 20 Jun 1954 on Sunday.


252.  Dora Ellen Shrewsbury was born 27 Nov 1935 on Wednesday in Wyoming Co, WV..


She was married to Dale Woodie 13 Apr 1956 on Friday.


254.  Denns Cleo Shrewsbury was born 10 May 1940 on Friday in Wyoming Co, WV..


He was married to Barbara Hartman 1 Jul 1960 on Friday.


255.  D Amon Shrewsbury was born 14 Nov 1917 on Wednesday in Wyoming Co, WV..


He was married to Cheryl Unknown 13 Feb 1956 on Monday.


256.  Martin Shrewsbury was born 16 Apr 1946 on Tuesday in Wyoming Co, WV..


He was married to Brenda Wake (?) 2 Sep 1966 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


257.  Peggy Ann Shrewsbury was born 14 Nov 1948 on Sunday in Wyoming Co, WV..


She was married to Alfred Horton 20 May 1967 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


258.  Bertica F. Meadows



260.  Talma Fay Meadows died Feb. 22, 1999 on Monday in Matoaka, WV..  She was born Oct. 23, 1918 on Wednesday in Dott, WV..    Talma and Sylvester are two of the nicest people we have ever met. We went to visit them and they offered us pictures to bring home and copy, yet they had never seen us before.  They are very trusting people, and know how to make you feel welcome in their home.  Thank you Talma and Sylvester for your kindness.


She was married to Sylvester R. Crotty (son of Samuel Preston Crotty  and Aura Susan Whitticer) Nov. 30, 1939 on Thursday in Pearsburg, Va..  Sylvester R. Crotty died on 20 Apr 2003 in Princeton Mercer Co. WVa..  He was born Jan. 23, 1916 on Friday in Gardner, W.Va..  Talma Fay Meadows and Sylvester R. Crotty had the following children:


          521                      i.    Phillip Randolph Crotty was born Sept. 20, 1942 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WVa..  He died Sept. 9, 1962 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WVa..

        +522                     ii.    Michael Sam Crotty.

        +523                    iii.    William Henry Crotty.

        +524                    iv.    Michelle Crotty.


262.  Eldrige Shrewsbury


He was married to Hulda Duncan.  Eldrige Shrewsbury and Hulda Duncan had the following children:


        +525                      i.    Geraldine Shrewsbury.

        +526                     ii.    Madelene Shrewsbury.

          527                    iii.    Charles Shrewsbury

          528                    iv.    Elizabeth Shrewsbury


263.  Gracie Shrewsbury


She was married to George Bennet.  Gracie Shrewsbury and George Bennet had the following children:


          529                      i.    Netta Bennet

          530                     ii.    Yvonna Bennet

          531                    iii.    Jack Bennet

          532                    iv.    Ronald Bennet

          533                     v.    Pete Follie Bennet

          534                    vi.    Henry Bennet

          535                   vii.    Rich Bennet

          536                  viii.    Bobbie Bennet

          537                    ix.    Pattie Bennet


264.  Evelyn Shrewsbury


  Evelyn Shrewsbury and Roy B. Thompson had the following children:


          538                      i.    Don Roy Thompson

          539                     ii.    Oasie Gene Thompson

        +540                    iii.    Patricia Lane Thompson.

        +541                    iv.    Randy Thompson.


267.  Lillian Shrewsbury died 9 Dec 1998 on Wednesday in Ashville, N.C..  She was born Aug. 12, 1924 on Tuesday in Dott, WV..  Lillian and Edward have four grandchildren and six great grandchildren.

Lillian was buried in the National Memorial Cemetery in Phoenix, Ariz. on Dec. 11th. 1998.


  Lillian Shrewsbury and Edward C. England had the following children:


        +542                      i.    Garland Edward ( Pete ) England.

        +543                     ii.    Rhonda E. England.


268.  Homer Shrewsbury was born Dec. 6, 1926 on Monday in Dott, WV..  He died Feb. 28, 1969 on Friday in Matoaka, WV..


He was married to Lillian Graham.  Homer Shrewsbury and Lillian Graham had the following children:


          544                      i.    Pamlia Shrewsbury

          545                     ii.    Beverly Shrewsbury

          546                    iii.    Mark Shrewsbury

          547                    iv.    Kathy Shrewsbury

          548                     v.    Bruce Shrewsbury

          549                    vi.    Brian Shrewsbury

          550                   vii.    Malisia Shrewsbury

          551                  viii.    Edward M. Shrewsbury


269.  Ralph Shrewsbury


  Ralph Shrewsbury and Marcia Graham had the following children:


          552                      i.    Stephan Shrewsbury

          553                     ii.    Ralph R. Shrewsbury


270.  Rema Shrewsbury was born Aug. 22, 1931 on Saturday in Dott, WV..


  Rema Shrewsbury and Jack Marvin Farmer had the following children:


          554                      i.    William Farmer

          555                     ii.    Keath Farmer

          556                    iii.    Danny Farmer

          557                    iv.    Brenda Farmer

          558                     v.    Michael Farmer


271.  Lynniel Shrewsbury died on 24 Oct 2002 in Princeton Mercer Co. WVa..  He was born June 11, 1934 on Monday in Dott, WV..


He was married to Betty Sue Asbury (daughter of Bert Asbury  and Mary Woodring ) Dec. 1, 1954 on Wednesday in Parisburg, WVa..  Betty Sue Asbury was born May 2, 1937 on Sunday.  Lynniel Shrewsbury and Betty Sue Asbury had the following children:


        +559                      i.    Karen Shrewsbury.

          560                     ii.    Kimberly Shrewsbury

          561                    iii.    Sherri Shrewsbury


273.  Curtis Mayford Shrewsbury was born Nov. 3, 1927 on Thursday in Dott, WV..


He was married to Bernice Mae Shrewsbury (daughter of Phillip Whittfield Shrewsbury  and Vercie May Akers) Dec. 12, 1949 on Monday in Dott, WV..  Bernice Mae Shrewsbury was born Sept. 25, 1927 on Tuesday in Dott, WV..  Curtis Mayford Shrewsbury and Bernice Mae Shrewsbury had the following children:


        +446                      i.    Bernice Eilean Shrewsbury.

        +447                     ii.    Rigina L. Shrewsbury.

        +448                    iii.    Sharon L. Shrewsbury.


276.  Helen Shrewsbury was born Oct. 9, 1943 on Saturday in Dott, WV..


She was married to Roby Shrewsbury (son of Phillip Whittfield Shrewsbury  and Vercie May Akers ) Nov. 17, 1960 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Roby Shrewsbury was born Aug. 16, 1940 on Friday in Dott, WV..  Helen Shrewsbury and Roby Shrewsbury had the following children:


        +449                      i.    Tina Marie Shrewsbury.

        +450                     ii.    Randall Roby Shrewsbury.

        +451                    iii.    Judy Allen Shrewsbury.


277.  Larry Wayne Shrewsbury was born Jan. 13, 1946 on Sunday in Dott, WV..



289.  Cornedith Copen



291.  Romaine Copen



292.  Marissa Copen



293.  Dixie Lee Copen was born in 1935 in Matoaka, WV..



294.  Thelma Irene Basham was born Jan. 19, 1921 on Wednesday in Dott, WV..


  Thelma Irene Basham and Jack Henry Kemp had the following children:


        +562                      i.    Lucinda Dell Kemp.

        +563                     ii.    Sandra Jewel Kemp.

        +564                    iii.    Sharon Lynn Kemp.


295.  Naomi Pauline Basham died on 10 Aug 2002 in Princeton Mercer Co. WVa..  She was born May 1, 1919 on Thursday in Dott, WV..    Naomi was pregnant when she and Roland married.  She told a niece of hers that she did not claim kinship to my grandfather George Meadows.                                                             Grand paw always wore bibbed overalls and rode his horse.  He took very good care of his family and even his grandchildren and great grandchildren.  He was a hard working man who never tried to get above his "raising" and never acted better than anyone else.  I wonder if Naomi ever sat up with another man's child for three days and nights during a flu epidemic sponging it down and in doing so saved its life?  This man had already lost two children and my grandfather said he would not let him loose another one.

  I am proud of my grandfather George Meadows for he cared for people, and did not question how much money or prestige they had before helping.

  Naomi is buried in the Woodlawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Bluewell, WV.


She was married to Roland Bailey April 27, 1936 on Monday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Roland Bailey was born 21 Jul 1916 on Friday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Naomi Pauline Basham and Roland Bailey had the following children:


        +565                      i.    Billy Joe Bailey.

        +566                     ii.    Shirley Bailey.


296.  Calvin Basham died July 22, 1989 on Saturday in Roanoke, Va..  He was born Nov. 8, 1925 on Sunday in Dott, WV..


He was married to Jewel Woodi Hammond May 7, 1946 on Tuesday in Roanoke, Va..  Calvin Basham and Jewel Woodi Hammond had the following children:


        +567                      i.    Calvin Ray Basham.

        +568                     ii.    Gerald Lee Basham.

          569                    iii.    Barry Randall Basham was born June 6, 1955 on Monday in Roanoke, Va..

        +570                    iv.    Victor Lane Basham.


297.  Iris Elaine Basham was born June 30, 1929 on Sunday in Dott, WV..


  Iris Elaine Basham and Arnold McElyea had the following children:


        +571                      i.    Michael Thomas McElyea.

        +572                     ii.    Coleman Bradley McElyea.

        +573                    iii.    Joanne Rae McElyea.

        +574                    iv.    Donna Lee McElyea.


298.  Betty Jean Basham was born Dec. 15, 1931 on Tuesday in Matoaka, WV..


She was married to Horace Creasy (son of Leffie Creasy  and Minnie Scott ).  Betty Jean Basham and Horace Creasy had the following children:


        +575                      i.    Annette Diane Creasy.

        +576                     ii.    Stephen Lewis Creasy.


305.  Cephus Calvin Shrewsbury was born on 4 Mar 1922 in Springton, WV..  He died on 22 Jun 2001 in Princeton Mercer Co. WVa..


  Cephus Calvin Shrewsbury and Ruby Ilene Cline had the following children:


          577                      i.    Dennis Wayne Shrewsbury

          578                     ii.    Cebert Calvin (Rusty) Shrewsbury

          579                    iii.    Brenda Shrewsbury

          580                    iv.    Patty Shrewsbury

          581                     v.    Rhonda Shrewsbury


313.  Larlyn McKinney was born in Beeson, WV..


He was married to Mary Whitt.  Larlyn McKinney and Mary Whitt had the following children:


          582                      i.    Patrick McKinney

          583                     ii.    Mark McKinney

          584                    iii.    Miles McKinney

          585                    iv.    Stacy McKinney


315.  Lena McKinney was born in Beeson, WV..


She was married to Weldon Garnet Cole (son of Dolphus Pines Cole and Gladys Blanch Baldwin ) in Wyoming Co W.Va..  She was married to Weldon Garnet Cole in Mercer Co WVa..  Weldon Garnet Cole was born on 14 Sep 1924 in Rich Creek Va..  He died on 26 Apr 1997 in Princeton Mercer Co. WVa..  Lena McKinney and Weldon Garnet Cole had the following children:


        +586                      i.    Everett Lee Cole, Sr..

          587                     ii.    Penny Sue Cole was born in Mercer Co WVa..

        +588                    iii.    Bruce Cole.

        +589                    iv.    Mark Cole.

        +590                     v.    Charles Cole.

        +591                    vi.    Shelia Maxine Cole.

        +592                   vii.    Wilma Cole.


316.  Basil McKinney was born in Beeson, WV..


He was married to Ruby Shrewsbury.  Basil McKinney and Ruby Shrewsbury had the following children:


          593                      i.    Donald McKinney

          594                     ii.    Jacky McKinney

          595                    iii.    Janet McKinney

          596                    iv.    David McKinney


317.  Nina McKinney was born in Beeson, WV..


She was married to Den Shrewsbury.  Nina McKinney and Den Shrewsbury had the following children:


          597                      i.    Meril Shrewsbury

          598                     ii.    Harold Shrewsbury

          599                    iii.    Patricia Shrewsbury

          600                    iv.    Randal Shrewsbury

          601                     v.    Richard Shrewsbury


318.  Jeweldine McKinney was born in Beeson, WV..


She was married to Willard Linkous.  Jeweldine McKinney and Willard Linkous had the following children:


          602                      i.    Conley Linkous

          603                     ii.    Robert Linkous

          604                    iii.    Dewight Linkous


319.  Bradie McKinney was born 11 Nov 1916 on Saturday in Wyoming Co, WVa..  He died 7 Jan 1992 on Tuesday in West Virginia.


He was married to Edna Pearl Bolen (daughter of Henry Jackson Bolen  and Fanny Elizabeth Lilly ) 8 Nov 1938 on Tuesday in West Virginia.  Edna Pearl Bolen was born on 8 May 1921 in West Virginia.  Bradie McKinney and Edna Pearl Bolen had the following children:


        +605                      i.    Layla Louise McKinney.

        +606                     ii.    Roy Jessie McKinney.

          607                    iii.    Betty Jo McKinney was born 12 Feb 1944 on Saturday in West Virginia.

          608                    iv.    Charles William McKinney was born in Apr 1943 in Lego, WVa..

        +609                     v.    Elizabeth Ann McKinney.

          610                    vi.    Alvin McKinney was born in Lego, WVa..

          611                   vii.    Lucy Mae McKinney was born in Lego, WVa..

          612                  viii.    Patsy Lon McKinney was born in Lego, WVa..

          613                    ix.    Dale Bradie McKinney was born 28 Jul 1955 on Thursday in Lego, WVa..  He died 4 Feb 1998 on Wednesday in Beckley WVA..

          614                     x.    Susan Edna McKinney was adopted Unknown.  She was born in Beckley WVA..


320.  Lucy McKinney was born 28 Oct 1918 on MOnday in West Virginia.


She was married to Jesse Mash Unknown.


She was married to Herbert Elwood Dancy (son of James William Dancy  and Mable Buchanan ) 1 Jun 1940 on Saturday in Raleigh Co. Va..  Herbert Elwood Dancy died 28 Jul 1989 on Friday in West Virginia.  He was born 6 Jul 1913 on Sunday in West Virginia.  Lucy McKinney and Herbert Elwood Dancy had the following children:


        +615                      i.    Thomas William Dancy.

        +616                     ii.    Curtis Remm Dancy.


321.  Fred McKinney was born 16 Aug 1920 on Monday in Springton, WV..


He was married to Delsie Pearl Butler (daughter of Albert Butler  and Sarah Francine Thorp ) 8 Feb 1941 on Satirday in West Virginia.  Delsie Pearl Butler was born 11 May 1924 on Sunday in Amigo, WVa..  Fred McKinney and Delsie Pearl Butler had the following children:


        +617                      i.    Gladie Aleene McKinney.

        +618                     ii.    David Lee " Johnny" McKinney.

        +619                    iii.    Edna Mae McKinney.

        +620                    iv.    Phyllis Jean McKinney.

        +621                     v.    Thomas Fred McKinney.

        +622                    vi.    Jerry Wayne McKinney.

        +623                   vii.    Hobart Franklin "Rockey" McKinney.

        +624                  viii.    Marvin Sidey McKinney.

        +625                    ix.    Robin Francine McKinney.

          626                     x.    Ray McKinney was born on 4 Dec 1950.


322.  Gladie McKinney was born 7 Aug 1922 on Monday in West Virginia.


She was married to Hodge John Bolen 7 May 1938 on Saturday in Besoco, WV. Raleigh , co..  Hodge John Bolen was born 20 Dec 1912 on Friday.  He died 29 Sep 1994 on Thursday.  Gladie McKinney and Hodge John Bolen had the following children:


        +627                      i.    Garnet " Eddie " Edward ( Spears ) Bolen.


323.  Jessie P. Jr. McKinney was born 4 Aug 1925 on Tuesday in Amigo, WVa..  He died 9 Sep 1994 on Friday in West Virginia.


He was married to Susie Etta Polk Unknown.  Jessie P. Jr. McKinney and Susie Etta Polk had the following children:


          628                      i.    Randy McKinney

          629                     ii.    Larry Eugene McKinney

          630                    iii.    Barbara McKinney


He was married to Sadie ( Sally ) Lilly 10 Sep 1981 on Thursday.  Sadie ( Sally ) Lilly was born 27 Jul 1924 on Sunday.  She died 3 Apr 1997 on Thursday.  Sadie had eight children from a previous marriage.  They were:

Norma Sisk, Millie Wilson, Mary Puckett, Eula Wilson, Joyce Bolen, Debra Bolen, Harvey Tyree, and Claude Tyree.


324.  Hobart Rosevelt McKinney was born 3 May 1935 on Friday in West Virginia.


He was married to Shirley Jean Bolen in West Virginia.  Shirley Jean Bolen was born 14 May 1938 on Saturday in Odd, WV..  Hobart Rosevelt McKinney and Shirley Jean Bolen had the following children:


        +631                      i.    Hobart Paris McKinney.

          632                     ii.    Velma McKinney was born in West Virginia.

          633                    iii.    Melissa Colleen McKinney was born 23 Jan 1968 on Tuesday in Ohio.


He was married to Joan Margaret Mary Wayne 15 Oct 1977 on Saturday in Ohio.  Joan Margaret Mary Wayne was born Jan. 5, 1938 on Wednesday.  Joans name was Winpisineer, but changed it to Wayne.  She had one daughter from a previous marriage, Karen Joyce Barber.


329.  Zachie Shrewsbury was born 22 Dec 1942 on Tuesday in Amigo, WVa..  He died 6 Apr 1986 on Sunday in Amigo, WVa..


He was married to Rebecca Jane Shrewsbury in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Zachie Shrewsbury and Rebecca Jane Shrewsbury had the following children:


          634                      i.    Robin Shrewsbury was born in Amigo, WVa..

          635                     ii.    Tina Shrewsbury was born in Amigo, WVa..

          636                    iii.    Rachelle Shrewsbury was born in Amigo, WVa..

          637                    iv.    Kevin Shrewsbury was born in Amigo, WVa..

          638                     v.    William Shrewsbury was born in Amigo, WVa..

          639                    vi.    Shawn Shrewsbury was born in Amigo, WVa..

          640                   vii.    Justin Shrewsbury was born in Amigo, WVa..

          641                  viii.    Brandon Shrewsbury was born in Amigo, WVa..


343.  Velda Sisk was born on 14 Dec 1914 in Dott, Mercer Co, WVa..  She died on 26 Jul 2002 in Princeton Mercer Co. WVa..


She was married to Audry Wiley Unknown.  Velda Sisk and Audry Wiley had the following children:


          642                      i.    Harless B. (Cotton) Wiley

          643                     ii.    Waldo Jay Wiley Wiley


344.  Cebert Sisk was born in 1919 in Mercer Co, WVa..  Cebert was killed in a mining accident.


He was married to Pearl Gray in Mercer Co, WVa..


346.  Gathen Sisk was born in 1923 in Mercer Co, WVa..


He was married to Minnie Spangler Unknown.


347.  Everett Sisk was born in 1925 in Mercer Co, WVa..


He was married to Frances Thornton Unknown.


348.  Etta May Sisk was born on 28 Aug 1927 in Mercer Co, WVa..


She was married to Harold Unknown Unknown.


She was married to Parks Harrison Unknown.


350.  Kathalene Sisk was born on 23 Aug 1929 in Mercer Co, WVa..    We had never met Kathalene when we visited her for the first time, yet it seemed as if I had known her all my life.  You feel so welcome in her home, and she is a very good hostess.  Knowing we were coming, she had pie and ice cream waiting us.  Bob said again that he hadn't met any new relatives of mine that he doesn't like.  Kathalene is keeping up the tradition.


Percy Gordon died 17 Feb 1999 on Wednesday in Salem, Va.  He was born 31 Mar 1925 on Tuesday.  Kathalene Sisk and Percy Gordon had the following children:


        +644                      i.    Fred Bradley Sisk.

        +645                     ii.    Lisha Lynn Gordon.


351.  Mayephus Sisk was born on 30 Mar 1935 in Mercer Co, WVa..


She was married to Eugene Farmer in Mercer Co, WVa..


352.  Maynard Sisk was born on 30 May 1935 in Mercer Co, WVa..    Although I don't think Maynard likes to admit it, he is younger than his twin sister, Mayephus.


He was married to Ronnie Gail Hazelwood in Mercer Co, WVa..  Ronnie Gail Hazelwood died in 2002 in Mercer Co  .W.Va..


359.  Jewel Shrewsbury was born in 1934 in Mercer Co. WV.  She died in 1998.    I couldn't believe it when I was told that Jewel was dead.  I remember her fondly as we went to school together .  When Jewel had her first baby, I would play "hookey" from school and spend the day with her.  She was a really beautiful person.

  I think what made it so hard to believe, was that I was waiting for a letter from her with her information for this book.   She was excited when I told her I was doing one.  I do wish she could have seen it.


She was married to Bob Rich possibly in SC..


Pete Shoda was born in Mercer Co. WV.  Jewel Shrewsbury and Pete Shoda had the following children:


          646                      i.    Stephen Shoda died in 1948 in Matoaka, WV..  He was born about 1948 in Mercer Co, WVa..


360.  Wilburn Basham was born 16 Feb 1928 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WV.


He was married to Margaret White in Mercer Co. WV.  Margaret White was born in Coal City, WV..  Wilburn Basham and Margaret White had the following children:


          647                      i.    Judy Basham

          648                     ii.    Michael Basham


361.  Amous Harold Basham was born 3 Feb 1924 on Sunday in Dott, WV..


He was married to Shirley Marie Akers (daughter of James Akers  and Maude Hylton ) 3 Feb 1953 on Tuesday in Bluefield, WV..  Shirley Marie Akers was born 4 Aug 1933 on Friday in Bluefield, WV..  Amous Harold Basham and Shirley Marie Akers had the following children:


        +649                      i.    Stephen Harold Basham.


363.  Willie Van Buren Shrewsbury was born April 19, 1936 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He died Dec. 5, 1970 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. Va..


He was married to Helen Shrewsbury in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Willie Van Buren Shrewsbury and Helen Shrewsbury had the following children:


        +650                      i.    Cecil Shrewsbury.

        +651                     ii.    Danny Shrewsbury.

        +652                    iii.    Ruth Shrewsbury.

        +653                    iv.    Jeffery Shrewsbury.

        +654                     v.    Randall Shrewsbury.

        +655                    vi.    Angie Shrewsbury.


364.  Isiah Wesley Shrewsbury was born 6 Oct 1937 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..


He was married to Rose Mary Mills in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Rose Mary Mills was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Isiah Wesley Shrewsbury and Rose Mary Mills had the following children:


          656                      i.    Terry Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          657                     ii.    Kennith ( Kenny ) Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          658                    iii.    Rickey Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          659                    iv.    Tammy Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..


365.  Betty Lou Shrewsbury was born July 21, 1938 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. Va..


She was married to James Mills in Wyoming, Co. Va..  James Mills was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Betty Lou Shrewsbury and James Mills had the following children:


          660                      i.    Pamela Mills was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          661                     ii.    Jackie Mills was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          662                    iii.    Wayne Mills was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          663                    iv.    Randy Mills was born in 1962 in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He died in Nov 1975 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          664                     v.    Mike Mills was born in Oct 1982 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          665                    vi.    Gayle Mills was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..


She was married to Bob Moore in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Bob Moore was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..


She was married to Charles O'Neal in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Charles O'Neal was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..


366.  McKinley,Jr. Shrewsbury was born July 14, 1943 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..    McKinley and Iris were very helpful once we convinced him he was related to us.  He kept saying he came from a different bunch of Shrewsbury's.  I think McKinley now knows where he came from.  They are a very nice couple and make you feel so welcome in their home.

  Iris and McKinley were previously married and had two children.  I wouldn't want to leave the impression that Iris had all these children before she was married.


He was married to Iris Opal Sexton (daughter of Walter Hurley Sexton  and Gracie Alume Hunter ) April 1, 1976 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Iris Opal Sexton was born April 16, 1951 on Monday in Covel, Wyoming, Co. Va..  McKinley,Jr. Shrewsbury and Iris Opal Sexton had the following children:


          666                      i.    Sherry Shrewsbury was born July 12, 1963 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          667                     ii.    Walter McKinley Shrewsbury was born Jan. 7, 1971 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. Va..

        +668                    iii.    Joanna Shrewsbury.


367.  Thomas Shrewsbury was born April 1, 1948 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  He died Aug. 23, 1973 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. Va..


He was married to Iris Opal Sexton (daughter of Walter Hurley Sexton  and Gracie Alume Hunter ) in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Iris Opal Sexton was born April 16, 1951 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. Va..


368.  Tracy Lee Shrewsbury was born Aug. 30, 1953 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. Va..


He was married to Kimberly Goodwin in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Kimberly Goodwin was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Tracy Lee Shrewsbury and Kimberly Goodwin had the following children:


          669                      i.    Amanda Lee Shrewsbury was born in 1978 in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          670                     ii.    Cynthia Jean Shrewsbury


372.  Rivanna Vallie Shrewsbury was born 21 Oct. 1916 n Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  We visited Rivanna in 1997, and a more pleasant lady I have never met.  She opened her home up to us, and brought out her Bible's, which were loaded with information.  We should all keep records like Rivanna.  We fell in love with this wonderful lady.


She was married to Oscar Nathaniel Shrewsbury (son of George Washington Shrewsbury  and Deliah Frances Mills) 4 Mar 1933 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Oscar Nathaniel Shrewsbury was born 22 Jan 1913 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He died 8 Jan 1988 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  Rivanna Vallie Shrewsbury and Oscar Nathaniel Shrewsbury had the following children:


          392                      i.    Bradly Kincaid Shrewsbury.

        +393                     ii.    Tessie Luversie Shrewsbury.

        +394                    iii.    Janet Lee Shrewsbury.

        +395                    iv.    Deury Colon Shrewsbury.

        +396                     v.    Sidney Carlos Shrewsbury.

        +397                    vi.    Roger Carson Shrewsbury.

        +398                   vii.    Delano Truman Shrewsbury.

        +399                  viii.    Larry Waddle Shrewsbury.

        +400                    ix.    Judith Aura Shrewsbury.

        +401                     x.    Delmer Mason Shrewsbury.

        +402                    xi.    Stephen Joel Shrewsbury.

          403                   xii.    Oscar Nathaniel Shrewsbury.

        +404                  xiii.    Rita Lynn Shrewsbury.

          405                  xiv.    Bradford O. Shrewsbury.


381.  Delmer Grayson Cunningham died July 4, 1955 on Monday in Mercer Co. WVa.  He was born May 16, 1910 on Monday in Mercer Co. WVa.


  Delmer Grayson Cunningham and Eula Mae Howerton had the following children:


          671                      i.    Delmer Grayson, Jr. Cunningham was born in 1935 in Mercer Co  .W.Va..  He died in 1975 in Mercer Co  .W.Va..

        +672                     ii.    Mary Cunningham.

        +673                    iii.    Marie Cunningham.

        +674                    iv.    Carol Jean Cunningham.

        +675                     v.    Eddie Cunningham.

        +676                    vi.    Judy Cunningham.

          677                   vii.    Wila Kay Cunningham.  Wiila Kay was adopted.


382.  Deluth Gressie Cunningham died between 8 Oct 1981 and 1981 in Dela..  He was born Dec. 24, 1912 on Tuesday in Mercer Co.WVa.  Deluth is buried at Gracelawn Memorial Park in Wilm. Dela.


He was married to Ida Grace Maxey Sept. 24, 1934 on Monday in Sophia, WV..  Ida Grace Maxey was born on 5 Sep 1912 in Ghent, WV..  She died on 8 Oct 1981.  Deluth Gressie Cunningham and Ida Grace Maxey had the following children:


        +678                      i.    Joanne Cunningham.

        +679                     ii.    Pearlie Mae Cunningham.

        +680                    iii.    Reva Dawn Cunningham.

          681                    iv.    Ferne Cunningham

          682                     v.    Glenna Ferne Cunningham was born May 24, 1941 on Saturday in Speedway, WV..


383.  Glenna Arleigh Cunningham died 7 Apr 1996 on Sunday in Princeton, Mercer Co. WV..  She was born March 7, 1915 on Sunday in Dott, WV..  Glenna is buried in the Athens Cemetery in Athens WV.


She was married to Robert Cole.  Robert Cole died May 7, 1965 on Friday in Princeton, Mercer Co. WV..  Robert is buried in the Athens Cemetery in Athens, WV.


384.  Orcal Avenah Cunningham was born June 6, 1917 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WVa.  She died Nov. 9, 1994 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WVa.


  Orcal Avenah Cunningham and Carlyle Pennington had the following children:


          683                      i.    Claudne Pennington

        +684                     ii.    Gale Pennington.

        +685                    iii.    Jeanene Pennington.

        +686                    iv.    Dianna Pennington.


385.  Arnette Arthel Cunningham died June 1, 1984 on Friday in Mercer Co. WVa.  He was born June 4, 1920 on Friday in Mercer Co. WVa.


  Arnette Arthel Cunningham and Pauline Frances Schulte had the following children:


        +687                      i.    Arthel Estel (Bud) Cunningham.

        +688                     ii.    Norma Jeanne Cunningham.

        +689                    iii.    Harold Mason "Duck" Cunningham.

        +690                    iv.    Franklin Eugene Cunningham.

        +691                     v.    Bessie Irene Cunningham.

        +692                    vi.    Arnetta Faye Cunningham.

        +693                   vii.    Gary Lee Cunningham.

          694                  viii.    Dorothy Leigh Cunningham

        +695                    ix.    Sandra Kay Cunningham.

        +696                     x.    Arnette Francis Cunningham.


386.  Lanore Ferrell Cunningham was born Feb. 21, 1923 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WVa.


Lanore Ferrell Cunningham had the following children:


          697                      i.    Vernon Cunningham

        +698                     ii.    Ronnie Cunningham.

        +699                    iii.    Keith Cunningham.

          700                    iv.    Reida Kay Cunningham


387.  Oran Burlis Cunningham died Feb. 15, 1968 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WVa.  He was born Oct. 11, 1925 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WVa.


  Oran Burlis Cunningham and Berneice June Wimmer had the following children:


          701                      i.    James Owen Cunningham died 30 Aug 1951 on Thursday in WVa..  He was born Feb. 10, 1947 on Monday in Mercer Co. WV...

        +702                     ii.    Daniel Owen Cunningham.

        +703                    iii.    Joseph Kyle Cunningham.

        +704                    iv.    Rebecca Cunningham.


393.  Tessie Luversie Shrewsbury was born Jan. 1, 1936 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


She was married to Donald Isaac Lambert Dec. 3, 1955 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


394.  Janet Lee Shrewsbury was born Oct. 13, 1937 on Wednesaday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


She was married to Wilber Roy McKinney May 21, 1954 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


395.  Deury Colon Shrewsbury was born Oct. 21, 1939 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He died Oct. 25, 1978 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Judy Norman June 17, 1961 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


396.  Sidney Carlos Shrewsbury was born July 17, 1941 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Paula Lee Phillips June 18, 1964 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


397.  Roger Carson Shrewsbury was born March 29, 1943 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Delores Blackburn March 11, 1962 on Sunday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


398.  Delano Truman Shrewsbury was born Dec. 8, 1945 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


She was married to Morgan Waycaster July 5, 1963 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


399.  Larry Waddle Shrewsbury was born July 10, 1947 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Kathy Lane Dec. 18, 1970 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


400.  Judith Aura Shrewsbury was born April 30, 1949 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


She was married to Calvin Wylee, Jr. Belcher Sept. 29, 1967 on Friday in Wyoming, Co.WVa..


401.  Delmer Mason Shrewsbury was born Aug. 9, 1951 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Brenda Kay Rattliff Nov. 3, 1973 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


402.  Stephen Joel Shrewsbury was born Feb. 21, 1953 n Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..  He died Feb. 8, 1858 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Delmer Patricia Jones Feb. 11, 1981 on Wednesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


404.  Rita Lynn Shrewsbury was born July 28, 1950 on Friday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


She was married to Joseph Leonard Belcher Aug. 16, 1975 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


415.  Cecil W. Kinser was born in 1916 in Mercer Co WVa..  He died in Oct 1944 in France.  Cecil was killed during the second world war in France and he was buried there.


He was married to Nannie Wilson in 1938 in West Virginia.  Nannie Wilson was born in 1919 in Russell Co. Va..  She died in 1994 in Wyoming Co, WVa..  Cecil W. Kinser and Nannie Wilson had the following children:


          705                      i.    Carolyn C. Kinser was born in West Virginia.

          706                     ii.    Anna Kinser was born in West Virginia.

          707                    iii.    Lonnie Wayne Kinser was born on 14 Feb 1941 in West Virginia.

          708                    iv.    Bobby Gene Kinser died in 1990 in Wyoming WVa..  He was born in West Virginia.

        +709                     v.    Charles Ed, Sr. Kinser.

          710                    vi.    Jerry Ray Kinser died in 1995 in Wyoming WVa..


427.  Marie Shrewsbury



428.  Lillian Shrewsbury



434.  Curmit Lee Meadows was born July19,1936 on Sunday in Dott, WV..


He was married to Mary Leona Jenkins (daughter of James Warren Jenkins  and Dolores Elizabeth Fields) Sept.12, 1958 on Friday in St. John, Ky..  Mary Leona Jenkins was born June25,1939 on Sunday in St. Johns, Ky..  Curmit Lee Meadows and Mary Leona Jenkins had the following children:


          711                      i.    Kimberly Dolores Meadows was born 7 Jun 1959 on Sunday.


441.  Karen Clark


She was married to Tim Lambert.


443.  Ila Clark


She was married to Randy Wood.


444.  Donna Clark


She was married to Mark Parsell.


445.  Rhonda Clark


She was married to Terry Swaney.


446.  Bernice Eilean Shrewsbury was born July 4, 1950 on Tuesday in Dott, WV..


She was married to David Harrell (son of Maynard Harrell  and Doris O'Nell) Dec. 5, 1969 on Friday in Chicago, Il..  David Harrell was born Sept. 22, 1946 on Sunday in S.A. Texas.  Bernice Eilean Shrewsbury and David Harrell had the following children:


          712                      i.    Thurman Phillip Harrell was born Sept. 21, 1974 on Saturday in Ill..

          713                     ii.    Curtis David Harrell was born April 22, 1976 on Thursday in Ill..

          714                    iii.    Natali Marlene Harrell was born Aug. 11, 1979 on Saturday in Ill..

          715                    iv.    Jessica Dawn Harrell was born July 16, 1984 on Monday in Ill..


447.  Rigina L. Shrewsbury was born Nov. 15, 1951 on Thursday in Dott, WV..


  Rigina L. Shrewsbury and George Webb had the following children:


          716                      i.    Geshua Webb was born Aug. 22, 1991 on Thursday in Ill..

          717                     ii.    Gabrial Webb was born June 9, 1993 on Wednesday in Ill..


448.  Sharon L. Shrewsbury was born Jan. 13, 1953 on Tuesday in Dott, WV..


  Sharon L. Shrewsbury and Walter Babalcsay had the following children:


          718                      i.    Julia Babalcsay was born Dec. 4, 1990 on Tuesday in Ill..

          719                     ii.    Jolan Babalcsay was born May 5, 1994 on Thursday in Ill..


449.  Tina Marie Shrewsbury was born May 9, 1962 on Wednesday in Dott, WV..


Leon Harrell Walker was born 14 Feb 1962 on Wednesday in Dade Co. Fla..  Tina Marie Shrewsbury and Leon Harrell Walker had the following children:


          720                      i.    Logan Lee Walker

          721                     ii.    David Walker

          722                    iii.    Jarel Walker


450.  Randall Roby Shrewsbury was born Jan. 26, 1964 on Sunday in Dott, WV..



451.  Judy Allen Shrewsbury was born June 26, 1967 on Wednesday in Dott, WV..


Judy Allen Shrewsbury had the following children:


          723                      i.    Justin Allen Shrewsbury






455.  Opie Shrewsbury



456.  Florence Shrewsbury



457.  Mary Annette Shrewsbury


  Mary Annette Shrewsbury and Paris Shrader had the following children:


          724                      i.    William Shrader


458.  Carol Shrewsbury


  Carol Shrewsbury and Jessie Graham had the following children:


          725                      i.    Angela Graham

          726                     ii.    Jesse Keith Graham

          727                    iii.    Richard Jeffery Graham

          728                    iv.    Eric Matthew Graham

          729                     v.    Gideon Thaddeus Graham

          730                    vi.    Shawn Adam Graham


464.  Shaun Shrewsbury



465.  Blanch Shrewsbury



469.  Janice Akers



470.  Vanice Akers



472.  Lora McKinney



473.  Shirley McKinney



474.  Mary McKinney



475.  Oreda McKinney



476.  Arlene McKinney



477.  Russel McKinney was born on 23 Sep 1949 in Hiawatha, W.Va..  He died on 6 Oct 1998 in Princeton, Mercer Co. WV..


  Russel McKinney and Elaine Koller had the following children:


          731                      i.    Brian McKinney

          732                     ii.    Jimmy McKinney

          733                    iii.    Jennifer McKinney


479.  Garnet McKinney



480.  Eunice McKinney died 7 Dec 1993 on Tuesday in Mercer Co WVa..  She was born April 8, 1934 on Sunday in Mercer Co WVa..


Raynard Burnett (son of Lala Beatrice Meadows ) was born May6, 1928 on Sunday in Dott, WV..  Eunice McKinney and Raynard Burnett had the following children:


        +734                      i.    Marshall Burnett.


482.  Hessie Sisk was born in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


She was married to Oliver McKinney (son of Lee Oliver McKinney and Della Akers ) in West Virginia.  Oliver McKinney was born in West Virginia.


483.  Reba McKinney was born on 22 Jun 1936 in Herndon, WV..  She died on 24 Jan 2000 in Bluefield, WV..


She was married to James Bennett.  Reba McKinney and James Bennett had the following children:


          735                      i.    Roger Bennett

          736                     ii.    Gary Bennett

          737                    iii.    Mark Bennett

          738                    iv.    Eddie Bennett

          739                     v.    Veda Bennett


487.  Helen Shrewsbury


She was married to William Shrewsbury in unknown.


488.  Carol Gaye McKinney was born May 9, 1942 on Saturday in WVa..


She was married to Audie Cecil Cline in WVa..  Audie Cecil Cline was born in WVa..


489.  Estil Martin McKinney was born April 24, 1947 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Patrica Ann Maloney Unknown.


490.  Samuel Riley McKinney was born Jan. 20, 1953 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. WVa..


He was married to Deborah Sinks Unknown.  Samuel Riley McKinney and Deborah Sinks had the following children:


        +740                      i.    Samuel Riley, Jr. McKinney.


He was married to Debra Ann Maher April 10, 1976 on Saturday in Chicago, Il..


491.  Kenneth Allen McKinney was born Aug. 8, 1975 on Friday in WVa..


He was married to Melissa Ann Brown Unknown.


492.  Lucille Frances Robinette was born Jan. 4, 1934 on Thursday in Blueffield, WV..    Lucille Wimmer is one fantastic lady.  It is hard to write about someone you admire and respect, or at least it is for me for I can become long winded, especially when there are so many nice things one can say about that person.

  She always seems to go that extra mile for you, like when we were restoring the Wimmer cemetery in 1997.  We worked from April 9th. until in late October, and one of our most often visitors was Lucille and her Mother Imogene.  When she visited us she always just happened to have a "snack" and something to drink in her car for us. We always took lunch, but when you are lugging trees and throwing them outside the cemetery, you can work up a large appetite.

  Also, if Lucille hadn't saved all the things Fanny left her, a lot of the information we now have, would have been lost.

  We want to thank Lucille for finding someone who had visited Masa Ann Wimmer and remembered seeing her when she was alive.  She told me several times we should go visit Stella Doyle and gave us her telephone number.  I am so glad I listened to her.

  Everyone also has Lucille to thank for many pictures we will treasure.  The pictures are too numerous to mention.


She was married to John Wayne Wimmer (son of John Harvey Wimmer  and Dove Ingram (Taylor) ) Feb. 6, 1954 on Saturday in Blueffield, WV..  John Wayne Wimmer was born March 21, 1935 on Thursday in Princeton, Mercer Co. WV..  He was born in Mercer Co. WV.  Lucille Frances Robinette and John Wayne Wimmer had the following children:


          741                      i.    Debra Kay Wimmer was born Oct. 2, 1956 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WV.


493.  Ruth Melvin Robinette was born June 5, 1926 on Sat. in Mercer Co. WV.


Hubert Bradley Wills (son of Erastus Wills  and Mamie Unknown ) was born 13 Mar 1928 on Tuesday.  Ruth Melvin Robinette and Hubert Bradley Wills had the following children:


        +742                      i.    Dorcas Elizabeth Wills.

        +743                     ii.    Patrica Lucille Wills.

        +744                    iii.    Anita Charlene Wills.


494.  Faye Marie Wimmer was born Aug. 19, 1930 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WV.


John Henry Hale (son of James Hale ) was born Oct. 22, 1931 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WV.  Faye Marie Wimmer and John Henry Hale had the following children:


        +745                      i.    Eunice Jean Hale.

        +746                     ii.    Jerry Wayne Hale.

        +747                    iii.    William Thomas Hale.

        +748                    iv.    Roscoe Hale.

        +749                     v.    Diane Sue Hale.

        +750                    vi.    Froest Linwood Hale.

        +751                   vii.    Sharon Kaye Hale.

        +752                  viii.    Verlie Clayton Hale.

        +753                    ix.    Marvin Henry Hale.


495.  Myrtle A. Wimmer was born March 5, 1932 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WV.


Richard L. O'Donnell O'Donnell (son of Willis O'Donnell  and Elma Barger ) was born Sept. 24, 1930 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.  Myrtle A. Wimmer and Richard L. O'Donnell O'Donnell had the following children:


        +754                      i.    Donna Marie O'Donnell.

        +755                     ii.    Kathy Ann O'Donnell.

          756                    iii.    Linda Gail O'Donnell was born Aug. 12, 1958 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WV.


496.  Margaret Edith Wimmer was born May 9, 1933 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WV.


She was married to Roy Underwood (son of Roscoe Underwood and Alice Bailey ) Feb. 15, 1957 on Friday in Tazewell  Co. Va..  Margaret Edith Wimmer and Roy Underwood had the following children:


          757                      i.    Lisa Kay Underwood was born March 13, 1967 on Monday in Mercer Co. WV.


497.  James Marvin Wimmer was born Feb. 18, 1935 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.  He died May 25, 1985 on Saturday in Duke, NC..


He was married to Grace Ann Johnson (daughter of George Rufus Andrew Johnson  and Martha Jane O'Donnell) Feb. 10, 1961 on Friday in Tazewell  Co. Va..  Grace Ann Johnson was born Aug. 26, 1942 on Wednesday in Bluefield, WV..  James Marvin Wimmer and Grace Ann Johnson had the following children:


        +758                      i.    Richard Arnold Wimmer.

        +759                     ii.    Douglas Brian Wimmer.

        +760                    iii.    Sheila Ann Wimmer.

        +761                    iv.    Stanley Russell Wimmer.

        +762                     v.    Martha Ellen Wimmer.


499.  Robert Clayton Wimmer was born July 7, 1938 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WV.



He was married to Stella Louise Pilkins (daughter of Albert Pilkins and Eliza Atwell ) Nov. 24, 1965 on Friday in Blueffield, WV..  Stella Louise Pilkins was born May 8, 1958 on Thursday in Blueffield, WV..  Robert Clayton Wimmer and Stella Louise Pilkins had the following children:


          763                      i.    Robert Clayton Wimmer was born Nov. 10, 1967 on Friday in Mercer Co. WV.

          764                     ii.    Cletis Joseph Wimmer was born Aug. 18, 1967 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WV.


500.  Charles Richard Wimmer died on 8 Feb 2002 in Rich Creek Va..  He was born May 7, 1940 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WV.  Charles was cremated and his ashes spread on his favorite lake in Fla.


  Charles Richard Wimmer and Rita Hicks had the following children:


        +765                      i.    Doris Jane Wimmer.

          766                     ii.    Charles Richard Wimmer was born April 15, 1969 on Monday in Mercer Co. WV.


501.  Marion Frances Wimmer was born in Aug 1942 in Mercer Co. WV.


She was married to Ronnie Bailey (son of Roy Henry Bailey  and Beulah Mae Vopp) July 13, 1959 on Monday in Tazewell  Co. Va..  Marion Frances Wimmer and Ronnie Bailey had the following children:


        +767                      i.    Roy Wayne Bailey.

        +768                     ii.    Donald Ray Bailey.


502.  Ronald David Wimmer was born May 2, 1950 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WV.



503.  Roger Lee Wimmer was born in Sep 1951 in Mercer Co. WV.


  Roger Lee Wimmer and Shirley Kay Hicks had the following children:


        +769                      i.    Letitia Yvonne Wimmer.

          770                     ii.    Diana Lyn Wimmer was born Jan. 2, 1974 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.


504.  Barbara Carden was born in Mercer Co. WV.


She was married to Harold Lloyd  (Corkey ) Sr. King (son of John Everett King  and Gladys Holliway) Unknown.  Harold Lloyd  (Corkey ) Sr. King was born Jan. 4, 1930 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WV.  Barbara Carden and Harold Lloyd  (Corkey ) Sr. King had the following children:


          771                      i.    Thomas Everett King was born in Mercer Co. WV.

          772                     ii.    Harold Lloyd, Jr. King was born in Mercer Co. WV.


505.  Marvin David Carden was born on 26 Feb 1935 in Dott, Mercer Co, WVa..  He died on 4 Jun 2003 in Princeton Memorial Hospital.


He was married to Ivory Cleo Billings.  Marvin David Carden and Ivory Cleo Billings had the following children:


        +773                      i.    Farron David Carden.

        +774                     ii.    Marvin L. Carden.

        +775                    iii.    Tina Marie Carden.

        +776                    iv.    Sheri Lynn Carden.

        +777                     v.    Donna Lorena Carden.


506.  Edward Carden was born in Mercer Co. WV.


He was married to Bernice.


508.  Lula Carden


She was married to Grayson Justice.


509.  Elbert, Jr. Huffman was born June 23, 1946 on Sunday in Dott, WV..


He was married to Annie Hall Dec. 3, 1968 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Annie Hall was born June 26, 1949 on Sunday.


510.  Curtis lloyd Huffman was born Feb. 21, 1949 on Monday in Dott, WV..


He was married to Lana Vestie Aug. 27, 1976 on Sunday.


511.  Lacy Allen Huffman was born May 6, 1951 on Sunday in Dott, WV..


He was married to Rhonda Brewer June 13, 1975 on Friday.


512.  Ronnie Huffman was born Feb. 25, 1954 on Thursday in Dott, WV..



513.  Doris Gail Huffman was born April 2, 1956 on Monday in Dott, WV..


She was married to David Shrewsbury May 5, 1972 on Friday.


514.  Anita Raye Huffman was born Nov. 18, 1957 on Monday in Dott, WV..


She was married to Michael Edward Zrimac April 22, 1995 on Sunday.  Anita Raye Huffman and Michael Edward Zrimac had the following children:


          778                      i.    Unknown Zrimac was born in Nov 1997 in Mercer Co. WVa..


522.  Michael Sam Crotty was born Jan. 17, 1947 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WVa..


He was married to Margaret Ann Johnson (daughter of Roy Johnson and Shirley Stables ) in Mercer Co. WVa..  Margaret Ann Johnson was born in Apr 1957 in Princeton, Mercer Co. WVa..


523.  William Henry Crotty was born Dec. 22, 1949 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WVa..


He was married to Suzanne Harris July 16, 1988 on Saturday in Nashville, Tenn..  William Henry Crotty and Suzanne Harris had the following children:


          779                      i.    Tabath Elizabeth Crotty was born in 1990 in Tenn..  She died in 1990 in Tenn..

          780                     ii.    Preston Paul Crotty was born in 1992 in Tenn..

          781                    iii.    Payton Randolph Crotty was born in 1996 in Tenn..


524.  Michelle Crotty


She was married to Jason Martin.  Michelle Crotty and Jason Martin had the following children:


          782                      i.    Joshua Shane Martin

          783                     ii.    Megan Lindsey Martin


525.  Geraldine Shrewsbury



526.  Madelene Shrewsbury



540.  Patricia Lane Thompson



541.  Randy Thompson



542.  Garland Edward ( Pete ) England


He was married to Pat Unknown Unknown.


543.  Rhonda E. England


He was married to Maguire Unknown Unknown.


559.  Karen Shrewsbury was born March 6, 1956 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WVa..


  Karen Shrewsbury and Jeff Wople had the following children:


          784                      i.    Magen Ashley Wople was born in Fairfax, Va..


562.  Lucinda Dell Kemp was born in May in Roanoke, Va..  Lucinda was named after Lucinda Meadows Shrewsbury.



  Lucinda Dell Kemp and Mark Austin had the following children:


          785                      i.    Jonathan Lucian Austin

          786                     ii.    Kathleen Austin was born Aug. 15, 1991 on Thuesday.


563.  Sandra Jewel Kemp was born 16 Oct 1940 on Wednesday in Matoaka, WV..


She was married to Melvin Ray Johnson in Roanoke, Va..  Sandra Jewel Kemp and Melvin Ray Johnson had the following children:


          787                      i.    Jeffery Alan Johnson was born Aug. 27, 1961 on Sunday in Roanoke, Va..

          788                     ii.    Jacquelyn Johnson was born Nov. 1, 1967 on Wednesday in Roanoke, Va..


Frances Pecl was born about 1975.


564.  Sharon Lynn Kemp was born April 12, 1944 on Wednesday in Bluefield, WVa..


Roger Douglas Sink was born in Mar 1966 in Roanoke, Va..  Sharon Lynn Kemp and Roger Douglas Sink had the following children:


        +789                      i.    Pajue Ingland Sink.


Al Samuels was born about 1981 in Roanoke, Va..  Sharon Lynn Kemp and Al Samuels had the following children:


          790                      i.    Dorian Blair Samuels was born Nov. 25, 1983 on Friday in Mission Hill, Calif..


565.  Billy Joe Bailey died Nov. 30, 1973 on Friday in Princeton Mercer Co. WVa..  He was born Oct. 28, 1936 on Wednesday in Matoaka, WV..    Billy Joe had a drug problem and shot and killed himself on Nov. 30, 1973.


  Billy Joe Bailey and Peggy Joanne Howlington had the following children:


        +791                      i.    Billy Joe, Jr. Bailey.

        +792                     ii.    Karen Sue Bailey.


566.  Shirley Bailey was born Dec. 17, 1948 on Friday in Mercer Co. WVa..  Shirley's mom, Naomi had a picture of William Thomas and Martha Ellen Rinehart Meadows ( her grandparents and my great grandparents ) and would not let us have a copy, not even when Shirley wanted to take it and make one for us.  I did eventually get a copy from a very sweet lady and cousin in Matoaka, Talma Fay Meadows Crotty.


She was married to Garfield Daniel Kirk Aug. 5, 1968 on Monday in Salem, Va.  Garfield Daniel Kirk was born in 1945 in Mercer Co. WVa..  Shirley Bailey and Garfield Daniel Kirk had the following children:


        +793                      i.    David Wayne Kirk.


567.  Calvin Ray Basham was born Aug. 5, 1950 on Saturday in Roanoke, Va..


Janice Hill was born in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Calvin Ray Basham and Janice Hill had the following children:


          794                      i.    Matthew Basham was born in Utah.

          795                     ii.    Jacob Basham

          796                    iii.    Unknown Basham was born in 1976.  He (or she) died in 1976.

          797                    iv.    Michael Scott Basham was born Feb. 23, 1980 on Saturday.


568.  Gerald Lee Basham was born Nov. 15, 1953 on Sunday in Roanoke, Va..


Joyce was born in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Gerald Lee Basham and Joyce had the following children:


          798                      i.    Jule' Basham


570.  Victor Lane Basham was born Oct. 23, 1963 on Wednesday in Roanoke, Va..


He was married to Sheri Lottermoser.  Victor Lane Basham and Sheri Lottermoser had the following children:


          799                      i.    Faith Elizabeth Basham was born on 1 Apr 2001 in Virginia.  She died on 21 Mar 2003.

          800                     ii.    Victoria Basham

          801                    iii.    Sheralyn Basham


571.  Michael Thomas McElyea was born Nov. 2, 1944 on Thursday in Roanoke, Va..


  Michael Thomas McElyea and Ethel Smith had the following children:


          802                      i.    Dawn Marie McElyea was born July 31, 1967 on Monday.


  Michael Thomas McElyea and Mary Staton had the following children:


        +803                      i.    Kelly Michelle McElyea.

        +804                     ii.    Michael Thomas, Jr. McElyea.

        +805                    iii.    Paul Arnold McElyea.

        +806                    iv.    Susan Marie McElyea.

        +807                     v.    Nicole Elaine McElyea.


572.  Coleman Bradley McElyea was born June 29, 1946 on Saturday in Roanoke, Va..


  Coleman Bradley McElyea and Diane Lee Roman had the following children:


          808                      i.    Mark Allen McElyea was born in Ohio.

        +809                     ii.    Lynn Marie McElyea.


573.  Joanne Rae McElyea was born Dec. 13, 1954 on Monday in Toleda, Ohio.


  Joanne Rae McElyea and Joanas Evangelos Argiris had the following children:


          810                      i.    Jonathan Ray' Bolden Argiris was born Dec. 25, 1980 on Thursday in Toleda, Ohio.


She was married to Lash NMN Bolden 10 May 1973 on Thursday.  Joanne Rae McElyea and Lash NMN Bolden had the following children:


          811                      i.    David Lash' Bolden died on 29 Jan 2000 in Toledo, Ohio.  He was born May 15, 1974 on Wednesday in Toleda, Ohio.

          812                     ii.    Stephen Lee Bolden was born May 20, 1977 on Friday in Toleda, Ohio.


574.  Donna Lee McElyea was born May 13, 1957 on Monday in Toleda, Ohio.


  Donna Lee McElyea and William R. Stowe had the following children:


          813                      i.    Heather Lynn Stowe was born Feb. 7, 1981 on Saturday.


575.  Annette Diane Creasy was born Dec. 26, 1948 on Sunday in Toleda, Ohio.


She was married to Pat Albert Hancock (son of Lawrence Hancock and Edith Flanagan ) Aug. 26, 1966 on Friday in Leakesville, NC..  Annette Diane Creasy and Pat Albert Hancock had the following children:


          814                      i.    Lisa Michelle' Hancock was born Aug. 15, 1970 on Saturday.

        +815                     ii.    Bryan Scott Hancock.

        +816                    iii.    Patrick Stephen Hancock.


576.  Stephen Lewis Creasy was born Jan. 3, 1952 on Thursday in Roanoke, Va..


He was married to Mary Ellen Plazak in Apr 1985 in Laurel Springs, Md..  Stephen Lewis Creasy and Mary Ellen Plazak had the following children:


          817                      i.    Stephen Joseph Creasy was born Aug. 26, 1987 on Wednesday in Columbia, Md..

          818                     ii.    Marian Helene Creasy was born Aug. 28, 1989 on Monday in Columbia, Md..


586.  Everett Lee Cole, Sr. was born on 19 Mar 1957 in Mercer Co  WVa...


He was married to Patricia Ann Akers (daughter of Samuel Akers  and Carol Ann Graham) on 11 Sep 1981 in Pembroke .Va..  Patricia Ann Akers was born June 17, 1962 on Sunday in W.Va..  Everett Lee Cole, Sr. and Patricia Ann Akers had the following children:


        +819                      i.    Everett  (Evie) Lee,Jr. Cole.


588.  Bruce Cole was born in Mercer Co WVa..


He was married to Carlotta Lyle.  Bruce Cole and Carlotta Lyle had the following children:


        +820                      i.    Sharon Cole.

          821                     ii.    Belinda Cole


589.  Mark Cole was born in Mercer Co WVa..


Mark Cole had the following children:


          822                      i.    Kristy Cole

          823                     ii.    Kayla Cole


590.  Charles Cole was born in Mercer Co. WV.


Charles Cole had the following children:


          824                      i.    Daniel Cole


591.  Shelia Maxine Cole was born in Mercer Co WVa..


She was married to Douglas Edward Thornton in 1973 in Mercer Co  WVa...  Shelia Maxine Cole and Douglas Edward Thornton had the following children:


          825                      i.    Angela Thornton

          826                     ii.    Tammy Thornton


592.  Wilma Cole was born in Mercer Co WVa..


She was married to Larry Blaine Cecil.  Larry Blaine Cecil was born in 1952.  Wilma Cole and Larry Blaine Cecil had the following children:


          827                      i.    Timothy Cecil

          828                     ii.    Larry Dewayne Cecil was born in 1973 in Mercer Co  WVa...


605.  Layla Louise McKinney was born 9 Jun 1940 on Sunday in West Virginia.


She was married to Eric Vacchio Unknown.  Eric Vacchio died in 1998.


606.  Roy Jessie McKinney was born on 16 Jul 1942 in West Virginia.


He was married to Sherlie Aggie Unknown.


609.  Elizabeth Ann McKinney was born 16 May 1947 on Friday in Lego, WVa..


She was married to Willis Foley Unknown.


615.  Thomas William Dancy was born 27 Oct 1948 on Wednesday in McDowell Co. WV..  He was adopted.  Thomas divorced from Debra Tyree in 199?.


He was married to Ethel Geraldine Clark Unknown.  Thomas William Dancy and Ethel Geraldine Clark had the following children:


        +829                      i.    Thomas William, Jr. Dancy.

        +830                     ii.    Matthew Lee Dancy.

        +831                    iii.    James Dancy.

        +832                    iv.    Rebecca ( Beckey ) Dancy.


He was married to Debra Tyree in 1993.  Thomas William Dancy and Debra Tyree had the following children:


          833                      i.    Kristy Lynn Dancy, Bolen was born 30 Aug 1988 on Tuesday.


He was married to Brenda Rosalie Reed, Hilbert 5 Apr 1996 on Friday.  Brenda Rosalie Reed, Hilbert was born 26 Nov 1959 on Thursday.  Brenda had three sons from a previous marriage.  They were:

Patrick Ray Hilbert, Robert Anthony Hilbert, and Jeremy Dale Hilbert.


616.  Curtis Remm Dancy was born 27 Sep 1949 on Tuesday in McDowell Co. WV..


He was married to Ruby Ernhart Unknown.


He was married to Thresea Unknown Unknown.  Curtis Remm Dancy and Thresea Unknown had the following children:


          834                      i.    Bobby Dancy


617.  Gladie Aleene McKinney was born 1 Aug 1941 on Friday in Pickshin, WV..


She was married to David Mullins July 28, ?.  Gladie Aleene McKinney and David Mullins had the following children:


          835                      i.    Tim Mullins


618.  David Lee " Johnny" McKinney was born 18 Jan 1943 on Monday in Pickshin, WV..


He was married to Peggy Wagner Unknown.  David Lee " Johnny" McKinney and Peggy Wagner had the following children:


          836                      i.    David McKinney


619.  Edna Mae McKinney was born 6 Nov 1944 on Monday in Coal City, WV..


She was married to Carl Woods Unknown.  Edna Mae McKinney and Carl Woods had the following children:


          837                      i.    Steve Woods

          838                     ii.    Anita Woods

          839                    iii.    Joey Woods


She was married to Frankie Bolen Unknown.


She was married to Addison Mills Unknown.


620.  Phyllis Jean McKinney was born 11 Feb 1947 on Tuesday in Coal City, WV..


She was married to Cliff Davidson Unknown.  Phyllis Jean McKinney and Cliff Davidson had the following children:


          840                      i.    Freddie Davidson

          841                     ii.    Renee Susan Davidson

          842                    iii.    Patty Davidson


621.  Thomas Fred McKinney was born 21 Aug 1947 on Thursday in Coal City, WV..


He was married to Verdie Blanche Childs 24 Jul 1966 on Thursday in West Virginia.  Thomas Fred McKinney and Verdie Blanche Childs had the following children:


          843                      i.    Melissa McKinney

          844                     ii.    Kathy McKinney


622.  Jerry Wayne McKinney was born 1 Apr 1950 on Saturday in Coal City, WV..


He was married to Noreen Kay Shirley June 6, ?.  Jerry Wayne McKinney and Noreen Kay Shirley had the following children:


          845                      i.    Wayne McKinney

          846                     ii.    Jennifer McKinney


623.  Hobart Franklin "Rockey" McKinney was born 8 May 1954 on Saturday in Coal City, WV..


He was married to Brenda Shirley Unknown.


624.  Marvin Sidey McKinney was born 1 May 1961 on Monday in Canton, Ohio.


He was married to Kim Unknown Unknown.  Marvin Sidey McKinney and Kim Unknown had the following children:


          847                      i.    Nick McKinney

          848                     ii.    Morgan McKinney


625.  Robin Francine McKinney was born 8 Apr 1968 on Monday in Canton, Ohio.


She was married to James Giannelli Unknown.  Robin Francine McKinney and James Giannelli had the following children:


          849                      i.    Cody Giannelli

          850                     ii.    Cruise Giannelli

          851                    iii.    Taylor Giannelli


627.  Garnet " Eddie " Edward ( Spears ) Bolen was born 3 Mar 1947 on Thursday in McDowell Co. WV..  Eddie is the oldest brother to Lucy and Herbert's adopted sons.  His Birth parents were Garnet Chester Spears and Annie Victoria Spears. Annie was born Aug. 25, 1928 and died Dec. 9, 1984.


He was married to Wanita Carol Weeks (daughter of Clifford Maurice "Bud " Weeks  and Pearl Bolen ) in Feb 1966.  Wanita Carol Weeks was born on 30 Jul 1950 in West Virginia.  Garnet " Eddie " Edward ( Spears ) Bolen and Wanita Carol Weeks had the following children:


        +852                      i.    Melissa Dawn Bolen.

          853                     ii.    Jennifer Ruth Bolen.  We don't have the name of Jennifer's husband but do know that she had four infants to die at birth and named all of them, but we don't have their names.  She has one Living child, Harley who was a twin.

          854                    iii.    Tara Bolen


He was married to Brenda June Bollinger 22 Mar 1986 on Saturday in Ohio (?).  Brenda June Bollinger was born 19 Jun 1955 on Sunday in Bellevue, Sandusky Co. Ohio.  Brenda Bolen gave me so much information on Ed's family.  I want to thank her for all the help.  Brenda and I have talked via "icq" often, and she is a very lovely person.  As soon as you start talking to Brenda, you know she is one of those "lost" cousins now found.  It is a joy to hear the love she has for her mother-in-law.  Everyone should be so lucky to have a "Brenda" for a daughter-in-law in their family.


631.  Hobart Paris McKinney was born in Coal City, WV..


He was married to Shirley Bolen in unknown.


644.  Fred Bradley Sisk was born on 29 Jul 1948 in Mercer Co, WVa..


He was married to Deloris Elmore in 1965 in Pearisburg, Va..  Fred Bradley Sisk and Deloris Elmore had the following children:


        +855                      i.    Angela Dawn Sisk.

          856                     ii.    Heather L. Sisk was born in 1981.


645.  Lisha Lynn Gordon was born on 29 Jul 1961 in Mercer Co, WVa..


She was married to Steven McClung Unknown.  Lisha Lynn Gordon and Steven McClung had the following children:


          857                      i.    Johnathan McClung was born in 1987.

          858                     ii.    Sarah Nichole McClung was born in 1990.


649.  Stephen Harold Basham was born 1 Feb 1957 on Friday in Princeton, Mercer Co. WV..


He was married to Judy Cecil in Princeton, Mercer Co. WV..  Judy Cecil was born in WVa..  Stephen Harold Basham and Judy Cecil had the following children:


          859                      i.    Christopher Basham was born in Princeton, Mercer Co. WV..

          860                     ii.    Jeremy Basham was born in Princeton, Mercer Co. WV..


650.  Cecil Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..


He was married to Tina Lester in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Tina Lester was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Cecil Shrewsbury and Tina Lester had the following children:


          861                      i.    Neal Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..

          862                     ii.    Mickey Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..


651.  Danny Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..



652.  Ruth Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..


Unknown McKinney was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..


653.  Jeffery Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..


Sherri Shrewsbury was born in Wyoming, Co. Va..


654.  Randall Shrewsbury was born 9 May 1970 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. Va..



655.  Angie Shrewsbury was born 9 May 1970 on Saturday in Wyoming, Co. Va..



668.  Joanna Shrewsbury was born on 14 Jun 1972 in Wyoming, Co. Va..


She was married to Kennith Day (son of Jimmy Dave Day  and Stella Atkins ) 17 Mar 1992 on Tuesday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Kennith Day was born 9 Sep 1971 on Thursday in Wyoming, Co. Va..  Joanna Shrewsbury and Kennith Day had the following children:


          863                      i.    Katie Denice Day was born 7 Jun 1993 on Monday in Wyoming, Co. Va..


672.  Mary Cunningham


Mary Cunningham had the following children:


          864                      i.    Billie Jean

          865                     ii.    Candy

          866                    iii.    Darlene

          867                    iv.    Julie


673.  Marie Cunningham


Marie Cunningham had the following children:


          868                      i.    Samantha

          869                     ii.    Eddie

          870                    iii.    Barbara

          871                    iv.    Tommy


674.  Carol Jean Cunningham


Carol Jean Cunningham had the following children:


          872                      i.    Ricky

          873                     ii.    Buddy, Jr.

          874                    iii.    Tishie

          875                    iv.    Sherry


675.  Eddie Cunningham


Eddie Cunningham had the following children:


          876                      i.    Edward Eugene Cunningham

          877                     ii.    Eva Ann Cunningham


676.  Judy Cunningham


She was married to Delmer,Sr. Milan in Mercer Co WVa..  Judy Cunningham and Delmer,Sr. Milan had the following children:


          878                      i.    Delmer, Jr Milam


678.  Joanne Cunningham


  Joanne Cunningham and Woodie Killen had the following children:


          879                      i.    Roger Killen

          880                     ii.    Sharon Killen

          881                    iii.    Jean Killen

          882                    iv.    Randy Killen


679.  Pearlie Mae Cunningham


She was married to Glenn Stewart in West Virginia.  Pearlie Mae Cunningham and Glenn Stewart had the following children:


        +883                      i.    Glen, 3rd. Stewart.

          884                     ii.    Rhonda Stewart

          885                    iii.    Kelly Stewart

          886                    iv.    Gwen Stewart

          887                     v.    Timmy Stewart


680.  Reva Dawn Cunningham was born June 12, 1939 on Monday in Coal City, WV..


She was married to Richard Elmer "Dick", Sr. Kriley (son of Elmer John Kriley  and Margaret Mahler ) 27 Aug 1988 on Saturday in Delaware City, Del..  Reva Dawn Cunningham and Richard Elmer "Dick", Sr. Kriley had the following children:


          888                      i.    Jason Kriley

          889                     ii.    Jeff Kriley

        +890                    iii.    Robert William Haug.

          891                    iv.    Hyla Kriley

        +892                     v.    Michael Shane Kriley.

        +893                    vi.    Richard Elmer, Jr. Kriley.

        +894                   vii.    Denise Margaret Kriley.

        +895                  viii.    Thomas Patrick Kriley.


She was married to William Francis Haug June 28, 1958 on Saturday.  Reva Dawn Cunningham and William Francis Haug had the following children:


          896                      i.    David Lee Haug was born March 30, 1961 on Thursday in Wilm. Del..

        +897                     ii.    Jeffery Allen Haug.


She was married to Robert LeRoy, Sr. Coburn Nov. 4, 1971 on Thursday.  Reva Dawn Cunningham and Robert LeRoy, Sr. Coburn had the following children:


          898                      i.    Jason Duluth Coburn was born March 14, 1979 on Wednesday in Wilm. Del..


684.  Gale Pennington


He was married to Ann Shaver in West Virginia.  Gale Pennington and Ann Shaver had the following children:


          899                      i.    Robin Pennington

          900                     ii.    Patrick Pennington

          901                    iii.    Phillip Pennington

          902                    iv.    Benjamin Pennington


685.  Jeanene Pennington



  Jeanene Pennington and Phillip Compton had the following children:


          903                      i.    Shanna Compton


686.  Dianna Pennington


She was married to Barry Epperly in Mercer Co WVa..  Dianna Pennington and Barry Epperly had the following children:


          904                      i.    Corissa Epperly

          905                     ii.    Caleb Epperly


687.  Arthel Estel (Bud) Cunningham.  I think Arthel Estel "Bud" had another child, but we don't know the name.  We would love to have it.


  Arthel Estel (Bud) Cunningham and Margie Walker had the following children:


          906                      i.    Debbie Cunningham

          907                     ii.    Teresa Cunningham


688.  Norma Jeanne Cunningham


  Norma Jeanne Cunningham and Vernon Langham had the following children:


          908                      i.    Steven Langham

          909                     ii.    Sherri Langham

          910                    iii.    Suzanne Langham

          911                    iv.    Michael Langham

          912                     v.    Shannon Langham.  Shannon is a name that can /is used for both male and female.  I wasn't sure if Norma Jeanne and Vernon's child is a boy or girl, so chose boy as I have a friend with a son named Shannon.  If I am wrong, please let me know.


689.  Harold Mason "Duck" Cunningham


Cheryl Joanne Neely (daughter of Arthur Neely and Cathleen ) died in May 1994.  Harold Mason "Duck" Cunningham and Cheryl Joanne Neely had the following children:


        +913                      i.    Joetta Lynn Cunningham.

        +914                     ii.    Malinda Cunningham.

        +915                    iii.    Cathey Cunningham.

        +916                    iv.    Lisa Cunningham.


690.  Franklin Eugene Cunningham


He was married to Patricia Dec. 28, 1970 on Tuesday in Naples, Italy.  Patricia was born in Italy.  Franklin Eugene Cunningham and Patricia had the following children:


          917                      i.    Paulina Cunningham was born 31 Oct 1979 on Wednesday.

          918                     ii.    Victorio Cunningham was born 7 Sep 1981 on Monday.


691.  Bessie Irene Cunningham


Bessie Irene Cunningham had the following children:


        +919                      i.    Pam.


692.  Arnetta Faye Cunningham


  Arnetta Faye Cunningham and Roger Worrell had the following children:


        +920                      i.    Rodney Worrell.

          921                     ii.    Regina Worrell

          922                    iii.    Rhonda Worrell


693.  Gary Lee Cunningham was born Dec. 21, 1952 on Sunday in Speedway, WV..


He was married to Linda Foley (daughter of Coolidge Foley  and Mary Madeline Moye ) Feb. 23, 1974 on Saturday in Speedway, WV..  Linda Foley was born Dec. 18, 1953 on Friday in Princeton, Mercer Co. WV..  Gary Lee Cunningham and Linda Foley had the following children:


        +923                      i.    Mary Rebecca Cunningham.


695.  Sandra Kay Cunningham



696.  Arnette Francis Cunningham



698.  Ronnie Cunningham



699.  Keith Cunningham



702.  Daniel Owen Cunningham was born Feb. 8, 1951 on Thursday in Mercer Co.WV..


He was married to Alice Carolyn Bowling (daughter of Gorden Lee Bowling  and Mary Elizabeth Bales ) June 27, 1975 on Friday in Tazewell  Co. Va..  Alice Carolyn Bowling was born Oct. 14, 1946 on Friday in Tazewell, Va..


703.  Joseph Kyle Cunningham was born June 19, 1957 on Monday in Princeton, Mercer Co. WV..


He was married to Kathy Sanders (daughter of Hobart Sanders and Unknown Parsons ) July 16, 1988 on Saturday in Dneher Island, Chapin, SC..  Kathy Sanders was born April 15, 1958 on Tuesday in Chillicothe, Ohio.


704.  Rebecca Cunningham was born Aug. 6, 1962 on Monday.


She was married to John David Gusler (son of John Ross Gusler  and Betty Jo Bish Gudy Jphnston ) July 14, 1990 on Saturday in Speedway, WV..  John David Gusler was born on 6 Aug 1962 in Princeton, Mercer Co. WV..  Rebecca Cunningham and John David Gusler had the following children:


          924                      i.    John Burlis Gusler was born June 3, 1993 on thursday.


709.  Charles Ed, Sr. Kinser was born on 6 Jul 1939 in Harmon, Va..


He was married to Mandie Ethel Stiltner in WVa..  Mandie Ethel Stiltner was born in 1941 in Wayne Co..  Charles Ed, Sr. Kinser and Mandie Ethel Stiltner had the following children:


          925                      i.    Debby Lynn Kinser was born in Jun 1959 in Wyoming WVa..

          926                     ii.    Charles Ed, Jr. Kinser was born in Wyoming WVa..


He was married to Linda Jane Graham in Welch, WVa..






734.  Marshall Burnett


He was married to Theodora Karvos in 1976 in Il..  Marshall Burnett and Theodora Karvos had the following children:


          927                      i.    Thomas Burnett was born on 24 Jun 1972 in Il..

          928                     ii.    Kristy Burnett


740.  Samuel Riley, Jr. McKinney was born Jan. 19, 1973 on Friday in Chicago, Il..


He was married to Bobbie Jo LaComb Unknown.  Samuel Riley, Jr. McKinney and Bobbie Jo LaComb had the following children:


          929                      i.    Brandy Lynn McKinney was born 16 Apr 1993 on Sunday.


742.  Dorcas Elizabeth Wills was born Han. 18, 1949 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WV.


She was married to Douglas Leon Shaff (son of Warren G. Shuff and Lana Agnas Unknown ) 30 Jun 1970 on tuesday in Va..  Douglas Leon Shaff was born 24 Nov 1948 on Wednesday in Va..  Dorcas Elizabeth Wills and Douglas Leon Shaff had the following children:


          930                      i.    Tabitha Shaff was born 6 Nov 1973 on Tuesday.

        +931                     ii.    Tonya Shaff.

          932                    iii.    Douglas Leon, Jr Shaff was born 14 Apr 1981 on Tuesday.


743.  Patrica Lucille Wills was born 18 Nov 1954 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WV.



744.  Anita Charlene Wills was born June 14, 1960 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WV.


  Anita Charlene Wills and William Nestor had the following children:


          933                      i.    Aimee Nestor was born on 15 Nov 1979 in Va..

          934                     ii.    Jeremy Nestor was born on 11 Jul 1983 in Va..

          935                    iii.    Mathew Nestor was born on 1 Oct 1987 in Va..


745.  Eunice Jean Hale was born Sept. 6, 1949 on Tuessday in Mercer Co. WV.


She was married to Garland Ralph Aliff (son of Ralph Eugene Aliff  and Alma jean Lester ) June 13, 1967 on Tuesday in Tazewell  Co. Va..  Garland Ralph Aliff was born May 14, 1948 on Friday in Hanover, Wyoming Co. WV..  Eunice Jean Hale and Garland Ralph Aliff had the following children:


        +936                      i.    Brian Keith Aliff.

          937                     ii.    Christopher Shannon Aliff was born March 13, 1970 on Friday in WVa..

          938                    iii.    William Patrick Aliff was born Aug. 29, 1973 on Wednesday in WVa..

          939                    iv.    Matthew Garland Aliff was born Aug. 31, 1974 on Saturday in WVa..


746.  Jerry Wayne Hale was born Sept. 25, 1950 on Monday in Mercer Co. WV.



747.  William Thomas Hale was born Oct. 8, 1951 on Monday in Mercer Co. WV.



748.  Roscoe Hale was born Aug. 31, 1952 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WV.


He was married to Donna Charlene French (daughter of Wylie Jr. French  and Edith Marie Dillow ) Nov. 27, 1971 on Saturday in Giles Co. Va..  Donna Charlene French was born Nov. 12, 1954 on Friday in Mercer Co. WV.  Roscoe Hale and Donna Charlene French had the following children:


        +940                      i.    Tina Marie Hale.

          941                     ii.    Gary Lee Hale was born March 9, 1977 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.

          942                    iii.    Joseph Aaron Hale was born Aug. 3, 1985 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WV.


749.  Diane Sue Hale was born Aug. 14, 1953 on Friday in Mercer Co. WV.


  Diane Sue Hale and David Dennis Duncan had the following children:


        +943                      i.    Rebecca Lynn Duncan.


750.  Froest Linwood Hale was born Jan. 23, 1955 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WV.    Forest Linwood and Sharon Kay were twins.


He was married to Tamara Renee Frances (daughter of Richard Milton Frances  and Cynthia Alice Williams ) Dec. 9, 1978 on Saturday in Will Co. Il..  Tamara Renee Frances was born Dec. 12, 1958, 0n Friday in Will Co. Il..  Froest Linwood Hale and Tamara Renee Frances had the following children:


          944                      i.    Melissa Lynn Hale was born March 29, 1979 on Thursday in IL.

          945                     ii.    Bryon Keith Hale was born Sept. 29, 1980 on Monday in Il..

          946                    iii.    Richard Jason Hale was born March 10, 1984 on Saturday in Il..


751.  Sharon Kaye Hale was born Jan. 23, 1955 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WV.    Sharon Kaye and Forest Linwood were twins.


  Sharon Kaye Hale and David Hancok Meachum had the following children:


        +947                      i.    David Eugene Meachum.

        +948                     ii.    James Mainard Meachum.

          949                    iii.    John Walter Meachum was born July 5, 1980 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WV.


752.  Verlie Clayton Hale was born Feb. 14, 1957 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WV.


  Verlie Clayton Hale and Bessie Pilkin had the following children:


          950                      i.    Clayton James Hale was born Jan 10, 1957 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WV.

          951                     ii.    Jesse James Hale was born Dec. 27, 1981 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WV.

          952                    iii.    Misty Gale Hale was born Nov. 19, 1082 on Friday in Mercer Co. WV.


753.  Marvin Henry Hale was born July 20, 1959 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.



754.  Donna Marie O'Donnell was born Dec. 30, 1953 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.


She was married in Giles, Co. Va..  Donna Marie O'Donnell had the following children:


          953                      i.    Richard C. Bennett was born Oct. 11, 1979 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WV.


755.  Kathy Ann O'Donnell was born May 7, 1956 on Monday in Mercer Co. WV.


She was married to David Ray Beamen (son of Frank Beamen  and Loretta Dawn Unknown ) Aug. 18, 1973 on Monday in Giles Co. Va..  David Ray Beamen was born Nov. 26, 1954 on Friday in Mercer Co. WV.  Kathy Ann O'Donnell and David Ray Beamen had the following children:


          954                      i.    Kala Beamen was born July 29, 1986 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WV.


758.  Richard Arnold Wimmer was born July 23, 1961 on Sunday in Mercer Co. WV.


He was married to Tammy Leigh Coeburn June 14, 1980 on Sunday in Princeton, Mercer Co. WV..  Tammy Leigh Coeburn was born Oct. 8, 1959 on Thursday in Blueffield, WV..  Richard Arnold Wimmer and Tammy Leigh Coeburn had the following children:


          955                      i.    Christopher Michael Wimmer was born June 24, 1981 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.  He died June 24, 1981 on Wednewday in Mercer Co. WV.

          956                     ii.    Emmanuel Lee Wimmer was born May 12, 1982 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.


759.  Douglas Brian Wimmer was born May 19, 1963, on Sunday in Blueffield, WV..


He was married to Bonnie Lou Bois (daughter of Russell Bois and Geraldine Irene Pearl Warden ) Nov. 16, 1990 on Friday in Bradenton, Fla..  Bonnie Lou Bois was born Oct. 5, 1965 on Tuesday in Stoughton, Mass..  Douglas Brian Wimmer and Bonnie Lou Bois had the following children:


          957                      i.    Bianca Jade Wimmer was born May 28, 1991 0n tuesday.

          958                     ii.    Amber Payne Wimmer was born Aug. 3, 2995 on Thursday.


760.  Sheila Ann Wimmer was born May 12, 1964 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WV.  She was born May 12, 1964 on Tuesday in Peterstown , WV..


She was married to Jimmy Wayne Jr. Meadows (son of Jimmy Wayne Sr. Meadows and Mary Frances Martin ) May 6, 1983 on Friday in Pembrook, Va..  Jimmy Wayne Jr. Meadows was born Oct. 31, 1959 on Saturday in Princeton, Mercer Co. WV..  Sheila Ann Wimmer and Jimmy Wayne Jr. Meadows had the following children:


          959                      i.    Tanda Beth Coeburn was born Sept. 17, 1983 on Saturday in WV..

          960                     ii.    Tiffany Dawn Coeburn was born March 2, 1986 on Sunday in WV..


761.  Stanley Russell Wimmer was born Aug. 4, 1965 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.


He was married to Wanda Sue Carter Oct. 2, ? in Rich Creek Va..  Wanda Sue Carter was born Oct. 2, ? in Tazewell  Co. Va..


762.  Martha Ellen Wimmer was born March 31, 1971 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.


Martha Ellen Wimmer had the following children:


          961                      i.    James Andrew was born Aug. 17, 1988 on Wednewday in Mercer Co. WV.

          962                     ii.    Malcolm James was born Feb. 15, 1991 on Friday in Mercer Co. WV.


765.  Doris Jane Wimmer was born June 6, 1966 on Monday in Mercer Co. WV.



767.  Roy Wayne Bailey was born May 29, 1960 on Sunday in Blueffield, WV..


He was married to Andra Christiansen (daughter of Walter Christiansen  and Edna Marie Angeline ) Aug. 27, 1981 on Thursday in Sarasota, Fla..  Andra Christiansen was born Aug. 2, 1962, on Thursday in Canadaquia, N.Y..  Roy Wayne Bailey and Andra Christiansen had the following children:


          963                      i.    Amanda Ronne Bailey was born Jan. 27, 1985 on Sunday in (?).

          964                     ii.    Brandon Wayne Bailey was born April 12, 1990 on Thursday in (?).


768.  Donald Ray Bailey was born May 28, 1963 on Tuesday in Blueffield, WV..


  Donald Ray Bailey and Tammy Beale had the following children:


          965                      i.    Bradley Michael Bailey was born 18 May 1991 on Saturday in (?).


769.  Letitia Yvonne Wimmer was born Jan. 31, 1974 on Monday in Union, WV..


Timothy McClung (son of Harvey McClung  and Rosie Gail Unknown ) was born Oct. 5, 1970 on Monday in Roanoke, Va..  Letitia Yvonne Wimmer and Timothy McClung had the following children:


          966                      i.    Harley Brooke McClung was born Feb. 16, 1994 on Wednesday.

          967                     ii.    Megatn Rose McClung was born March 4, 1997 on Tuesday.


773.  Farron David Carden


He was married to Charlotte.


774.  Marvin L. Carden


He was married to Danita.


775.  Tina Marie Carden


She was married to Barry Booth.


776.  Sheri Lynn Carden


She was married to Ray Hayton.


777.  Donna Lorena Carden


She was married to Keith Thompson.


789.  Pajue Ingland Sink was born May 18, 1970 on Monday in Roanoke, Va..


She was married to Matthew Helm about 1990.  Pajue Ingland Sink and Matthew Helm had the following children:


          968                      i.    Matthew Nicholas Helm


791.  Billy Joe, Jr. Bailey was born April 26, 1962 on Thursday.


He was married to Unknown.  Billy Joe, Jr. Bailey and Unknown had the following children:


          969                      i.    Karen Bailey

          970                     ii.    Bill Bailey


792.  Karen Sue Bailey was born May 15, 1958 on Thursday.


Karen Sue Bailey had the following children:


          971                      i.    Unknown Bailey


793.  David Wayne Kirk was born Jan. 15, 1969 on Wednesday in Riverside, NJ..


He was married to Kathy Robinson May 26, 1990 on Saturday.


803.  Kelly Michelle McElyea was born June 2, 1968 on Sunday in Lansing, Mich..


  Kelly Michelle McElyea and Steve Dise had the following children:


          972                      i.    Toni Dise was born about 1990.  Toni died of meningitis at ten months old.

          973                     ii.    Kathy Dise was born Sssept. 14, 1991 on Saturday in Texas.

          974                    iii.    Brandon Dise was born May 3, 1993 on Monday.


  Kelly Michelle McElyea and Unknown Newman had the following children:


          975                      i.    Jamie Newman was born Feb. 26, 1997 on Wednesday.


804.  Michael Thomas, Jr. McElyea was born May 28, 1974 on Tuesday in Toleda, Ohio.


Michael Thomas, Jr. McElyea had the following children:


          976                      i.    Leslie McElyea was born about 1994.


805.  Paul Arnold McElyea was born Aug. 17, 1969 on Sunday in San Bernando Valley, Calif..


Paul Arnold McElyea had the following children:


          977                      i.    Rebecca McElyea was born Sept. 14, 1992 on Monday.


806.  Susan Marie McElyea was born Jan. 17, 1970 on Saturday.


  Susan Marie McElyea and Fred Kohler had the following children:


          978                      i.    Brittany Nicole Kohler was born June 17, 1989 on Saturday.

          979                     ii.    Jacob Kohler


807.  Nicole Elaine McElyea was born Nov. 21, 1972 on Tuesday in Toleda, Ohio.


  Nicole Elaine McElyea and Unknown Ramos had the following children:


          980                      i.    Sarah Nicole Ramos was born Nov.6, 1997 on Thursday.


809.  Lynn Marie McElyea was born in Ohio.


  Lynn Marie McElyea and William Dye had the following children:


          981                      i.    Kory Dye was born in Ohio.

          982                     ii.    Katie Dye was born in Ohio.  She was born in Ohio.


815.  Bryan Scott Hancock was born March 26, 1975 on Wednesday in Roanoke, Va..


Cynthia Dela Torre was born in San Diego, Ca..  Bryan Scott Hancock and Cynthia Dela Torre had the following children:


          983                      i.    Bryanna Domenique Hancock was born June 5, 1997 on Thursday in Roanoke, Va..


816.  Patrick Stephen Hancock was born Sept. 21, 1976 on Tuesday in Waynesboro, Va..


  Patrick Stephen Hancock and Kristie Ramsey had the following children:


          984                      i.    Zowie Marie Hancock was born 24 Oct 1998 on Saturday in Roanoke, Va..  Zowie Marie is our youngest person listed.  Her Grandma is so proud of her, as she is of all her grandchildren.  I am sure the parents are very proud also.  Congratulations to Patrick Steven and Kirstie Ramsey for having the youngest child.


819.  Everett  (Evie) Lee,Jr. Cole was born on 19 Jul 1982 in Roanoke , Va..  Everett and Jessica were married in the Fairview Christian Community Church on Rt. 19, Princeton, D.A.


He was married to Jessica Starcher (daughter of Terry Robert Starcher, Sr.  and Elvie (Kathy) Kathleen Kinser) on 8 Jun 2002 in Princeton Mercer Co. WVa..  Jessica Starcher was born on 5 Jun 1981 in Bluefield, WV.  Mercer Co. WV..


820.  Sharon Cole was born on 3 Sep 1970 in Blueffield, WV..


She was married to Anthony Vane Akers on 10 Sep 1988 in Mercer Co W Va...  Anthony Vane Akers was born on 10 Aug 1968 in Princeton Mercer Co. WVa..


829.  Thomas William, Jr. Dancy was born 10 Oct 1969 on Friday in West Virginia.


He was married to Della Ann Osborne 7 May 1993 on Friday in West Virginia.  Thomas William, Jr. Dancy and Della Ann Osborne had the following children:


          985                      i.    Savanna Dancy

          986                     ii.    Ann Dancy was born 27 May 1994 on Friday.


830.  Matthew Lee Dancy was born 20 Sep 1974 on Friday.


He was married to Andrea Unknown Unknown.  Matthew Lee Dancy and Andrea Unknown had the following children:


          987                      i.    Dakota Matthew Dancy was born 15 Feb 1993 on Monday.


831.  James Dancy


He was married to Janey Lee Clark on 23 May 1993 in Hobart, IN..


832.  Rebecca ( Beckey ) Dancy was born 5 Jul 1977 on Tuesday.


She was married to Unknown Gose in Indiana.  Rebecca ( Beckey ) Dancy and Unknown Gose had the following children:


          988                      i.    Kaitlynn Gose


852.  Melissa Dawn Bolen was born 9 Jul 1967 on Sunday in Ohio.


She was married to Unknown Jagdon Unknown.


She was married to Timothy Parker 16 Apr 1987 on Thursday.  Melissa Dawn Bolen and Timothy Parker had the following children:


          989                      i.    Collin Gregory Parker


855.  Angela Dawn Sisk


She was married to Bob Davis in Mercer Co, WVa..


883.  Glen, 3rd. Stewart was born on 20 Dec 1960.


He was married to Mary Sue Virginia on 29 Aug 1998 in unknown.  Glen, 3rd. Stewart and Mary Sue Virginia had the following children:


          990                      i.    Joshua Dalton Stewart.  Information on this family was given on June 19, 1999


890.  Robert William Haug was born Sept. 26, 1959 on Saturday in Wilm. Del..


He was married to Nyla Kay Swick Nov. 7, 1992 on Saturday.  Nyla Kay Swick was born March 4, 1963 on Monday in Del..  Robert William Haug and Nyla Kay Swick had the following children:


          991                      i.    Joshua Andrew Haug was born on 21 Jun 1998.


He was married to Carla Lee Losey.  Carla Lee Losey died on 9 Dec 1989.  She was born Oct. 17, 1964 on Saturday.  Carla Lee is buried in Faggsmanor Cemetery in Cochranville, Pa.


892.  Michael Shane Kriley was born Nov. 30, 1960 on Wednesday in Woodbury, N.J..


He was married to Lisa Bedwell Aug. 8, 1979 on Wednesday in Arizona.  Michael Shane Kriley and Lisa Bedwell had the following children:


          992                      i.    Shannon Kriley was born Oct. 6, 1980 on Monday.

          993                     ii.    Patricia Kriley was born on 10 Jun 1984.

          994                    iii.    Shane Kriley was born June 11, 1986 on Wednesday.


893.  Richard Elmer, Jr. Kriley was born on 23 Jul 1963 in Golcuk, Turkey.



894.  Denise Margaret Kriley was born Sept.26, 1962 on Wednesday in Ankara, Turkey.


Joe Lewis was born in Mountain City, Tenn..  Denise Margaret Kriley and Joe Lewis had the following children:


          995                      i.    Evan Lewis was born in 1996.

          996                     ii.    Savannah Lewis was born in 1888.


  Denise Margaret Kriley and Tracy Potter had the following children:


          997                      i.    Travis Potter was born in 1987.


895.  Thomas Patrick Kriley was born Feb. 2, 1968 on Thursday in Great Lakes, Ill..  Thomas and Sheryl have no children, but they do have a dog named Max. Sorry I had to call him a "dog", but didn't know how to describe him any other way.


He was married to Sheryl Malloy Sept. 27, 1996 on Friday in Colora, Md..


897.  Jeffery Allen Haug was born Nov. 9, 1964 on Monday in Wilm. Del..  Jeffery and Winnie are divorced.



913.  Joetta Lynn Cunningham



914.  Malinda Cunningham



915.  Cathey Cunningham



916.  Lisa Cunningham



919.  Pam



920.  Rodney Worrell



923.  Mary Rebecca Cunningham was born Feb. 2, 1978 on Monday in Speedway, WV..







931.  Tonya Shaff was born 25 Feb 1975 onTuesday in Morganton, NC.


She was married to Ronnie Randolph on 2 Jul 1994 in Walpertown, NC.  Ronnie Randolph was born on 13 Oct 1969.  Tonya Shaff and Ronnie Randolph had the following children:


          998                      i.    Zachary Randolph was born 15 Jun 1997 on Sunday.


936.  Brian Keith Aliff was born July 9, 1968 on Tuesday in Joliet, Ill..


He was married to Kimberly Ann Ward (daughter of William Bernard Jr. Ward  and Brenda Kay (Proffitt) Munsey ) Feb. 14, 1987 on Saturday in Joliet, Ill..  Kimberly Ann Ward was born June 23, 1967 on Friday in Blueffield, WV..  Brian Keith Aliff and Kimberly Ann Ward had the following children:


          999                      i.    Justin Chadwick Aliff was born May 17, 1986 on Saturday in Joliet, Ill..

        1000                     ii.    Ryan Heath Aliff was born June 17, 1989 on Saturday in Joliet, Ill..


940.  Tina Marie Hale was born Dec. 27, 1972 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.


Steven Wayne Witt (son of Gilbert Randy Witt  and Brenda Sue Dillon ) was born on 17 Apr 1969 in Mercer Co. WV.  Tina Marie Hale and Steven Wayne Witt had the following children:


        1001                      i.    Dakota Chase Witt was born May 31, 1995 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.


943.  Rebecca Lynn Duncan was born March 21, 1973 on Wednesday in Union, Mercer Co. WV..


Leonard George Muncy (son of Leonard Muncy  and Deloris Ann Lowe) was born Jan. 1, 1964 on Wednesday in McDowell Co. WV..  Rebecca Lynn Duncan and Leonard George Muncy had the following children:


        1002                      i.    Megan Brooke Muncy was born July 13, 1993 on Tuesday in Mercer Co. WV.


947.  David Eugene Meachum was born Aug. 18, 1973 on Saturday in Mercer Co. WV.


Patrica Lynn Rose (daughter of Roger Rose  and Sybil unknown ) was born April 2, 1966 on Saturday in Princeton, Mercer Co. WV..  David Eugene Meachum and Patrica Lynn Rose had the following children:


        1003                      i.    Levi Eugene Meachum was born Jan. 3, 1996 on Wednesday in Mercer Co. WV.


948.  James Mainard Meachum was born May 5, 1977 on Thursday in Mercer Co. WV.


He was married to Laura Leigh Holdren (daughter of Rodney Holdren and Sharon Matherly ).  Laura Leigh Holdren was born Sept. 30, 1978 on Saturday in Ohio.  James Mainard Meachum and Laura Leigh Holdren had the following children:


        1004                      i.    LeAndra Lea Meachum was born Feb. 19, 1997 on Wednesday.





Prepared by:

Bob & Pauline Pruett

1118 Cherokee Trail

Covington, Va.  24426


My Ancestors

© 2005 Descendants of Jeremiah Shrewsbury created &
updated on a regular basis, is owned and managed by Pauline Pruett.

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