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A Digital Library of Rare, Live,
and Out of Print Recordings

01-10-03 Edition

Editor's Notes:

As it's the "busy season, I'm trading only on a limited basis until April 2003. Please feel free to request a trade, but don't be disappointed if I'm not able to accommodate you at this time ....

Well, I guess it had to happen sometime. I'm putting out my first "Untrustworthy" Trader Alert. The dizzy bitch goes by the name Tina Edwards. Complete info is as follows:

Tina Edwards
4133 Great Falls HWY
Richburg SC 29729


Trade List:

Our girl, Tina, agreed to a five disc trade on June 15 and said it would take a week to ten days to prepare the discs. Fortunately, she offered to send at the same time or wait for her discs until I got my discs. Initially, I agreed to mail at the same time. I hadn't heard from her since our initial agreement, so on July 6th, I e-mailed her for a trade status, to which she replied, "I'm working on it. They should be out by around next week." Again, I heard nothing from her, so on July 22, I again e-mailed her. She claimed that she mailed her set (although she never e-mailed me that she had posted the discs) and asked where hers were. I replied that in light of her failure to keep me posted about the trade status, her failure to let me know that she had mailed her set, and since she had offered to wait for mine discs, I had decided to exercise her offer to wait until her package arrived before I would mail my discs. Low and behold, no package arrived. After a few testy e-mails back and forth, on Wednesday, July 31, she supposedly mailed another set from South Carolina to my address in New Jersey. Not surprisingly, I still have not received a package from her, FIRST or SECOND!

I can't say she's a "BAD" Trader, for I did not lose any discs. But, she did jerk me around for two months with her lies. Consequently, I might strongly suggest that if you should decide to trade with her, do not mail your package until you receive hers. Also, she has informed me that she is moving, so her address will be changing. Be alert to a change of venue.


About Me

It has come to my attention that some traders who have received my discs have had trouble copying them. I am told that they play just fine in a CD player, but not so well when being duplicated. I do not know if it is my DAC (digital audio copier), my burner, or if they are making discs "on the fly". I provide this information for you, the prospective trader, so that you can decide whether a trade is worth the risk. In short, Caveat Emptor (let the trader beware!).

It seems to me that music traders/collectors fall into two broad categories: those who will collect any recording regardless of the source, sound quality, or performance (I call this SBS, or Steve Broome syndrome), and those who desire only high quality recordings. I fall into the latter category, which is to say that I seek only high quality recordings and performances. By high quality recordings, I mean soundboard or superb radio broadcasts. However, with the advent of the portable DAT and mini-disc recorder, excellent sound quality audience recordings are acceptable. Likewise, by performance, I seek recordings that exemplify the band at its best, as opposed to recordings where, for example, the lead singer's voice is hoarse, the drummer is so drunk he can only play in 4-4 time, or it was the last show of the tour and the band is playing as if they can't get off the stage fast enough.

I understand that because of its subjective nature, alot of traders resist the tempation to rate their recordings. While I acknowledge their right to maintain their list as they see fit, I hope they will acknowledge my divine right to trade with whom I choose. I have a very limited amount of time for trading and dislike wasting it with inquiries regarding the source and/or sound quality of a particular recording. Consequently, I will not engage in a trade if I receive a trade list that doesn't denote a recording's source and general rating regarding the sound quality. Indeed, chances are good that I will not take the time to reply to the trade request. Another time waster is the "if you're still trading, I'll send you my list" e-mail. I will not reply to such feeble minded messages. This is a SUBTLE HINT to enclose your list or link when you initiate a trade request! Or, to put it another way, ... HELL YEAH, I'M STILL TRADING ... !!! Lastly, if your list is on a spread sheet, in a Word file, or some other software file, DO NOT ATTACH it to your e-mail. Rather, COPY AND PASTE it to the e-mail. I will not open attached files; but, I assure you, I will delete it in a nano-second without a thought.

Given my previous statement about the precious commodity, time, should you decide to contact me, at a minimum, PLEASE include the complete titles of the discs you desire to trade for, your trade list or a link to it (there, I said it again ... !!! :-), as well as the country in which you reside or to which the discs will be mailed. This expedites the trade and allows me to consider doing a Blanks and Postage transaction for you! Should I receive a trade request without this information, I'll simply delete it.

If you find the above paragraphs too harsh, too complicated, or too incompatible with your lifestyle, please do not hesitate to contact another trader. My feelings won't be hurt, though our collections may not increase quite so quickly. Should you desire to contact me for a trade, please supply the requisite info stated in the paragraphs above, view my want list and the Forward, then proceed to the Denouement. ... Gee, it's kinda like being back in English Lit class, isn't it ... (winky, winky)

Instant Gratification (AKA, MY WANT LIST)

Excellent quality recordings (Soundboard or Radio broadcasts, preferably; but extra ordinary audience recordings are accepted) by Pete Yorn, Rufus Wainwright, Pre-1980's Jackson Browne (preferably with a back-up band), Sigur Ros, Coldplay, David Gray and Radiohead Canal+ (private concert recorded for French TV aired on 6-6-01). I am also seeking clean, soundboard quality Rick Wakeman recordings from 1974-6, a clean copy (no pops, or digital clicks) of The Great Lost Kinks Album, and Jazz recordings by John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Bill Evans, and Thelonious Monk (among others). All other recordings will be considered as long as your list includes the source and a general sound quality rating for most recordings.


Ascending the Learning Curve


1. THE GOLDEN RULE - this library is for digital disc trade only; I WILL NOT SELL RECORDINGS, so PLEASE do not ask!!!

2. If we haven't traded before and you contact me for a trade, you'll have to mail first. I'll sample/listen to your discs and mail mine within 48 hours. If there's a problem with your discs, I'll e-mail you noting the problem in detail. More than likely, I'll mail your discs back to you and await clean discs before completing the trade. (Editor's Note) After about the fifth or sixth time you are burned (pun intended) in a trade, you'll understand why I've implemented this rule!

3. ALL DISCS MUST BE COPIED WITH DISC AT ONCE (DAO) which eliminates the 2 second gaps between tracks; THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE!!!!! You MUST confirm that you will be able to copy the discs sent to me in this manner.

4. When considering a trade, I want to know, BEFORE I GET A DISC, such silly things as:

(A) the SOURCE of the recording (i.e., is it a soundboard recording, recorded from the audience, from the radio, transferred from a cassette and has some tape hiss, from a vinyl record and has pops, crackles and the like, etc.) If your list does not include the source ID=ith a recording, such as digital pops or clicks, tracks that are cut or fade in or out, channel volume fluctuations, truncated tracks, etc. This is not meant to be an all inclusive list of potential problems, so please use common sense and courtesy and disclose fully any problems with a recording, no matter how minor!

Thank You,
R. Waters

5. Use the appropriate length CD-R. If a recording requires an 80 minute CD-R (700 MB disc), please use it. I do NOT want recordings with tracks cut or omitted because they wouldn't fit on a 74 minute disc!

6. All discs must be placed in protective sleeves. If you simply throw my discs in a padded envelope (without placing them sleeves), you'll get them back in the mail (postage due!) and the trade will be cancelled.

7. Your package must include a detailed set list (i.e., the list should include the name of the band; the date, city, venue (if known), and complete song list) for EACH RECORDING. Ahould yo fail to include include the set lists with the discs, you will not receive your selections from me until you MAIL (not e-mail) them to me. Simply pt, mail dscs and detailed set lists in the same padded envelope.

8. I do NOT trade discs sourced from MP3's and I DO NOT WANT DISCS SOURCED FROM MP3's!

9. I expect a set list with the discs or via e-mail. Please do not write on the discs, and ABSOLUTELY NO LABELS on discs.

10. I prefer to mail discs without jewel cases via 1st class mail to U.S. residents and via airmail to foreign destinations.

11. I LIKE TO COMPLETE MY TRADES EXPEDITOUSLY; that includes the e-mails leading up to the consumation of the trade.


Confessions of a Perfectionist

Yes, I know I'm a picky bastard. But, please realize that I give as good as I get, which is to say that I try to trade only clean, high quality recordings. And, I stand behind my discs. If there's a problem which hasn't previously been disclosed, I'll do my best to make it right. I ask no more of my trading partners than I give of myself.


Le List de Trade

RATINGS: Anything with an N means that I haven't rated it yet. Please feel free to ask for a rating. In some cases, I've sampled a disc and included a partial rating (with a question mark (?) to the right of the decimel point) to give the reader a general idea of the quality of the recording.

My rating reflects the quality of the recording AND the quality of the performance. While they are subjective, I try to be thorough and critical. The weighting is approximately three-quarters recording quality, one-quarter performance. Recordings rated a 9.3 or better represent the elite class (A ratings, if you will) and, IMHO are DEFINITELY worth having in your collection. Recordings in the 9.2 to 9.0 range are very collectibspac28the A- category), while those with an 8.9 or 8.8 indicate minor imperfections in the recording or performance. Ratings of 8.7 to 8.0 are still worth having, but represent the second tier (the B discs) of collecting. The reader really should consider collecting recordings with a rating of 9.0 to 10 first, as they represent the best that I have to offer. Anything rated below an 8.0 is for the die-hard collector.

Selections with an asterisk (*) next to them indicate that yours truly lovingly converted them from cassette using Cool Edit and Sound Forge to "clean" the recording and master the disc, while selections with a double asterisk (**) next to them indicate recordings which I have remastered, which typically means that I've removed the extraneous analogue noise. Recordings with a surrounding it indicate a personal favorite; recordings that I listen to time and again. :-)

ABBREVIATIONS: Aud=audience recording; CD=Compact disc; DAT=digital audio tape; LP=vinyl; Mini=Minidisc; N=Not rated yet; SDBD=Soundboard


10,000 MANIACS
Rarities & B-Sides SDBD/CD 9.?
McGabe's Guitar Shop, Los Angeles; 5-24-87 (this is actually Natialie Merchant with Steve Wynn, Michael Stipe, Peter Buck, Kendra Smith and Jenny Holmer) SDBD? 9.?
Cool White Stare (Sadlers Wells Theater, London; 7-31-88) SDBD 9.6
From Natalie With Love (Buffalo NY, 7-4-89) SDBD 9.0
Open Up Your Ears (Boston 12-2-89) AUD 9.1
In the Garden of Eden(Toronto/Charleston WV'93)SB/Radio?9.4/9.0
Last Days of Eden (Seattle 5-23-93) AUD 9.2
How You've Grown LA 10-25-93 SDBD 9.2

Against Perfection CD 10
Fake CD 10
B-Sides and Rarities (16 tracks) CD 10
Finale (The Final Concert) AUD 8.8

LA '92/USA '93 N

A&R Studios, New York 8-26-71 Radio 9.2

Y Kant Tori Rede (plus 6 bonus tracks) Mstr 9.4
Ultra Rare Tori (Y Kant Tori + 7 bonus tracks) Mstr 9.1
Under the Pink B-Sides(Bonus Australian Tour dsc) CD 10
Unplugged(Brooklyn Acadamy '96 + 4 bonus tracks) 9.3
Previous Little Diamonds (singles, B-sides,etc) CD 9.0
Under the Pink Tour'94(Hamburg 4-10-94 + bonus) AUD 8.9 2CD
Purple Rose Berlin 3-25-96 Plus Filler Radio 9.4 2CD
In the Breeze (1996 Radio Broadcasts) Radio 9.2
Dew Drop Inn Boulder 11-11-96(very minor distortion)AUD 8.9 2CD
Swapping Tongues Atlanta 4-20-98 AUD/DAT? 8.7 2CD
Tori Stories N 4CD
Berlin 6-8-98 Radio? 9.3 2CD
Pinkpop 6-1-98 (Pinkpop Festival, Holland+ altern.mix tracks) TV? 9.5
Hamburg Swirl 6-11-98 SDBD? 9.5
Munich 6-18-98 AUD 9.? 2CD
Frankfurt 6-23-98 Radio? 9.4 2CD
Portland Oregon 9-12-98 AUD 9.3 2CD
Raleigh 10-18-98 Aud 9.0 2CD
Louisville Kentucky 10-28-98 Aud 9.4 2CD
Sessions at Studio 54 (11-14-98) Video? 9.?
Akron Ohio 11-28-98 Aud 9.? 2CD
Camden New Jersey 8-27-99 Aud 8.5
Saratoga Springs New York 8-29-99 Aud 9.2
Breakfast w/Tori on KROQ 9-24-99 + Good Morning America Radio/TV 9.?

Dallas 9-29-99 AUD 2CD
Union Chapel, London; 8-30-01 AUD N
Ovens Auditorium, Charlotte, NC 10-4-01 AUD N 2 CD
Arie Crown Theater, Chicago 10-23-01 AUD N 2CD

THE BEATLES - Beatles Directory: (The Beatleg Project)
All Too Much SDBD 10
BackTracks Vol.1 CD 9.?
BackTracks Vol.2 CD 9.?
BackTracks Vol.3 CD 9.?
The Beatles Story (Japanese Import, 20 tracks) CD 9.?
Casualties (15 tracks) CD 9.?
The Christmas Album (Official Fan Club Issue) Vinyl 9.0
Dig It CD 9.?
Get Back Final Glyn Johns Comp SDBD 9.?
Get Back Limited Edition (Masterdisc) SDBD 9.? 2CD
Get Back + 22 Songs SDBD 9.?
Hold Me Tight CD 9.?
Let It Be Rehearsal + Complete Rooftop Concert SDBD N
Live in Paris 1965 Radio? 9.3
The Lost Pepperland Reel and Other Rarities SDBD 9.?
No. 3 Abbey Road N.W. 8 SDBD 9.?
Not For Sale CD 9.3
Not Guilty CD 9.?
Sessions CD 9.?
Something to Hide CD 9.?
Strawberry Fields Forever CD 9.3
Unsurpassed Demos SDBD 9.?
Unsurpassed Masters CD 9.?
Unsurpassed Masters Vol. 2 CD 9.?
Unsurpassed Masters Vol. 5 SDBD 9.?
The White Album (mono plus bonus tracks) SDBD 9.? 2CD
Whitology (Birthday has a skip) SDBD 8.9 2CD

Black Sessions '91 & '96 Radio N
Loreley '98 N

Black Session (live French Radio Show) 10-5-98 SDBD (not the Radio feed!) 9.4
Live at the Supper Club, NYC Nov. 1 & 2 1998 Aud 8.7/8.4 2CD
Bowlie Weekender, Camber Sands, U.K. 4-25-99 Radio 9.3
Tigermilk Lp + B-sides CD 10.
UK Singles and B-Sides (16 tracks) CD 10.

Bjork and Tappi Tikarrass CD N
Gig (NYC 1993) SDBD 9.3
Live Debut 1993 Hamburg 12-6-93 Radio? 9.4
Violently Live 1993 SDBD 9.5
Beauty and the Beast Toronto 7-8-95 (TAO) N
Quiet Fireworks (Rarities 1993-97) Mstr N
SSSHHHHHH.....(Adelaide 3-11-96 + Unplugged '94)AUD? 9.3 2CD
The Iceland Saga (Kristiansand, Norway 7-2-98) AUD 8.6
Benicassism '98 (Spain) 8-9-98 N

Black and Blue (England 1991) SDBD 9.3

Modrophenia (Tour '94) SDBD 9.3
Live at Budokan-Japanese Only Official Live CD CD 10 2CD

From Here to Eternity (live USA/California; 1977?) SDBD 9.?

The Forgotten Songs of David Robert Jones N
Santa Monica 10-20-72 Radio 9.2
Montreal 1983 SDBD 9.? 2CD
Sound & Vision (Live USA 1990) SDBD 9.?
Japan 5-15-90 SDBD 9.?

Long Island 1973 Radio? 9.?

Safe From Harm Denmark & Holland 1995 Radio 8.8

Dream Letter (live in London 1968) CD 10 2CD

Burning Desire Hammersmith Odeon London 5-13-79 Radio? 9.3
Butterfly Kisses (18 live tracks from 1978-88) 8.5-9.3
Cathy's Home Demos (24 demos + '75 KT Bush outks)Vinyl? 8.6
Shrubberies (26 demos) Tape? 8.5
This Woman's Work III CD 10.
Japanese Box Set Bonus Disc I CD 10.
Japanese Bonus Disc II CD 10.

Live 1988 Radio? 9.?

Rounderbowt (Singles, B-Sides and Rarities) CD 10 2CD

Hot Licks (Italy 1992) 12 tracks SDBD 9.3

Providence, RI 7-10-74 Radio 9.?

Pier Pressure (16 live tracks 1980-82; 5 demos 1977-80) N
Super Golden Radio Shows #028 (live in Cardif 1977) N

Tut's, Chicago Illinois 10-81 Radio 9.3
*Fabrik, Hamburg 9-11-84 (JGB filler) Radio 9.1 2CD
Rockpalast, Hamburg 2-25-85 TV 9.? 2CD
Park West, Chicago Illinois 11-9-91 Radio 9.3
* Keswick Theatre, Glenside PA 12-5-91 Aud 9.2 2CD
My first BC concert & still my favorite BC recording!!!
Fabrik Hamburg 5-15-92 Radio 9.4 2CD My second BC concert.
Rochester NY 5-26-94 DAT 8.9 2CD My fourth BC concert.
BC and Youssou N'Dour 8-8-94 Radio 9.?
Barrymore Theatre, Madison WI 5-3-97 N 2CD
Northern Kentucky University 6-21-97 Radio N 2CD
BC on E-Towr (with Jonatha Brooke) 11-28-97 Radio 9.?
Calvin College Concert 4-98 AUD N
West Coast Live 7-18-98; Mtn Stage 4-9-99 Radio Not Copiable
Every Voice But Mine (BC Tribute CD Vol. 1) Master 10
Festival of Friends (BC Tribute Vol. 2) Master 10

All My Mortal Dreams (Lovers are Mortal, Night Must Fall, Scream, Unrealized Dreams) SDBD/Radio 9.4 2CD
Radio Radio 8.8-9.4 (Essentially the same as CT BBC Sessions)
Flagstones and Sugar Drops (Holland '84)[gaps]Video? 8.3
Hamburg '85 Radio N
Live in London 1986 (The National Ballroom, Kilburn England; 11-18-86) Aud 8.4
**Live in London 1986 (The National Ballroom, Kilburn England; 11-18-86) REMASTERED Aud 9.1
Nijmegan 10-15-90 Aud 8.7
Royal Oak Theater, Detroit 11-24-90 SDBD 9.8
Pearly, Pink and White (New Orleans 2-28-94) Aud 8.6
Black Sessions 1/29/94 & 12/23/95 Radio 8.3/9.5
Subterrania London 3-25-96 Aud 9.3
Royal Albert Hall, London 5-8-96 Aud N
Roskilde 6-30-96 Aud 8.?
Paris 1996 Aud 8.?
Seattle 6-96 (Some Songs are Cut) Aud 8.1
Singles, B-Sides, and Snow (19 tracks) CD 10
B-Sides I (17 tracks, not all with track markers) CD 10
B-Sides II (20 tracks, not all with track markers) CD 10
Victorialake (remix of Victorialand) CD 10
Heaven or Los Vegas Edited Edition CD/Vinyl 8.8-9.4
Milk My Kisses (remix of Milk and Kisses) CD N

Diffidence (17 tracks from 1994-97) 9.?
Live '97-98 (various dates; 15 tracks) 9.?
Hush Los Angeles 10-23-96 12 tracks N
Munich 9-26-97 N

Live at the Halfnote 2-23-63 Radio N
Antibes France 7-26-65 Radio N

Live Rehearsals (Indianapolis 1992) SDBD 9.4

Carving Out Our Names(Hollywood CA 3-17/18-94+Bonus tracks; acoustic and electric songs) SDBD/AUD 9.5
May and Nothing Before (CA & NY/Boston '94) SB/AUD 9.2/8.6

Unplugged and More (Roxy Theater, LA 1994) SDBD 9.5
Stories to be Told (USA 1994) SDBD 9.4
Argue This Toronto 8-29-96 SDBD 9.6

Dummies At Home (Manitoba 1-94 + 3 tracks) SDBD 9.5

Friday I'm Alive '92 (New York 1992) SDBD 9.2
One Last Wish (London 12-12-92 + 4 XFM Studios, London bonus tracks) SDBD 9.5

Public Fruit (their 1st 3 British EP's) CD 10
Radio Sessions 1991-92 CD 10

With a Little Help From my Friends NY 2-24-95 SDBD 9.5 2CD
Rockin' the Garden NY 2-24-95 + bns trks SDBD N 2CD
Puzzled Hampton Va 12-31-95 SDBD 8.8 2CD
Crashing the Quarter New orleans Jazz Fest '96 SDBD 9.2
Acoustic Collection (Dave and Tim in Utica NY, 1-25-97) SDBD 9.4 2CD

Amsterdam 1960 (with John Coltrane) Radio? 9/2
Salle Pleyel, Paris, 11-6-67 Radio N
Belgrade, Yugoslavia 11-3-71(no ins, 1 long track!)Radio 9.1

Around the Max Amsterdam 10-13-97 + 3 Bns trcks SDBD N
Dynamo 1998 Eindhoven 5-30-98 + 4 Bonus Tracks SDBD N
Got Milk? (Demos) SDBD N

Ultra Rare Trax Vols. 1,3, & 4 (occasional LP pops) CD/LP 8.9 4CD
The Special 12th Strike 10
Performance (Basel Switzerland, 11-29-84) N 2CD

Fillmore East, New York 10-24-70 SDBD 9.3 2CD
The Last Sessions (Fan Club Issue) 10

An Acoustic Evening with...(Renton, Washington 7-14-94)SDBD 9.4
Hell Yeah University Theatre, Calgary 1-19-95 SDBD 9.5

Palace of Exile, Isle of Wight Festival 8-31-70 N

The Genuine Bootleg Series Volume 3 N 3CD
Folk Vogue (1964 & 65) SDBD N
The Days Before Hard Rain (Rolling Thunder rehearsals) SDBD N
The Dylan/Cash Sessions (February - May 1969) N

Echo Pop Sun Plaza, Tokyo 1-18-84 SDBD 9.3

Box Set I (Instrumental) CD 10 3CD
Box Set II (Vocal) CD 10 3CD
Eno and Cluster Live Matzell Germany 9-77 (1 track, 28 min.) SDBD 9.3
Contra 1.2 CD 10
Dali's Car (Live 1974 and 1976) SDBD 9.1
Headcandy CD 10
Koan CD 10
Lightness, Music for the Marble Palace CD 10
Music for Films Director's Edition CD 10
Music for I Dormienti and Kite Stories CD 10.
Music for White Cube CD 10
Music for the Civic Recovery Centre CD 10
Music From the Film, Glitterbug Celluloid 8.8
My Squelchy Life SDBD 10
Oblique Tracks II (No track listing ) N
Rarities (Music for Onmyo-ji plus 10 rare tracks) CD 10
Shutov Assembly Demo CD 10
Shutov Assembly Live at Paradiso, Amsterdam (Brian Eno with the Netherland's Metropole Orchestra directed by Dick Bakker) 6-19-99 SDBD 10
Textures CD 10

Ghosts (unreleased versions; 13 tracks) N

Paris Concert 5-28-75 (each disc is one long track!) Radio? 9.3 2CD

Unplugged and More (Brklyn Acad. 3-22-95 +5 bonus tracks; tracks fade in and out)SDBD 9.3

My Foolish Heart (Buenos Aires, 6-24-73) Radio? N

Sideprojects I (14 tracks, not all w/track markers) CD 10
Sideprojects II (13 tracks, ditto!) CD 10

Robert Fripp String Quintet Live in Italy 1997 SDBD 9.6
Half Loveless (MBV), half Friday Night in San Francisco (Mclaughlin, DiMeola, and DeLucia), Fripp and company perform with incredible dexterity. This is a thoroughly enjoyable show!
The Essential Fripp and Eno CD 10

PETER GABRIEL - Peter Gabriel Directory: (Willow Farm)
Slowburn The Roxy, Los Angeles 4-9-77 Radio? N
Pavillion of Memories, Champel "Pavillion Des Sports" France 9-21-80 AUD 8.2 2CD
No Self Control (Verona Italy, 9-18-87) AUD 8.4 2CD

*Merl Saunders and Jerry Garcia 1970's Radio/SDBD/Aud 9.?
*JGB 1980-82 Aud/SDBD 9.? 2CD
For this compilation, I took the best performances from the half dozen or so shows (Tower Theater 2-6-81; Capitol Theater 2-19-80; Felt Forum 11-11-82 late show; Kean College 11-15-82 late show, etc.) I have on cassette from the 1980-82 period.

GENESIS - Genesis Directories: (Willow Farm) (One for the Vine) & (Genesis Links Page)
Some of You are Going to Die (1-28-73 & 2-4-73) SDBD 9.6
The Roxy Club Los Angeles 12-19-73 (Suppers Ready fades out) SDBD 9.2
The Lamb Descends on Waterbury SDBD 9.4 2CD
(Lakeland FLA. 1-11-75 + Hedley Grange studios sessions, Spring '74)
The Lamb Lives (Lakeland Florida 1-12-75) SDBD 9.5 2CD
Pittsburgh 4-15-76 Radio N 2CD
London 6-24-77 Radio N 2CD
Uptown Theater, Chicago 10-13-78 Radio 9.3 2CD

In Bloom (USA 1993) SDBD 9.2

*Excerpts from Community Concourse, San Diego 1-10-70 Radio 8.5
My Head is Dead (Rochester NY 9-13-70) 8.5
Clouds of Dew (Winterland 2-24-74) SDBD 9.4
*Excerpts from Freedom Hall, Louisville KY 6-18-74 SDBD 9.3
Freedom Hall, Louisville KY 6-18-74 SDBD 9.? 3CD
Jai-Alai Fronton, Miami FL 6-22-74 SDBD 9.? 3CD

A Complete Unknown The Wetlands, New York 12-18-93 SDBD 9.5
The Limelight, Belfast 12-15-99 SDBD? 9.?
Brixton Promo (as found in the Daily Telegraph) 12-18-00 (6 tracks; ~~27:00) Mstr 10
The Tractor Tavern, Seattle; 3/25/2000 AUD 9.? 2CD (DAO, but not all tracks flow "smoothly")
Witness Festival, Co Meath, Ireland 8-5-00 Radio 9.? 2CD
The Pageant, St. Louis 4-14-01 SDBD? 9.4 2CD

Woodstock 1994 and More SDBD 9.2

DJ Mix CD 10.

The Making of All Things Must Pass N 3CD

Unplugged (Whistler Canada) 3-18-94 SDBD 9.1

The Official Bootleg Album (16 tracks) Mstr 9.4
19 Great Performances SDBD N 2CD
Hendrix 'N Friends The Scene New York City 3-7-69 SDBD N

*The Troccadero, Philadelphia 9-3-86 Radio (JGB filler) 9.5 2CD

Nothing Without Me(Paleo Festival,France 1-8-91)N

In With the In Crowd (London 11-94) N
B-Sides and Rarities (12 Tracks) N

JETHRO TULL - Jethro Tull Directory: Collecting Jethro Tull
20th Anniversary Set CD 10 3CD
25th Anniversary Set CD 10 4CD
Congresgebouw, Den Haag, Netherlands 03-16-80 SDBD 9.? 2CD
LA 1980 N 9.? 2CD

Solace (Toronto 8-30-97) SDBD 9.3

Sigma Sound Studio, Philadelphia 04/15/1972 Radio 9.4
The Bottom Line 6-10-76 + Electric Factory 1972 Radio 8.5/8.7 2CD
C.W. Post College 5-6-77 Radio N 2CD

First Visit (Japan 10-11-71; w/Murray & Olsen) 9.? 2CD
Live at the Hammersmith Odeon (December 1973) N 2CD

Montreux 7-16-82

London '74 (Slum Kids) N
Rainbow Theatre, London 12/24/77 (missing Skin and Bones) Radio 9.?
Palladium, NYC 1980 (Another One For the Road) SDBD 9.?

Mesa Arizona 3/6/97 (Gansta Metal) N
Live, Demos & Blind N

Trip CD 10

London 3/25/71 (Return to the Paris Theatre) (occasional volume dropouts) Radio? 8.9 2CD
Studio Daze (track two is cut) N
NYC 7/27/73 (The Safecracker's Show) (channel imbalance) Radio? 8.0
Cleveland 4/27/77 (Destroyer) (disc two has some digital clicks) N 2CD
Live in Stoke England Volume 1 Radio? 8.4
That's the Way Thru the Out Door (outtakes) N
Tour Over Europe 1980(disc one has many pops) Vinyl? 8.0 2CD

The Khyber Pass, Philadelphia 11/26/98 (Kickin' at the Khyber) Aud N

Singles and B-Sides (16 tracks) CD 10

Roxy Theater, Los Angeles 5/26/76 Radio? 8.8
Tokyo 4/10/79 Radio 8.9
Santa Barbara County Bowl 11/25/79 SDBD 9.4

Live in Bristol '98 SDBD 9.3

The Moore Theatre, Seattle 4/5/94 Aud 8.?
Mercury Lounge, NYC 5/21/94 Aud 9.4
Mercury Lounge, NYC 5/21/94 REMASTERED Aud 9.4
Cabaret Metro, Chicago 11/12/94 SDBD 9.5

Live (Limited Edition Nettwek CD) Toronto 10/92 CD 10
1994 - 95 SDBD 9.?
Denver 3/8/95 (Under a Blackened Sky) Radio? 9.1
Unplugged and More 1995 (Toronto and NYC 1995) SDBD 9.3
New Tour and More (Toronto '97 & Minneapolis 5/94) TV/SDBD? 9.?
Building a Mystery (Chum City Building, Toronto 7/1/97 and Massey Hall 8/11/92) SDBD 9.1
Songbird (Surfacing Tour) SDBD 9.4
Musique Plus Studios, Montreal 4/2/98 + 7 Swinging on a Star tracks from 1990 - 92 TV? 9.0
Border Songs (same as Musique Plus Studios disc + one additional track) TV? 9.3
Portland Oregon, 4/20 - 21, 1998 Radio 9.3 2CD
Storytellers TV 8.8

MerchantSolo Sessions 1994 - 95 Radio/SDBD 9.?
Sympathy (15 live tracks from '93 - '94) Radio/TV? 9.2
Milwaukee 10/24/95 (Merchandise) (occasional left channel dropouts) Aud 8.8 2CD Paramount Theatre, Oakland 12-7-98 (Sister Natalie Live) Aud 8.8 2CD
Demi Goddess N
Philadelphia 2/19/99 (Tongue and Groove) Radio N

Boston 1976 (no set list) Radio 9.?
Boston 1979 (partial set list) Radio 9.?

The Double Door, Chicago 4/20/99 Aud 9.3

Monterey, California 9/22/65 Radio? 9.?

Unplugged in the Studio (acoustic demos and unreleased songs, 1968-71) SDBD N
Fillmore West, San Francisco 4/26/70 SDBD 9.3
Montreux Jazz Festival 7/11/84 Radio 9.1
The Bottom Line NYC '78 Radio 9.3
Berkeley Community Theatre, Berkeley California 10-21-79 Radio 9.?
Beacon Theater, NYC 11/30/89 (The Concert) SDBD 9.4 2CD
Jazz Fest '95, Edinburgh Castle (with the BBC Orchestra) Radio 9.4
From Dublin up to Sandy Row 1995 SDBD? 9.?

Live and Covers SDBD 9.2
Utrecht Holland, 7/91(Higher Education) SDBD 9.2
Hammersmith Odeon, London 10/91 (King Lear) SDBD 9.2

Pre-Creation Rarities N
Ecstacy and Wine (on SDRE Circles) N
We're So Beautiful (Norwich 2/88 + Peel Session 10/88) lots of tape hiss Radio 8.2
Vancouver 7/92 (LOOM) SDBD 9.3
EP's and B-Sides (17 tracks) CD 10

Poplar Creek, Chicago 6/21/86 (Cloak and Dagger) Aud 9.0

B-Sides and More CD 9.3

Ventura California 6/20/94 + 7 bonus tracks (Westwood One Radio Concert disc) 9.2

Selected Rare Tracks CD 10
Brixton Academy 10/23/92 SDBD 9.3

Mrs. Dolphin + B-Sides CD 10

Holland '92 (Small Club) SDBD 9.3

Jewel Box 4 (rare, live, and unreleased tracks 1966-87) 9.?
Montreux Switzerland, 11/21 - 22, 1969 (Smokin' Blues) SDBD 8.9 2CD
Fillmore West, San Francisco 4/29/70 (Breast Milky) Radio 8.5 2 CD
Paris Theatre, London 9/71 (Meddler) (slight volume distortion on a couple of tracks) Radio 9.3
Rhapsody in Pink (Unreleased live BBC recordings) 9.4)
From the Underground to the Moon (Various venues and dates from late '60s to 1973) (disc three has an intermittent brush stroke sound mastered throughout the disc) SDBD? 9.4 3CD
Dark Side of the Sky (England 1974) (Time & Us and Them are cut) Vinyl 8.6
Radio City, NYC 3/17/73 (Dark Side of Radio City) SDBD? 8.7 2CD
Wembley, London 11/16/74 (Black Hole in the Sky) Radio? 9.1 2CD
Wembley, London 11/16/74 (Brain Damage) Radio 9.3
Sports Arena, Los Angeles 4/25/75 (Moving Time) Aud 8.?
Pavillon de Paris, 2/25/77 (Shine On) Aud 8.9
Oakland Colliseum 5/9/77 (Plays the Animals) Aud 9.3 2CD
Welcome to the Machine (NYC, 7/77) N
Nassua Coliseum, Uniondale Long Island, 2/80 + Rehearsal) SDBD/Tape 9.2/8.6 3CD

Timeless Stars (Newcastle Poly 5/89) N
Mr. Grieves' Bone Machine (Caberet Metro, Chicago 8/10/89) SDBD 9.3

Nobody Loves Me (April '95) SDBD 9.3
Empress Ballroom 5/25/95 (Welcome to Portishead) SDBD 9.35
There's two one second distortions (sounds like an electrical short in the turntable) which are malfunctions with the performance, NOT the mastering of the CD-R.
Roseland Ballroom, NYC 7/24/97 (An Evening With) SDBD 9.45
Glastonbury 6/26/98 Radio? 8.9
Cologne 8/21/98 (Symphony) Radio? 9.4
Trip-Hop Reconstruction (remixes, B-Sides, and rare tracks) CD 9.9
Non Album Tracks (remixes, B-Sides, and rare tracks) CD/Vinyl 10

Santa Monica, California 9/4/81 plus bonus tracks Radio 9.2 2CD

Germany 1988 (The White Album) N
Westfalenhalle, Dortmund 9/9/88 (Love Sexy) Radio? 8.9

My Father's Place, Roslyn, Long Island 1982 Radio 9.4

The Avalon, Boston April 1996 SDBD 9.6
The Forum, Tokyo 1/18/98 (Fake PLastic Shock) Aud 9.1 2CD
The Bill Graham Center, San Francisco 4/2/98 Aud 9.3 2CD
Bercy Stadium, Paris 10/12/98 (Amnesty Internaional) (Radio One Feed; track one, Just, missing) 9.2
SFB Sendesaal, Berlin, Germany 7/4/00 Radio 9.? 2CD
Gofferpark Nijmegan, Netherlands 9/16/00 Radio 9.8 2CD
Pinkpop Festival, Holland 6/4/01 TV/Radio 9.? 2CD
Later With Jools Holland 6/9/01 TV 9.6
Later With Jools Holland 6/9/01 + Amnesiac remixes and other Extras Disc One TV Disc Two Radio? 9.6
Suffolk Downs, Boston 8/14/01 Aud 9.2 2CD

San Francisco 11/24/92 Aud 8.?
McCabes Guitar Shop 6/9/96 Aud 8.? 2CD
Sweden 1997 Radio 9.?

NDR Studio 11, Hamburg 3/5/91 (Radio Songs) acoustic SDBD 9.3
From the Borderline (Germany 3/19/91) acoustic Aud 9.3 2 CD

Axeman (with Ozzie Osbourne, Indianapolis 6/4/81) Radio? 9.2

Singles and B-Sides (11 tracks) CD 10

Oakland Coliseum 11/9/69 (Liver Than You'll Ever Be) Aud? 8.?
Live at Leeds 3/71 (Leed Guitar ...T.V. Stars) SDBD 9.7
BedSpring Symphony (NYC '72 ; Brussels and London '73) Radio 9.4
Brussels 10/17/73 plus London 9/9/73 (A Brussels Affair) Radio 9.4
The Early Decca Years Volumes 1,4, & 5 N

Paris '92 (Thames Lovers) Radio 9.1

Hartford 12/20/81 (Moving Picture Story) Radio? 8.6 2CD
Run from the Fans (USA 1992) SDBD 9.s

Icelandic Opera House, Reykjavic 6/12/99 Radio 9.?
Laugardalshollin, Reykjavic 8/28/99 Radio 9.?
Odense Denmark 1/2/00 Radio 9.?
Schlachthof, Hamburg 11/17/00 Radio 9.?
Venue Denmark 2000 + Svefn-G-Englar EP Radio/CD 9.?/10

Stomping Down Under N

Miami of Ohio University, 11/11/69 SDBD 9.?

Souvlaki + Bonus Tracks CD 10
Pygmalion CD 10
Losing Today (singles & B-Sides; 14 tracks) CD 10
Rarities N
Demos N 3CD
Live in California 5/28/92 Aud 8.4
Slims and the Bizzarre Festival '92 SDBD 9.4
Oslo '93 & Bochun '92 SDBD 9.5
*Sentrum Scene, Oslo 10/18/93 (2nd generation conversion of the cassette sold on thier final tour) 9.6
Live Volume 1 Unpublished and Non-Album Aud/SDBD 8.4 - 9.5
Live Compilation Volume 2 N

Spaceboy (USA and Europe 1993) N
Live at the Riviera, Chicago 10-23-95 Radio 9.4

Butterfly Collector (Holland 4/84 + bonus tracks from 1983-84) SDBD N
Same Day Again (Europe 1985) SDBD N
Before Love (Oxford 3/18/85) Radio 9.4
Thank Your Lucky Stars (Los Angeles 8/26/86) SDBD 9.45

Antwerpen 3/28/96 (The Blue Moods '95/'96) N
Stockholm 1/11/99 Radio 9.5

Fucked Up Inside CD 10
Good Dope, Good Fun (Great except for 3 vinyl tracks with pops) 9.7
Radio Sessions Radio 8.5
Glastonbury Festival 6/28/98 Radio? 9.4

The Early Years N 2CD
Smalltown Boy (Main Point, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 4/24/73) Radio 8.?
You Mean So Much to Me (Kent State University, Kent Ohio, 1/19/74) N 2CD
The Lost Radio Show (Houston 3/9/74) Radio N
You Can Trust Your Car to the Man Under the Star (Main Point, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania 2/5/75) Radio 9.3 2CD
The Homecoming (Red Bank New Jersey, 10/11/75 late show) SDBD 8.6 2CD
Forced to Confess (Boston MusicHall, 3/25/77) Aud N 2CD
Jacksonville 1977 (and My Father's Place 1973) Aud/(Radio) 8.8 2CD
Roxy Night (Los Angeles 7/7/78) Radio 8.6 3CD
Summertime Bruce (The Agora Club, Cleveland 8/9/78) Radio 9.5 3CD
Piece De Resistance (Capital Theater, Passaic New Jersey, 9/19/78) Radio 8.8 2CD
Second Night at the Capital Theatre (Passaic New Jersey, 9/20/78) Radio? 9.2 2CD
Live in the Promised Land (Winterland, San Francisco 12/15/78) Radio N 3CD
Heart and Soul (Arizona State University, Tempe Arizone 11/5/80) SDBD N 3CD
Coliseum Night(Uniondale Long Island 12/29/80) SDBD 3CD
Nassau Night (Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale Long Island 12/31/80) SDBD 9.1 4CD
In the Midnight Hour (Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale Long Island 12/31/80) SDBD N 4CD

Tuxedo Junction (Danbury Connecticut 9/21/94) N
Spacey Double Spiral (Radio One Session) N

All the Colours Fade (Manchester 2/27/89) SDBD 9.2

Complete Singles, B-Sides, and Black Session EP CD 10
Den Hague 3/2/90 SDBD 9.?
La Luna, Portland Oregon 3/17/93 Aud 8.6
Ventura Theatre, Ventura California 6/3/93 Aud 8.5
Union Chapel, London 11/12/97 Aud 8.?

EP's and a Seattle Radio Shoe (Juniper Studios) N
Irving Plaza, NYC 7/17/98 N
The 9:30 Club, Washington D.C> 9/28/98 N
Circles (The Euclid Tavern, Cleveland 12/94)N

Serene and Surreal (B-Sides and Rarities) CD 10 2CD

The Old Waldorf, San Francisco 12/3/77 (track one fade in) Radio 9.2
Boston 8/8/79 (Memories Can't Wait) Radio 9.2
Milwaukee 1984 (Nature's Way) SDBD 9.5

Carnegie Hall 1974 Radio? 9.?

Tales From the Darkside (1993 tour) SDBD? 9.3

Boston 5/28/83 (The Complete Boston '83 Tapes) N
Nanties France 10/25/84 (Sharks in the High Chair) SDBD 9.2
Chicago 3/21/85 (Four @ Four) Aud?9.3 2CD
Chicago '87 (Rocks Hottest Ticket) Aud? 9.1 2CD
Chicago '87 (God's Country) Aud? 9.1
Dublin 1993 SDBD 9.4 2CD
The Working Tapes (Auchtung Baby) 7.?
Everything You Know is Wrong (Zooropa Tour) Aud 8.?
London 8/11/93 (Far Away, So Close) Radio? 8.6

Pretty Woman (USA 1977, 1983, 1986) SDBD 9.3 2CD

Montreux 7/17/82 (First Concert in Europe) SDBD 9.5
Memorial Auditorium, Burlington 10/31/85 N
Fox Theatre, Atlanta 12/31/86 Radio? 8.5
Philadelhpia 6/30/87 Radio N

Dallas Texas 11/27 - 28, 1969 (Live at End Cole Ave) N 2CD
1969 Velvet Underground Live CD 10 2CD

Live (13 tracks) N
Songs of Praise (15 tracks) N
Haigh Hall, Wigan 5/24/98 TV 9.2

1973 LA Folk Scene (radio interview and performance) Radio N
Bremen 1977 N
Sydney, Australia 3/79 (Time Waits for No One) SDBD 9.?
Massey Hall, Toronto 10-6-98 Aud 8.6 2CD

Swansea Football Club, Wales 6-12-76 9.?

At Terrastock (no set list; 61 minutes) SDBD 9.2
Antarctica N
Crazy in the Sun N

The Yale Bowl 7/71 (4 tracks) + 1 track from Berlin 6/71 SDBD 9.?
Quebec City, 4/18/78 (Circus of Heaven) SDBD 9.3 2CD

Live @the Roxy, Hollywood 2001 SDBD 9.3

*Trans Tour 1983 Radio 9.5
Santa Cruz 11/13/90 (Don't Spook the Crazy Horse) SDBD 9.3 2CD


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