Authors note*  Man loves woman and woman loves man, it’s the age old story told o'er and o'er again.  “Whisssssss sha’ leeeee” may be one you haven’t herd about, but I still say you have.  We all have our inner feeling, our guarded secrets and we all add our special little twist to it.  This special twist makes us different.  “You know us,You are one of us,You are the love.”

                                                        “Whisssssss sha’ leeeee”
                                                                   By: Kelly O’Kelly

                                                       “Still she was the way she was.”
                                             “A hardhead Yankee,” her father had said,
                                                               “nobody can tell us,
                                               cause we already know, ” he recanted.

     She began to feel a little better as the hot afternoon turned to a taffy  tan haze and the ocean had a bright chromium gleam on its Chesapeake blue surface.  Returning to her room, she decided to and dress for dinner and maybe take in a show or something.  Opening the door, she saw the red light on the phone.  “Hell-o,” she said,  “Hell-o, this is your Captain, Thomas LeDue speaking,” the recording said, “I request the pleasure of your company at my dinner table tonight at 7:30 p.m., if you confirm, your chair will be waiting, thank you and good evening.”  Quickly she hung up and bit at her lip.  The light on Marla’s phone was also lit.  She picked it up, the same thing!  Hanging the phone back up, the light went off.  “Beautiful Captain Tom,” she thought, “I’m’ going.” Quickly Heather dialed up and reserved her a place at the Captains table for the gala evening ahead.

                             “I need a nice evening” she thought, as she teased her hair in the mirror.
                               “I am every bit as good looking as Marla and I am twice as smart.”

    Going to the locker she took out one of the evening gowns that she had bought when she was still in college.  “No, not this one, I will wear the tight sexy one tonight.”  Heather put her hands on her hips and felt to see if her hip bones were still there.  Looking into the mirror she sized herself up; “I will try this gown on right now.”  Taking off her shorts she slipped into the form fitting white satin gown.  “I knew that I could still were it.”  She looked at the valley of her breast, “you’re a little deeper than you were in college, she murmured, but not deep enough.”  Pushing her breast to the top of the vee in the neckline; she decided, “I am going to buy one of those La’La bras that push’em up and out.”  Putting her hand over her mouth she quietly laughed at herself.  “Hell with it, Marla thinks that she is a man killer, well so am I.”  Heather reached for the glittering high heels and stepped into them striking a pose.  “No, something is wrong.”  Pulling the gown back off she took her toenail scissors and cut the side seam out of the gown until it was well above her knee and hemmed it into a slit.  “Island girl, she said, Island girl, that’s my style.”  She stared at herself in the mirror for a while; “I still look good, my legs aren’t bad, my figure is still just about what it was, and I am sexier than ever.”  Heather started to like what she was seeing in herself, a sensuous full grown woman.  “I am ready for love;” she snickered at the thought of it.  “Maybe I can take Captain Tom down tonight.”  She flexed the muscles of her leg through the slit in the gown.  Thinking of Marla removing her panties under the shorts; Heather reached under the gown and pulled her own panties down over the high heels and returned to the mirror.  “Wow, Wow,” she said.

                             “I wouldn’t dare!”  She whinnied  aloud, “Ohhhhhhhhhh.......yes I would too.”

     The aftermath of the sun was tiny pink and red whisps of the days clouds that lingered in the cooling light of the new moon.  The air smelled fresh and clean as she walked to the great ship’s elegant dining room.  A ship’s steward passing by with a tray for room service stopped to watch her as she strolled slowly by.  “Goooood evening,” he said politely.  Heather did not speak, but smiled and continued on her way.  “I feel sexy and fine,” she thought.  “I must have been hiding from myself all these years, I feel free, it feels good.”  Both men and women alike, gawked as she walked by them.  “I can see them, and I know that they are looking at me.”  “I don’t care, I like it.”  Her walk had taken on the air of someone that she had never known before.  “I feel sure of myself, like I can do anything that I want to do, like I can fly.”  She looked at the gulls flying beside the ship and skipped and twirled herself round and round laughing aloud as the other passengers smiled as if they knew what she was feeling.  “I am so happy tonight, as tho’ I’m high.”  Something came over her as she smiled at everyone that she saw and they all smiled back.  “Stop what you’re doing and look at me;” and that is exactly what they did.  The evening had sprinkled Heather with its sparkling magic stardust and the moon was singing a love song for her pleasure.

     Turning into the dining room with her lucious lips smiling , her pearly teeth gleamed white against the tan that she wore.  “Good evening Heather Courtney.”  It was Captain LeDue looking down into her face.  Heather looked up smiling, but unable to do anything but smile.  “You look very beautiful tonight.”  “Thank you Captain,” she finally said.  “Please my dear,” join me at my table.”  Heather put her nose in the air as she took hold of Captain LeDue’s arm, “I would be delighted.”  She could sense that he felt good with her on his arm as he pranced across the room to his table.

                                      Her dark brown eyes were ablaze as he sat down beside her.
                                          “You look radiant and so very beautiful Heather.”
                                                             “Thank you Captain.”
                                               “Is there anything that I can get for you?”
                                                 “Yes there is, “I want Champagne.”

     “A fortune cookie my dear?”  “Yes, I feel so lucky, I just want to read my fortune.” Breaking open the cookie she read her fortune aloud.   “So you want to get lucky, OK!”  Captain LeDue sent the waiter quickly on his way.  “I am the lucky one tonight, my dear Heather.”  She reached up and touched his face without reservation.  “You are so sweet.”

                                                                       By. Kelly O'Kelly