pix when i was in va, its virgin dot james, random botrick, eddo ghetto, and me poitin at da model dat eddie got signed, lucky bastard
another pix, except alex ish screamin for mercy
mah cute lil friend young mi and her buddy, haha they got shocked when they saw a naked pix of me JPPPPPP
just a drawin I made with adobe haha
haha ew john u nigga lips
johndus nude
haha doesn't john look like mr burns from simpsons?
Me eatin bbang cuz i'm hungry as shiet
u want some?? come and get some biachhhhh haha jp
dats miss linda, haha look at dat cutie
another of our famous bbq haha
haha alex holdin mah goodbye present, pet da giant boner for 5 cents
the earin i got
just me in mah new house
me and eunice at bcp class, damn i miss dat clueless gurl
da one and only ruler,da emperor, lizard king Daniellll hahahaha
me and da rest of da group at fairfaix fair, puhahaha look at john
Me and Alex at BCP class
hahaha, me and john bein bums in new york
mr pat dejesus with his nigger lips LOL!!!
dis ish mr chinese man alex when he ish 35 years old hahahaha
long ass pix of us, *sigh* miss da days
LOL, me and mah mom, she ish tryin to do da stephen expressions
mah penis
mah second penis
haha james kang tryin to rape me in da corner
like pirates?
like aliens?
Da twin constructions on CS!!!!!
Mah half black and half krn brother Stephen Will Smith
Eddie ish takin a shiet
squeese eddie and he'll say something
mike aka wonbin tryin to smile
its john aka doug funnie raping mah lil kid
guess who's ass dat ish???
Me, alex, and John
dats right, suck mah wang
Me, alex and John tryin to do stephen's expression
Now ish Ray's turn to get his wang sucked
Muahahahhaah Scarrrrrry
Da real SHREK, LOL dis pix has won it all
damn open ur eyes
Uh oh, i guess The king of Counter Strike, Stephen aka francis will lose this time
Johndus wants hair lol
u like anal?, than u'll like dis one hahaha
puhahaha, tom and stephen r LD
haha tongueeee, yum
damn chinks, open ur damn eyes
John ish goin to da military
oink eunice
Stephen's fat ass ish in da way