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Ask Silver


 Winter Hideout

           We decided to give Silver, our female alpha wolf, a page of her own. Actually, she will answer all your questions about petz, etc. Thanx for visiting! Oh yeah, can you find a wolf with more catty comments then her?

Silver is the one in blue with polka dots!

    Ho there! Silver speaking. Want your questions answered? Write to me at

       Here are some questions sent to us--- Read on!

    Dear Silver, I'm a poodle and everyone thinks I'm stuck-up. How can I become unsnobbish?
    Oh. That's a toughy, considering I'm a wolf...not a poodle. Well, I've heard that you can place your dog food on a pillow and spray it with perfume. If that doesn't work, some people will ignore you until you eat. Try these methods! They just might work.

    Why is goddess3 so caught up in wolvez etc.?
    I don't know! GASP! I DON'T kNOW! Should we ask her? You go first...

    Do wolvez really howl?
    Taking into consideration that you are talking about virtual wolvez, yes. goddess3's wolvez howl..a lot. If you are talking about real-life wolves, go back to kindergarden. Wait, how do I know your not in kindergarden? Ugh.

    How do you get your dogz to show pose?
    Easy! Lift them up in the air. Wait for them to turn sideways, either right or left. Now drop them very gently. Start snapping. If they look away, snap your fingers directly in front of them while they are standing sideways. If this doesn't work, try other methods! Remember, all dogz are different!

    Why won't goddess3 reply to my e-mails?
    Look at the FAQ page. If there is a question on there you sent in an e-mail, she wouldn't reply. IF the question you asked isn't on the FAQ page, then she simply hasn't had the time to reply! Don't worry, she'll get to it sometime! Every e-mail she tries to answer!


    We love her "winter" idea! It's really cool!
    Thank you! All us wolvez personally think it's pretty nifty! You can also e-mail goddess3 if you come up with good ideas for her site! She welcomes them totally!

    We will have more later...goddess3 and Silver have both been busy. :)