Lucrezia's Profile
Physical Appearance:
Age: 19
Height: 5¡¦4"
Weight: 107.8 lbs
Nationality: Italian
Hair: Deep Purple
Family: None mentioned in series
Occupation: Oz ace pilot; later became commander for Peacecraft Kingdom
Mobile Suit: white Taurus
Gundam Wing episodes and Endless Waltz, as well as blind Target and Episode Zero.
Zech¡¦s loyal assistance and a teacher at the South Africa base. While she was teaching at the base it was invaded by Wuifei and destroyed. Lt. Noin is also, later on in the series, Relena Peacecraft¡¦s royal guard when Relena rules Sank Kingdom. Lucrezia is a very skilled pilot and will stop at nothing to protect Relena or Zechs. Later became Commander of the Peacecraft kingdom. Later in the series it is obvious that there is an attraction between her and Zechs.
Graduated in A.C. 189 from Specials¡¦ Lake Victoria Academy along with Zech¡¦s. She graduated with the second highest marks in history.
In Endless Waltz is an integral part of the Preventers, and Sally's partner. At the end her and Zechs take off to Terraform Mars. (They play chess on the way, it's cute.)
Japanese Voice Actress:
Yokoyama Chisa whose done the voices of Hiroshi from Cryon Shin-Chan, Chris and Rumi from Gallforce,Flute from the Violinist of Hermalin movie...and a whole lot more.
Noted Fan Opinion:
Noin is probably the most liked/noticed of the Gundam women.
Wise; calm; strong minded; steadfast; quiet and loyal. Understands the hardships of the Gundam pilots in the OVA and played an important role in aiding them.
Observations of Lucrezia’s Background and Personality
She was probably raised in a single parent setting perhaps by her mother who raised her to love learning and to work for her beliefs.
Her father might have been a substance abuser and her parents could have ended up in a nasty divorce.
If her father was a substance abuser there might have been some abusive acts or occasional beatings when Lucrezia was very young causing both her and her mother to be strong not only for themselves but for each other.
With the events between her parents it could have led Lucrezia to work harder and push her limits to get her mind off of what was going on at home, but also avoiding going over the deep end.
During her school years Lucrezia was more than likely in the top 10 % of her class because of her parents history she was more than likely a great student and very competitive in sports.
Focusing on sports as well as her studies not only kept her mind well balanced but also challenged her to do will in her studies as well as getting better at her sport.
Due to her quietness she is a very good listener willing to be there if someone needs to be listened to. And there is no doubt that he is probably good at giving advice where needed.
However she is not pushy and doesn’t pry. As a friend has pointed out she is not just quiet but she values her words by not babbling or rambling on or starting a conversation that isn’t necessary. In truth she is sincere in whatever she says.
It is probably also due to her relationship with her parents that she doesn’t mention them in the series because she prefers not to reveal her past to anyone. (A characteristic that she shares with Zechs.)
Several other possibilities of Lucrezia’s relationship with her parents could be that: She was raised by both parents or she never knew her parents. (however I elaborated on the other one because it is the most possible and not as self explanatory as the other two.)
Favorite colors seem to be earth tones, (blue, green, brown and purple.)
Since she dresses like a country girl while she's off work, perhaps she likes to horseback ride.
She can shoot REALLY well.
Head over heals for Zechs.
Since she is Italian perhaps her favorite food is Spaghetti or some sort of pasta.
She only wears jewelry off duty.
She curses only when really, really, pissed. (Damn lasers!)
In her case, actions do speak louder than words!
Always turns the other cheek, but loves the sweet taste of revenge! (Non violent of course!)
For her, dressing up means a white turtleneck, black sports coat, and nice slacks.
Casual Friday wear- khakis and a tank top!
Favorite workouts are probably yoga to get rid of all her anxiety using breathing techniques and stretching exercises or kickboxing after a hard day of being overlooked by Zechs! @_@