A lItTlE aBoUt Me: ThE tUeSdAy GiRl
Note to Reader: I am bored, hence the fact I am making a page about myself.
*Warning* I write as I think, which means...I ramble. I apologize ahead of time for this, I understand I might be hard to follow at times.
Okay, where do I start? |I'm not used to talking about myself.| Well let's see...I guess I should start off with the appearence right? [face it, that's why people come here, to see what I look like it] *^^* Well, if you visit the "Before and After" link page you will see what I `used` to look like. But as of now, my hair is style semi-noinish, *it's the natural brown color now since all the dye has washed out*. I have hazel eyes, *or pond-scum with mud. thank you for putting that up on your page Minky, I thought that was clever!*, however my eyes tend to change color when my hair changes color. Go figure. ^^ I am about 5 feet 7 inches tall. Hmmm...what else? I say that's it for now...
On to...! My interests/hobbies? {Sounds good right?} Well, I am an artist, I like to paint with acrylics, I'm trying watercolor, that's not working out so well though. ~.0 And I do write a lot of poetry. (You may few some of these that I have put on my homepage... click here to see a more personal side of me.) I love building webpages...*ooh...that's not obvious* *^^* Otherwise, I love music, most kinds of it. Rap I can't stand. |Sorry.| *^^* But give me some Beatles or Queen music any day and you've made me a happy little geek. *^^*
Then there's yoga, I'm not good at sports; although I've never really tried|cared. But yoga is something I can do somewhat gracefully. And it 'tis a good thing, something that keeps me busy. *^^*
hmmm....well I believe that is enough of me for now right? *uh huh, that's what I thought!* *^^* Well this is where the torture ends...
*for now!*
*maniacal laughter*
*exits stage left*