Trach Ties


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Alternative Communication for the Speech Impaired

Paper and pen - not really recommended for long term use. You will go through a forest of trees in a very short amount of time!

"Magic Slate" - Yes that children's toy! The one that you write on then lift the page and it erases. They are easier to use as well as more ecologically friendly.


Sign Language - You can learn sign language, but you do need a partner to learn along with you to have as an interpreter. There are some communities that offer classes or you can teach yourself with a family member or friend with one of the great books available. Just be prepared......someone will see you signing and will raise their voice to you thinking you are deaf as well.

W-E-L-C-O-M-E (American Sign Language)

"Artificial Larynx" - electronic vibrators that you can learn to speak with. Some have like a straw that you can put in your mouth to talk or just have one that vibrates on your neck.

servox- -Cooprand artificial voice

Augmentive Speech Devices - devices with pictures or letters that have pre recorded messages on press the picture or the word and it will play the message.

image courtesy of GreatTalkingBox

Text to Speech Devices - small handheld electronic device with a type and it talks! The one drawback is they are very expensive.

Light Writer
image courtesy of Zygo-USA

Laptop (or notebook) computer with a speech synthesizer program - again expense may be restrictive to easy access, but you have seen these in action if you have seen the actor Micheal Zaslow in 1999.

Images above were used for examples only and do not endorse any particular product.

OK now time for my pet peeve! Why is it the telecommunication companies can create services for the hearing impaired but not the speech impaired? Isn't this discrimination? One inquiry about it got me an 800 number to call.....well that would be nice if I didn't need the service I don't think I would be you think?
TTY is not an acceptable alternative, at least to me. I don't think that another person to read it to the person to whom you are carrying on a conversation sits too well with many. All I ask is that a text to speech device be available to the speech impaired that live with those who are speech-capable.

Disclaimer; In no way are these web pages or links intended to replace care by a qualified medical professional. They are here for information only. If you feel you fit any of the symptoms listed in any of these links you should seek care from a qualified medical professional.

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