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Trach ties

Pegg's Story

Pegg years ago

I have a friend I would like to tell you about. Her name is Pegg. She is a bright, very intelligent young woman whose life was destroyed by a drunk driver. She was walking on the sidewalk with her young daughter, when a drunk driver lost control of his vehicle, who claimed to have had only "a couple beers". She, being a mother and compassionate human being, tried to save her child as well as another child from the path of that vehicle. In doing so her daughter was killed, the other young child, who had been a stranger on the street until that point, lost an arm, and Pegg herself was very critically injured. She was eight months pregnant when this occurred. Her unborn child was killed, Pegg was in a coma for months with critical head injuries, as well as other life threatening injuries. She has been sentenced to what she has left, which isn't going to be long, with only being able to move her head, she cannot breathe or move on her own, or any other pleasures you and I take for granted. She has endured many surgeries along the six years since the accident. She has battled to gain back what little she could of her life. And what did that driver get? NOTHING! No injuries, no punishment from the judicial system at all!

This is Pegg in 1998

I wanted to tell you all about Pegg to show how alcohol is not an "innocent." If anything it takes the innocence of many! Do not consider alcohol something that doesn't hurt anyone. It does! Granted this is an extreme case...but not as unusual as you may think.

Alcohol plays a major role in drunk driving deaths, domestic violence, pool or diving accidents, home accidents, and the increase in suicides. Alcohol affects everyone....those that drink, and those that don't.

Please do not drink to excess.....and the biggest thing.....DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE!

Pegg two weeks before her death (April 1999)

Addendum: It is with heartfelt sorrow that I pass along Pegg succumbed to her injuries that she received that fateful day. Dr P.J. Lewellyn died at 1:15 a.m. her time in the Netherlands, Thursday May 13, 1999. She fought a long and courageous battle to stay alive and overcome her injuries. Now it is up to us to keep her alive in our hearts and pass along her story to hopefully save another innocent from her experience.

It was her last wish that her story be spread to try to save other victims of drinking and driving.