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Welcome To Trach-Ties

This is my piece of the world and welcome to it. You can learn more about my journey as you go through the links and pages of this website. More important is that if you need any of the information referenced here that you search it out. Knowledge is the best type of power to avail yourself to. With it there will be no bounds or limitations to what you can do. Those of us with physical limitations do not give up living. If anything we tend to appreciate it more and make the most of what we have. I have not met many along this journey that are dwelling in their own "pity party", just waiting for something to happen while life passes them by. If anything they are very energetic, dynamic individuals who are constantly finding ways to make theirs and others lives easier.

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As you will also see not all disabilities are easy to see on the first glance. Not all those who are disabled are in wheelchairs. The person with debilitating lung disease cannot wear their damaged lungs on the outside of their chest just so that you can see they are disabled. The person with a bad heart cannot wear their damaged heart on the outside of their chest just to satisfy an onlooker. The hearing impaired do not have to wear a sign for all to see indicating that they cannot hear as well as those with good hearing. In the same way the speech impaired do not have a noticable deformity to indicate they are challenged in any way until you try to communicate with them. The speech impaired are not necessarily hearing impaired. Those with neurological impairments do not necessarily have to have their brain or damaged nerves on their sleeve for all to see.

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As you go through these links I hope you learn that whether disabled or not we each have challenges that we face everyday. The big thing is to have the compassion to accept everyone on the same a human being. Patience and compassion are the greatest lessons any parent can teach their child as they grow up. To teach them to appreciate life, even the little things that sometimes get lost in the rat race that society has become.

Disclaimer; In no way are these web pages or links intended to replace care by a qualified medical professional. They are here for information only. If you feel you fit any of the symptoms listed in any of these links you should seek care from a qualified medical professional.

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Tracheostomy Pages
Tracheostomy Helpful Trach Info Trach Accessories Trach Care

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Home Oxygen Page

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Laryngeal Dystonia Page

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Pulmonary Page

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Speech Page

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Alternatives to Speech

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Alternatives to Chemicals

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Disability Links Page

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Health Related Links

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Pseudotumor Cerebri Page

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Migraine and other Headache Links

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My Story

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My Story Update

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Immune Deficiency

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My Speech Assistance Device

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Disability Related Chats

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Muscular Diseases

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Memorial Pages
Angels Who Have Touched our Lives Gillian's Balloons Pegg - Her Story Dedication to Mom Sept.11,2001 Tribute Pictures

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Trach ties

Our Webrings Page

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Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

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Trach-ties is not a business or enterprise. It is the one thing amongst those with trachs that holds us together. I am just someone that wants to let those with some disabilities that life can be lived despite any disability.

Last updated 31March2008