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Dedication to a Great Mom, Grandmother and Friend

In Loving Memory of Carol A. O'Connor

May 13, 1936 - June 25, 1999

"Departing Friend"

Our paths have been side by side,
as we walked though this life,
Sometimes near and sometimes wide
the direction unchanged through all the strife.

But up ahead, a fork in the road,
It is nearly time for me to go.
Let my memory help you shoulder the load
and know, in life, you helped me so.

We can't help but shed a tear,
that together we will walk no more.
But the things we both hold dear
will soon lead you to the same door.

Once through that door we pass
obstacles cannot survive.
An eternity we will last,
closer together we arrive.

So keep your eyes on the Son
and bring along all our friends
on this walk we've begun.
Tell them of the Love He sends.

"Departing Friend" written and used with permission of D. Zachary c. 1999