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event schedule
98th POTOMAC Regional Skirmish!

Contact our recruitment officer if you'd like to join us!

The 12th Regt. US plans on fielding one musket, one carbine, one revolver, one smoothbore, & one mortar team!!!

Revolver Match, Saturday, 4 April, at 12:00 p.m. (4 competitors per team)

Be on the line at 1/2 hr. before start of the match
     25 yd      9 pigeons on a backer      
     25 yd      6 hanging 4” tiles           
     25 yd      6 hanging pigeons  

Mortar Match, Saturday, 4 April, 10:00 a.m.

Be on the line at 1/2 hr. before start of the match

Repeater Match, Sunday, 5 April, held after musket match (4 competitors per team)

Be on the line at 1/2 hr. before start of the match
     50 yd   20 pigeons on a backer 
     50 yd   12 hanging saucers
     50 yd   12 hanging pigeons
    100 yd    8 hanging 6” tiles
Smoothbore Match, Saturday, 4 April, at 5 p.m. (4 competitors per team)

Be on the line at 1/2 hr. before start of the match

     25 yd     9 pigeons on a backer  
     25 yd     6 hanging saucers       
     50 yd     4 hanging 6” tiles

Carbine Match, Saturday, 4 April, at 3 p.m. (5 competitors per team)

Be on the line at 1/2 hr. before start of the match
     50 yd    20 hanging pigeons on a backer
     50 yd    10 hanging 4” tiles
     50 yd    10 hanging pigeons
     50 yd    10 hanging pot tiles
    100 yd     7 hanging 6x6 tiles

Musket Match, Sunday, 5 April at 8:30 a.m. (8 competitors per team)

Be on the line 1/2 hr before start of the match
     50 yd       32 pigeons on a backer
     50 yd       16 hanging 4" tiles    
     50 yd       16 hanging pigeons
     50 yd       16 hanging pot tiles
     50 yd         1   Stake
    100 yd      10 hanging 6" tiles

Pictures of Lt. Charles Cosner;
Lt. Hecksler & Capt. Sergeant