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* U.S. Navy * Utility Squadron ONE * Utility Squadron TWO * NAS Pensacola * Fleet Air Wing FOUR * Carrier Air Serice Unit SEVEN *

Joao (John) Charles Santos

Joao Charles Santos or "Uncle John" as the family knows him, served in the Navy for 28 years including service prior to, including and after World War II. He retired as a CWO4 or Chief Warrant Officer Four, the highest warrant rank you could earn in the U.S. Navy, and worked in Aviation. He enlisted in May 1936 and served in various aviation squadrons during the war. John was born in New Bedford Massachusetts on May, 1917 The youngest son of Eliza Teixeira (Pron. Tershayda) Arruda. The Arruda family had a rough life growing up. In 1914 the Patron of the family Manuel Arruda returned to Portugal for health reasons. Eliza did not wish to return to Portugal. She was determined to remain in America and raised the family of five children on her own, so they separated. A few years later after a brief relationship with a man named John Santos, John was born in 1917. The mother did the best she could raising her family but there was very little money and John's father did not support the Arruda family. This made their life very difficult, some of the children were sent to an orphanage. In 1936 when John was 19 years old, saw the Navy as an opportunity to escape from his economic despair and joined up. After basic training he travelled to the west coast and went to school there. He enjoyed the Navy and made a career out of it lasting for 28 years.


Arrival_of_Recruits_aboard_Training_Ship.jpg (22282 bytes) Pre WWII-Training and First Assignments
catalin2.jpg (61190 bytes)  World War II: NAS Pensacola, FAW-4, and CASU-7
chineseAF.jpg (64794 bytes)  Post WWII- China Service: Tsingtao Air Field
nas_memphis.jpg (119454 bytes)  1950-1964: Aircraft Squadrons, and USS Constellation 
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