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Ferguson Park Apartments

(Sign photo courtesy of Dave Spriggs' mother - 04/11/03.  Thanks, Dave!)

Eastern boundary:  Warwick Blvd (then Virginia Ave.)
Western boundary:  James River
Northern boundary:  Wellll, let's say Hornet Circle.  The apartments were on both sides of Hornet Circle.
To the north of the apartments was Huntington Park and the War Memorial Museum of Virginia.
Southern Boundary:  75th St.


"Most of the defining streets are now gone.  They were named for aircraft carriers built by the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co., e.g. Hornet. Kearsarge, Enterprise, Ranger, Yorktown, Boxer, etc. 
I lived there twice:  1948-49 and 1952-1954.

"It was a short walk over to Red's Pier to go fishing or swimming. 
(The James River was relatively clean and clear back then.) 
Red's Pier was owned by Red Crossley.
He would show up each year at the NNHS/HHS Turkey Day football game
carrying a pig.
It was some sort of tradition.  Both Red AND the Pier (and I suppose the Pig) are long gone."

Dave Spriggs ('64) of VA - 04/09/03.  Thanks, Dave!

"1948 - The site was Hornet Circle in Ferguson Park looking across Huntington Park toward the James River.  Of course, they have all been razed.
This site is now public tennis courts."
Saturday, May 11, 1963

Kay Eggleston ('66)

- Dave Spriggs ('64) of VA - 04/09/03.  Thanks, Dave! Carol Buckley Harty of NC - 06/06/02


"To all...I must have missed the beginning of the Ferguson Park Apartments discussion but wanted to add some personal knowledge...
I lived there until I was seven and remember them very well..they were quite a large complex where The Daily Press is Mom always told me they were built during WWIII as housing and converted to the public after the war...I also remember that the largest hole in town was between them and the road that led into the James River Bridge...this was great when it snowed and everyone in town came there to snow sled down the "slopes" into the hole...I also had a aunt who lived at the River Apts up until a few years ago...I went to first grade at the old school "on the circle" on Jefferson Ave... (was it called Sinclair?..I'm not sure) across from what became the first Newmarket Square....back in the fifties this was a great area to live as we were also walking distance to Red's Pier for the summers....I then moved to 35th St. when I went into the second grade....thanks for whoever brought it up as it shook my old memories up......."

- Mickey Spivey of FL - 06/15/03
Thanks, Mickey!