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Stuart Gardens Apartments

(All images enlarge.)

Location: Oh, c'mon, everybody knows where Stuart Gardens is!  It's on The Beach! 
Or it was, until somehow they made the beach disappear. 
Would someone please explain to me once more how a beach can be made to disappear - and WHY?!?


Pre-World War I
"Parrish House - Oldest House in Warwick Co., VA"

"This is the overseer's house on the Parrish Plantation which was located near the Small Boat Harbor in present day Newport News, VA. During World War I, this land was incorporated into Camp Stuart and in the World War II era became the Stuart Gardens apartment complex."

1918 - Camp Stuart
- eBay's caddie49 ( 155Feedback score is 100 to 499) of NN, VA - 04/21/04 - Dave Spriggs ('64) of VA - 01/06/04.  Thanks, Dave!



My mama and I moved here the summer before this shot was taken.  Notice her little 1960 turquoise Renault Dauphin in the background.  The ground where I'm standing has now become additional parking for the apartments - which having been revamped, look better now than they
did then.  Mama and I lived here in until October of 1967, when we moved to Hampton.

Outside 1353 Roanoke Avenue 
August 1961

Carol Buckley - almost 14

1353 Roanoke Avenue 
Tuesday, September 3, 1963

Carol Buckley - age 16
First Day of Junior Year

1353 Roanoke Avenue
Saturday, October 28, 2000

Garden Drive
Saturday, October 18, 2003

My sister, Eleanor ('59), lived around the corner
from Mama and me
at 1126 Garden Drive. 
This was a very handy situation while it lasted.


1126 Garden Drive
Mother's Day, May 1961

Carol - age 13
Shari - age 18 months
Eleanor - age 19

1126 Garden Drive
Tuesday, September 3, 1963

Shari - age 3-1/2
Carol Buckley - age 16

Saturday, October 18, 2003

Saturday, October 18, 2003

- Carol Buckley Harty of NC - 04/11/03, 05/01/03, 10/30/03


"I have some history in Stuart Gardens myself.  While on summer leave from the
Naval Academy in 1968, I hung out at
John Bluxome's ('64) apartment
on the water side of the
1000 block of Garden Drive. 

"After I graduated in 1969, John Scull ('64)
and I rented an apartment for a short time,
also on the water side of the 900 block of Garden Drive.


"(This) was taken in early 1971
from 1300 Roanoke Avenue
looking south across Roanoke Avenue to the odd-numbered
side of the street.

"Then, after I married in January 1970, we lived
at 1300 Roanoke Ave., the corner apartment
at the intersection with Garden Drive.
Lived there until May 1971.
(Actually, I was at sea most of the time.) 
Back then it was a great starter apartment
for newlyweds on a budget. 
I have several photos, but they show very little
of the apartment as backdrop for the human
(and dog) subject of the photo. . .  

"(This) one looking out of my apartment
across Roanoke Avenue pictures a snowfall and shows my wayyyy cool 1969 Pontiac
and my wife's 1967 MGB.
(The Pontiac is long gone, but the MGB is
still in the garage and comes out to play
on sunny days in the Spring and Fall.) 
Because of the snow, it is difficult to see
the apartments across the street.

- Dave Spriggs ('64) of VA - 04/14/03.  Thanks, Dave!

Divider Flowers gif courtesy of
Shell image courtesy of - 06/21/04