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Stuart Homes

  04/11/03 12/04/03  
Location: 16th Street, across from the Pony League Park and The Beach!

I lived in these apartments from the time we moved to Newport News in February 1954 until the summer of 1960, when my father's death necessitated our move to the
smaller and less expensive nearby
Stuart Gardens Apartments. 

I especially remember the numerous beautiful crape myrtle trees which weren't much taller than I was at the time.

Sunday,  May 9, 1954

Outside 1309-A 16th Street, looking ENE towards Peterson's Yacht Basin

Carol Buckley - age 6, and her first cousin,
Cheryl White - age 7

Easter Sunday, March 29, 1959

Rose Woodard - b. 21 Nov 1947
Carol Buckley - b. 30 Aug 1947

Outside 1309-A 16th Street, looking SE towards the Pony League Park and The Beach

The osage orange tree in the background of the first photo was a source of never-ending delight.  When the plentiful fruits would fall to the ground, the neighborhood kids, ages 3 to 18, would somehow locate large cardboard boxes to build forts on the yards of the first and fifth apartments.  Suitably armed with vast supplies of osage orange "ammo", we would take aim and fire at one another.  It's a great wonder we didn't kill someone - and an even greater wonder that the neighborhood adults never seemed to object to our "wars".

Lots of our friends lived in these apartments: Rick Harman, Carla and Elissa ('68) Fine, Helene ('64) and Kenny ('67) Flick, Nancy and Karen Funk, Dr. and Mrs. Bangle, to name a few.  David Ellenson lived around the corner, and Jeannie and Carol Lee ('63) Collier lived on the street behind, and everybody and their brother lived around the corner.  It was a great neighborhood!

In the summertime we children would stay out playing each night until 10:00 PM, with the older ones caring for the younger ones,
and no one needed to fear for our safety.

Carol Buckley Harty of NC - 04/11/03, 05/03/03

  Saturday, October 28, 2000
1309-A 16th Street
  We lived on the top floor of this apartment.

- Carol Buckley Harty - 12/04/03

The wonderful osage orange tree was but one of the many victims of Hurricane Isabel.  It was removed on Saturday, December 27, 2003. The Buckley's Old Apartment

1309-A 16th Street

Outside 1309-A 16th Street, looking ENE towards Peterson's Yacht Basin
Thursday, January 15, 2004
- Courtesy of Dave Spriggs ('64) of VA - 01/15/04
Thanks so much, Dave!

Crape Myrtle Blossoms image "borrowed" from

Trailing Ivy gif courtesy of