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My Virtual Photo Album



Christmas pictures are developed, but I can't get them scanned right now. I guess a picture of his car will have to do for now! This is Zeke's car. Next to me, our little baby, and Jasmine (his dog); his car is his baby! Thanks for letting me drive it, Zeke, you're the greatest!! I love you!!

Special Events

It hasn't really become a special "event" yet, but a special announcement. I'm gonna have a baby!! The baby is due September 22. I don't want to know what I'm having, so we have no idea! It's gonna be a surprise!! But here's the first ultrasound picture we have of the baby. As soon as the baby is born, I'll get a picture up ASAP!


This is Stacey, my cousin. This isn't a great picture, but there are other pictures of her on my "Beach Pictures" page!


This is Jose! Jose is a wonderful person who can always make you smile, no matter how bad a day you're having!

This is Jose's giraffe. He finally found it and he got a surprise! He's a Daddy! Congratulations on your find, Jose!

This is a picture of one of really good friend's (Cindy) daughter. Her name is Brooke and I've basically been with her since the day she was born! She's 3 years old now. WOW! I can't believe how time's flown! I love you, Brooke!

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