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All About Me

All About Me

OK, first things first! I'm 19 years old...finally.

I am currently going to Old Dominion University via the WCC campus.

I just had a beautiful baby girl on Sept. 26th. If you want to see a picture of her, go to "Kiley's Page".

My bestest friend from back home would have to be Tricia. She's been with me since 7th grade and I can't thank her enough for everything she's done for me and everything we've been through together! Hey, Tricia, Feed it a peanut! And I could never forget the Movie Group! You guys are always there with a good movie, new stories, and different colored Oreos!

College girls...I've got a lot of 'em! I love all my girls, you're all wonderful! And a special thank you goes to Erica and Shanna for living with me my first year! Erica, always remember suspenders and "Gotta have variety"! Shanna, "It's dark in here, is y'all's heat on?"

Guys...I love all of y'all. You're great! I have to mention 2 guys in particular. 1. Zeke, you are so wonderful! I don't know what I would do without you! Love you! 2. Jose, you are such a good friend. I'll never forget you! Keep the horaffe safe!

Family...Missy, Mark, and Kelsey. Nelma Sue and Stacey. Granny and Grandpa. Mama, Terry, Shawn, Caleb, and Josh. I love y'all!

IF I MISSED ANYONE, PLEASE E-MAIL ME OR WHATEVER AND I'LL FIX IT...PROMISE! If anyone has pictures they want me to put on here, send them to me and they'll be here soon! For now, this is all!

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