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The "Dancing Asteroid"
Found On The Day Of The Hellion-1957 Event
August 22, 2009

UPDATE: 8/25/09, it has been proposed that the "dancing asteroid" or "dancing planet" may actually be one of Planet X's moons. The tail has many moon swirls in it, and they dance around. So even if it isn't PX, it is definitely getting closer. Recent ZT news has stated that Earth is currently magnetically aligned with PX and PX's magnetic "aura" is clashing with Earth's and is what caused the recent Russian hydro-electric disaster.

At, during the discussion of the Hellion-1957 event, a poster came on who made a very interesting comment that resonated with something we had read on ZT. He took a series of photographs with his cell phone around 4:30 p.m. and uploaded them to ibucket. These were then posted on GLP, and are exhibited below for ease of viewing and comparison. The original poster claims they are not photoshop'd, but we have not verified his claim. During the review by GLP participants many interesting comments were made and are provided here, again for ease of viewing:

"I'm not sure what the pictures show, but whatever it is can't be orbiting the sun. Assuming those pictures were taken from the same angle, the object in orbit would need to be tens of thousands of miles per second, which would produce a definitide obloid egg-shaped phenomenon."

"...they were all taken from the same area, same aspect, the object moved the opposite of the order, it seemed to go away from the sun, then back again..."

"that little thingy next to the sun is all over the place :) Restless..."

Another posted: "I just took a picture of the sun, and got shocking results back.... There seems to be a small object near the sun, what is it?"

"...very, very interesting, but they looks more like an UFO to me. What do you make of them?"

"I have no idea, that's my initial thought because of how quickly it moves, but then at the same time, it's not leaving the sun's vicinity."

"yeah, it'd be near light speed, so I think its much closer to Earth than to the Sun, probably on Earth's atmosphere. Looks like an UFO to me."

"just had a friend about 15 hours north of me in wyoming do the same thing, same object, same style of movement, strange"

"it's not close to the Sun, it's close to Earth."

"agreed, but given that it's visible by several people from different parts of the country now, i'd say it's a significantly LARGE object"

"The closest planet to the Sun (in the sky) now is Saturn, with mag +1.04, quite dim. The object in the pics moves too fast to be a planet and it's too bright."

"i just took more, waiting for them to hit my email from the phone, the object in these appears below the sun this time"

"OK, clearly NOT Mercury. It's an UFO I think..."

It's "dancing" there. I don't know what it is but planets don't dance.

"Ok, why does it look close to the Sun and is dancing? I don't understand these UFOs. Maybe, "they" want to call our attention to something in the Sun, or in the direction of the Sun. Maybe they're just saying for us to "keep looking"... because something important gonna happen."

"You know I once though[t] that when they had SOHO and STEREO down for extended amounts of time they were uploading faked clips for the 8/22 event. Maybe the reason it's not on SOHO is because they are faked clips. Maybe that "crazy looking" black clip was actually them turning off the camera and starting the fake feed."

"only problem is from the same position and angle, your "lens flare" didn't move, look at my pics again"

"those are all the same pic just different settings i took other pics and the dot was not in the same spot"

"like I said, mine moved all over the place from the same spot same angle, different settings, and it wasn't transparent like yours"

"oh, i dident understand what you were saying it first ill go take some in the same angle and see if it moves"

"no, i think it's safe to say at this point that what I've been capturing is def more along the lines of an UFO phenomenon, but kind of strange on the timing, no?"

"The pictures posted here today were very clear and, except for the obvious lens flares, they showed an UFO moving around the Sun, probably not too far out in the atmosphere.

"An alternate explanation could be PX, if you think of PX as more a spaceship than a planet."

Now, correlate these comments and pictures with the predictions on zetatalk:

"As Planet X swings its N Pole toward Earth, there is a clash, the N Pole of Planet X wanting to evade the N Pole of Earth, and vice versa. Thus, Earth pushes back in her orbit as far as possible, creating this distance, so that Planet X will diminish in size. Nevertheless, Planet X is still coming closer, closing the gap, more distance from the Sun, less distance from Earth, even though offset to the right. How will the establishment explain a temporary appearance of Planet X in the sky, followed by a diminished size offset to the right of the Sun, then a reappearance of Planet X in the sky along with a severe wobble? A dancing asteroid? A permanent solar flare that dances around the Sun? And what of the wobble?" (From

But why does it look like it is to the left of the sun in these pictures? "We have mentioned that the Earth at first leans to the right, in temporary alignment with Planet X during the strongest magnetic trimester (May-August), but will return to the Earth wobble and lurch when this trimester expires and then begin a lean to the left. At the extreme, going into the 3 days of darkness, the Earth will be attempting to get as far to the left as possible from Planet X, causing Planet X to appear dramatically to the right of the Sun in line of sight. (From

Folks, the "dancing asteroid" is PLANET X! If you haven't read up on it, go to Back in June we made a tentative prediction that 2009 could be the year of passage. We showed how we arrived at that conclusion. However, one clue was left remaining: THE MAGNETIC TRIMESTER OF PASSAGE WILL BE THAT MAGNETIC TRIMESTER THAT STARTS OFF WITH EMERGENCY SERVICES OVERWHELMED. The next magnetic trimester begins September 1st. If emergency services are overwhelmed, then Planet X will pass before the end of December.




"an hour ago my brother sent me a photo from his cell phone. I was in a meeting. He is freaking out, from Miami.

"HE WOULD NOT LIE TO ME> he was the one who told me birds were acting funny. Now I am at computer here is the pic, damn you cannot upload from here I am shaking. I have to go to photobucket and do all this uploading.

"This is not a joke people. I have been 100% serious this entire time I was posting."