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Other Websites by The Webmaster's Apprentice

From the Private Journals of Catharine
Practicing Technique Seminar
Shemoneh Prayers
Pottery By Hand! (I helped my friend create this site for her business.
The Doctor Is Within
Hilary Hahn Performs with the Loudoun Symphony

Other Websites by Friends:

Bill Bentgen
Emily Bentgen

A Site Created by Emily Bentgen. This is a performance we both did with the Friday Morning Music Club in January of 2001.

Other Musical Websites:
Viola Jokes
Jokes about Instruments

New Zealand Quartet This site is wonderful, especially if you can see it in flash.

Whitman Quartet

A list of music publishers and how to reach them. There is some good info here. They also give some hints about dealing with each of these companies. Thank you, horndoggy!

Another really good place to find music publishers and cataloguers.

| The Catoctin Quartet Home Page| Jean Wilson| Sheri Nelson| Catharine Basson| Valerie Wride| Tom Marks| Gallery| Our Performance with Loudoun Ballet|