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e-newsletter for
The Chiropractic Healing Center
8306-Old Courthouse Road
Vienna, 22182
Dr. Blabey
Dr. Mark Smith

June 27, 2000
Migraine Help Through Chiropractic


A new study reveals that chiropractic care is definitely helpful for migraines. The average response showed statistically significant improvement in migraine frequency, duration, disability and medication use when compared to the control group. 22% of participants reported more than 90% reduction of migraines as a consequence of the 2 months of chiropractic care. Approximately 50% more reported significant improvement in the morbidity of each episode. Chiropractic is not a treatment for migraine, but it is a treatment for underlying neurological imbalances that contribute to migraines. As your chiropractic physician, we evaluate each of you for neurological imbalance and all of its symptoms, both objective and subjective. What is in it for you is those who get regular chiropractic care have healthier nervous systems and all of the things it controls function better.


For those of you who missed our last in office class, it was on bone health and osteoporosis. We have a lot of handouts and information available as to what type of calcium and nutritional support is the best. If you would like that info just ask when you come in for your regular adjustment. We also have a lab test which tells whether or not you are losing bone, if the nutritional strategies that you are using are working or not, and gives you vital info as to how your bone metabolism is doing. Virtually all women over 35 should have this test�. don't wait until it is too late as osteoporosis is a silent disorder and the first symptom is often a painful and life threatening fracture!!


With Activity Comes Wellness!!! It is vital to realize that exercise is an essential part of your health and wellness fundamentals. There are several things that you must do, and cannot avoid doing, if you want to be optimally healthy. One of them is activity in the form of some type of exercise that you enjoy. Life is movement and to move enhances and is necessary for full expression of life. The Surgeon General of the U.S. has listed the many benefits of exercise, and I must concur, that those who stay active have fewer health problems and recover quicker with fewer residual problems than those who do not. It could make the difference between a life of activity and freedom or one of disability and pain restrictions. We have just upgraded our fitness programs to include fitness programs for almost anybody in any shape. Terry Brady, our resident exercise tech, has put together some great ways to get you going, so call him today and find out how easy it is to do it right and reap the rewards.


A recent study finds association between credit card debt and stress levels---and between debt related stress and the ability to perform the physical activities of daily living. The researchers found that individuals with credit card debt had increased levels of stress, and those with elevated stress reported higher levels of physical impairment. The point here is that any stress that continually plays on your mind and emotions is physically draining. We know from Hans Selye, MD and his brilliant book "The Stress of Life", that continued stress with eventually tire out the adrenal glands and the stress response becomes distress in the form of fatigue, digestive disturbances, immune system weakness, joint aches and mental/emotional difficulties. The most effective strategies for stress relief and a return to health are to reduce the stress itself, exercise, reduction of sugar, caffeine and refined food products that raise insulin levels, adequate rest and relaxation. Yoga is great and gets you physical as well as mental stress reduction. Nutrition, chiropractic care, and taking care of your inner spiritual development also reduce stress.


If any of you have read Larry Dossey, M.D., you know that he sees prayer as an important part of health and recovery from anything. In his book, "Prayer is Good Medicine", it becomes clear that prayer/meditation is nourishment for the mind, body and spirit. Further, that active inner growth with prayer/meditation is helpful in reviving and maintaining a loving spirit. In my opinion, love is what it is all about and any way that will help foster a sense of loving service to this creation is worth doing. Please consider your inner life and feed it the sustenance that it deserves.
Feel free to pass this info on to others. Also, anyone can get on our e-mail list by accessing our web site at The Doctor Is Within

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LETTER TWO, July, 2000
Unexpected Positive Nonmusculoskeletal Side Effects
LETTER THREE, August, 2000
Exercise Helps Lower Back Pain
Nutritional Approach to Reduce Inflammation And Pain
LETTER FOUR, September, 2000
The Ability to Utilize Oxygen
LETTER FIVE, October 3, 2000
October is Spinal Health Month
Stop Drinking that Soda
LETTER SIX, October 26, 2000
Lower Back Pain
LETTER SEVEN, October 31, 2000
The Importance of Intestinal Balance
LETTER EIGHT, December 7, 2000
Zinc Shown to Reduce Cold Symptoms
LETTER NINE, February, 2001
ADHD and other brain disorders

LETTER 10 March 26, 2001


my newest webpage: The Catoctin Quartet

| Practicing Technique Seminar | Before You Start Practicing | How the Brain Works
| Maximizing Practice Sessions | Ending Practicing Sessions | Staying Healthy|