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The Doctor Is Within Newsletter


e-newsletter for
The Chiropractic Healing Center
8306-Old Courthouse Road
Vienna, 22182
Dr. Blabey
Dr. Mark Smith

March 26, 2001

Well hello everybody and happy spring to one and all.

Here is some information that will help you stay healthy.


In a fresh look at headache, researchers at Duke University undertook a review of scientific studies relating to the treatment of muscle-tension and cervicogenic (originating from neck problems) based headaches. They have reported a new evaluation of all available and valid information concerning these types of headaches, which afflict millions of people every day. Chiropractic care had significantly better results than
  • massage
  • exercise
  • physical therapy
  • acupressure
  • prescription drugs
  • meditation
  • progressive muscle relaxation
  • acupuncture
  • over the counter drugs
  • diet
  • magnet therapy
  • glucosamine
  • garlic
This report has been termed a "monumental leap forward in the treatment of headaches. This report clearly positions chiropractic as a viable treatment alternative, which lacks the detrimental and sometimes fatal side effects of conventional treatment options for managing tension and cervicogenic headache patients.
The evidence supporting this conclusion appears more robust than it does for the other methods evaluated" reported Anthony Rosner, Ph. D. and director of research at the Foundation for Chiropractic Research. Evidence Report: Behavioral and Physical Treatments for Tension-type and Cervicogenic Headache: McCrory,M.D. et al, Duke University Evidence Based Practice Center, Center for Clinical Health Policy Research, 2200 W. Main St., Suite 230, Durham, NC 27705


Many reports suggest that supplemental antioxidants can protect against the development of coronary heart disease, and other evidence suggests that this protective effect may extend to related conditions such as hypertension and stroke. The authors of the current study note that although it would be expected that prevention of stroke would also lower rates of vascular dementia, research has not specifically investigated the relationship of supplementation with neurodegenerative disorders.

This study involved 3,385 men aged 71-93, and went over use of supplements of C and E, cognitive status, dementia types. The patients were stratified into four levels of dementia or cognitive abilities. Men who reported taking vitamin C and E supplements had a significantly lower incidence of vascular dementia and mixed/other dementia compared with men taking no supplements. No association was seen between supplements and Alzheimer’s dementia. Among subjects without dementia, use of either C or E supplements was associated with significantly better cognitive performance than non-users.

Masakai, et al, Association of Vitamin E and C supplement use on cognitive function and dementia in elderly men; Journal of Neurology 2000:160 pages 1265-72

Physical Activity Helps Prevent Vascular Atherosclerosis:

The inner lining of our blood vessels, the endothelium, has been proposed as a possible contributor to cardiovascular damage when it dysfunctions. This lining plays a primary role in the modulation of vascular tone and structure through the production of various chemicals, which protect the vessel walls from developing atherosclerosis and thrombosis (blockages or clots). Evidence that physical exercise can improve the endothelial health was researched in this investigation. Researchers looked at young and old sedentary and athletic subjects. Apart from age, the study groups were similar in terms of blood pressure, body mass index, and plasma total cholesterol and glucose levels. However, young and elderly athletes had decreased resting heart rates, increased HDL (good) cholesterol and decreased LDL (bad) cholesterol. Results also showed that blood vessel function was also quite similar in elderly athletes compared with younger sedentary subjects, suggesting the value of physical activity in protecting the inner lining of the blood vessels.
Taddei S, et al. Physical activity prevents age-related impairment in nitric-oxide availability in elderly athletes; Circulation 2000:101, pages 2891-96.
What’s in it for me? Or You?
Quite simply, all of the above research shows that chiropractic care, nutritional supplementation and exercise are all critical and essential parts of being optimally healthy. As you know, both of your chiropractors here are chiropractic neurologists who have a great interest and passion in helping improve health and function, especially with reference to pain, neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinsons or MS or Alzheimers, ADHD, developmental delay and so on. This research shows how a combination of natural therapies can assist us all in reaching our optimal health. So get active, get adjusted, eat right, supplement right and help others to get the message. Health is true wealth…and health is not a spectator sport.

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LETTER ONE, June, 2000
Migraine Help Through Chiropractic
LETTER TWO, July, 2000
Unexpected Positive Nonmusculoskeletal Side Effects
LETTER THREE, August, 2000
Exercise Helps Lower Back Pain
Nutritional Approach to Reduce Inflammation And Pain
LETTER FOUR, September, 2000
The Ability to Utilize Oxygen
LETTER FIVE, October 3, 2000
October is Spinal Health Month
Stop Drinking that Soda
LETTER SIX, October 26, 2000
Lower Back Pain
LETTER SEVEN, October 31, 2000
The Importance of Intestinal Balance
LETTER EIGHT, December 7, 2000
Zinc Shown to Reduce Cold Symptoms
LETTER NINE, February, 2001
ADHD and other brain disorders

my newest webpage: The Catoctin Quartet

| Practicing Technique Seminar | Before You Start Practicing | How the Brain Works
| Maximizing Practice Sessions | Ending Practicing Sessions | Staying Healthy|