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e-newsletter for
The Chiropractic Healing Center
8306-Old Courthouse Road
Vienna, 22182
The Doctor Is Within (website)

July 10 2000
Unexpected Positive Nonmusculoskeletal Side Effects

This newsletter will be a short one, to keep it brief and to the point so that you get the latest stuff from the health and wellness frontlines to help you improve your health.


Important research shows that those who have chiropractic care have "Unexpected Positive Nonmusculoskeletal Side Effects". In a Swedish study of 1,504 patients, they were asked if after their visits they "experienced any positive changes that do not seem to have anything to do with your back problem?"

As it was reported in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics 1999;22:559-64,
at least one positive side effect or reaction was reported by 23% of the respondents. The more spinal areas that were adjusted, the better their chances of experiencing at least one positive reaction.

This means that if 4 spinal areas were adjusted, 35% of the respondents reported significant improvements in their health that did not seem immediately related to the back problems that they sought chiropractic care for.

This includes

  • easier respiration
  • better vision
  • improved digestive function
  • better circulation
  • improvements in heart rhythm
  • improvements in blood pressure
  • less ringing in the ears
  • and improved hearing.
On a personal note, we have seen the same thing for years and this information goes to the heart of the reason for seeing a chiropractor in the first place. Chiropractic has never been a treatment for any disease. It has been proven to be very effective for pain syndromes but the real reason that the whole profession was started was to improve the function of the nervous system. The basis chiropractic philosophy is based on the fundamental fact that the nervous system is the master system of the body that coordinates and controls virtually all of the functions of your body. Any interference or disturbance of the delicate neurological controls will result in a loss of function and health. Chiropractors and other researchers have found that when the spinal bones do not function normally the nervous system is disturbed and loss or alteration of function ensues. The purpose of the chiropractic adjustment is to normalize spinal motion to influence normal nerve expression and thus to improve health. It is not the treatment of any disease but it is effective in reducing one of the causes of dis-ease, which is altered nerve function. In helping the nervous system express itself chiropractic care enhances your health and you can see the proof of that in the above study.

Whenever possible, the natural way is the best way as chiropractic works with the immutable laws of nature to help you be your best.

Along with

  • nutrition
  • exercise
  • rest
  • relaxation and
  • personal inner growth
nothing beats the chiropractic approach.


LETTER ONE, June, 2000
Migraine Help Through Chiropractic
LETTER THREE, August, 2000
Exercise Helps Lower Back Pain
Nutritional Approach to Reduce Inflammation And Pain
LETTER FOUR, September, 2000
The Ability to Utilize Oxygen
LETTER FIVE, October 3, 2000
October is Spinal Health Month
Stop Drinking that Soda
LETTER SIX, October 26, 2000
Lower Back Pain
LETTER SEVEN, October 31, 2000
The Importance of Intestinal Balance
LETTER EIGHT, December 7, 2000
Zinc Shown to Reduce Cold Symptoms
LETTER NINE, February, 2001
ADHD and other brain disorders

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