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e-newsletter for
The Chiropractic Healing Center
8306-Old Courthouse Road
Vienna, 22182
The Doctor Is Within (website)

October 3, 2000


This newsletter will cover a variety of topics in keeping with the philosophy of holistic, vitalistic and hygienic chiropractic care.



A national proclamation:

  • Whereas health is the optimal functioning of our bodies, not merely the absence of symptoms or disease; and
  • Whereas the nervous system controls and regulates all of the functions of our bodies; and
  • Whereas good spinal health makes is possible for the nerves to all organs of the body to function efficiently; and
  • Whereas spinal health is essential to proper growth and development; and
  • Whereas chiropractic examinations can reveal spinal/neurologic problems; and
  • Whereas poor spinal health costs our nation time and money; and
  • Whereas conversely, spinal health assures our nation a more efficient and productive population; and
  • Whereas every individual should be made aware of the benefits of spinal health;

so please make sure that you get your regular adjustments and tell others of the benefits that you have received from natural chiropractic care. A healthier nation with a lofty purpose is a key to the future of the health of the world. It can only be done one person at a time, let it begin and continue with you and yours.


Too Much Soda Robs Your Bone Minerals:

Drinking carbonated soft drinks (diet or non-diet sodas) compromises bone building and maintenance. By drinking this type of liquid, the chemicals in them cause an upset in calcium, phosphorous, zinc, magnesium and other bone building minerals. Too much sugar will deplete zinc, an essential nutrient for proper insulin/glucagons production and necessary for digestion, immune and sexual health as well.
Artificial sweeteners have been linked to headaches and immune problems. The acids in the carbonation upset the calcium and phosphorous ratios causing too much of these valuable minerals to be excreted. The negative effects on bone are worsened when the diet is already low in magnesium. 38% of all males get less than 75% of the recommended allowance of magnesium daily, while females get about 50% less than the daily recommended allowance for magnesium. The caffeine causes liver and adrenal stress (fatigue) and contributes to excessive calcium excretion further weakening your bones and heatlh. The average male consumes about 20 oz. per day and this is enough to put them into the ‘red zone’ where they excreted more of the minerals than they absorbed, especially phosphorous which is central to energy production.


It may taste good for the moment but in the long term does not build your health and may be tearing it down.


A brief history of Black Cohosh:

This herb has a long history of use for women’s health. Its scientific name is cimifuga racemosa and is known in lore to stimulate menstrual and uterine flow. Native Americans used black cohost to aid in childbirth, and treat female complaints and snakebites. It was an official drug in the US Pharmacopoeia from 1830-1926.

U.S. Pharmacopoeia

In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, it was one of the ingredients in the herb product known as Lydia E. Pinkham’s vegetable compound. The compound could supposedly treat a variety of female health problems, including infertility, although Lydia didn’t have scientific proof. Today, black cohosh is used for the relief of symptoms related to menopause with studies that show it effectively relieved hot flashes, improved menopausal symptoms, and decreased vaginal dryness.


Exercise Keeps Blood Vessels Young:

Some of us older folks can say that our blood vessels behave like those half of our age, according to a new study published in "Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association ". The study authors conclude that “long term exercise protects the inner lining of the blood vessels from age-related changes and makes them behave more like those of a young person.” They also said that people do not need to be athletes to receive the beneficial effects of exercise. So…either get with it and keep up your fitness or lose it!!

If you have a SUCCESS story relating to how chiropractic, exercise or nutrition has helped improve your health, please write it up briefly and share it with us. Personal stories are real life inspirations that can help change the world by motivating us.


Migraine Help Through Chiropractic
Unexpected Positive Nonmusculoskeletal Side Effects
Exercise Helps Lower Back Pain
Nutritional Approach to Reduce Inflammation And Pain
LETTER FOUR, September
The Ability to Utilize Oxygen
LETTER SIX, October, 26
Lower Back Pain
LETTER SEVEN,October, 31
The Importance of Intestinal Balance
LETTER EIGHT, December, 7
Zinc Shown to Reduce Cold Symptoms

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