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The Doctor Is Within Newsletter


e-newsletter for
The Chiropractic Healing Center
8306-Old Courthouse Road
Vienna, 22182
The Doctor Is Within (website)

December 7, 2000

Hello to everyone and best wishes for the holiday seasons. Here is some interesting information that relates to the traditional flu and cold season.


The most frequent cause of the common cold is rhinovirus infection, although as many as 200 other viruses may be responsible for the condition. U.S. adults and children suffer fom 2-6 colds per year with substantial loss of work and education resulting. No proven treatment has been identified. The authors of this study note 10 previous controlled trials on treatment of the common cold with zinc lozenges. In those trials, five reported that zinc lozenges reduced the duration of cold symptoms. The remaining five showed o effect of zinc on cold symptoms, although the authors of the current study suggest that inappropriate zinc lozenge preparations in these latter five studies may have caused the results observed.
In this study, 50 volunteers were recruited within 24 hours of developing symptoms of the common cold. They were administered on zinc lozenge (12.8mg of zinc acetate) or placebo every two to three hours as long as they experienced symptoms. Symptom scores for sore throat; nasal discharge and congestion; sneezing; cough; scratchy throat; hoarseness; muscle ache; fever; and headache were recorded daily for 12 days. Administration of zinc lozenges reduced duration and severity of cold symptoms compared to the placebo. Duration of cold symptoms was 4.5 days in the zinc group vs. 8.1 days in the placebo group; cough duration was 3.1 days vs. 6.3 days; and nasal discharge was 4.1 days vs. 5.8 days. Overall, severity scores for all symptoms were reduced with zinc administration compared to placebo.
The authors note that plasma levels of zinc increased and plasma levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines decreased, suggesting that zinc’s influence on cytokines may account for improvements in clinical cold symptoms. Prasad, Fitzgerald, Beck et al. Duration of symptoms and plasma cytokine levels in patients with the common cold treated with zinc acetate. Annals of Internal Medicine 2000:133;pp245-52


I love to read articles like this as it helps to put the whole matter into perspective. It is interesting to note that pro-inflammatory cytokines are chemicals that are released in part from immune cells. There are many nutritional methods for reducing pro-inflammatory chemicals in the body, including zinc, vitamin E, vitamin C, detox procedures and more. It is nice to see good literature that supports what holistic natural remedy based physicians have known for years. I would recommend that we all have some zinc lozenges available in our natural medicine chest for this time of year or whenever we feel a cold coming on.
Next time you are in, ask for our zinc lozenges with vitamin C and Echinacea for superior immune support when you need it now. In a recent e-newsletter that we sent you, we went over how adjustments improve the body’s ability to respond to illness. This e-newsletter shows how zinc helps. It also helps to have a relaxed and calm mental and emotional environment. All three of these avenues lead to increased ability of your body to respond to the environment.

As Pasteur is quoted as having said in his final days prior to his passing, it isn’t the bacteria or invaders that are the most important (because they are all opportunists), it is the condition of the host that either allows or does not allow them to take hold. That is, active health building is more effective than illness care.


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