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e-newsletter for
The Chiropractic Healing Center
8306-Old Courthouse Road
Vienna, 22182
Dr. Blabey
Dr. Mark Smith

January 31, 2001

Well hello everyone and best wishes in this new-year for your continued health and success.

The first e-newsletter of the year will be dedicated to neuro-degenerative disorders. The first one we will discuss this year is ADHD. Over the past 2 months, Dr. Blabey and I have done extensive research on this puzzling and significant problem. We undertook this project because of the really wonderful results that we have observed when we have had the opportunity to treat children with ADHD. We have now put together a powerful talk that you must attend. Please tell anyone you know that is dealing with this problem and get them to this talk. I recently gave this talk out at George Mason University to a group of masters degree health care professionals and was so enthusiastically received that I have been asked back and also to speak at a national convention. On Feb. 3rd, I will give the talk at A Child’s Place at Hollin Hall at about 9:00 AM. You can call Anne or Betsy for more info. On Feb. 13th at 7:00 pm I will give the talk at the office. Call for reservations as seating is limited.

What is really interesting is that in doing this research, I found out that ADHD has many of the same components of the neuro-degenerative diseases that we are all familiar with. These include
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Parkinsonism
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • other brain based disorders
Treatments for all of these have similarities. Because Dr. Blabey and I have based our chiropractic practice in neurology, these issues are tremendously exciting for us because we have more tools to help these disorders. We are very confident of our ability to help by the science behind these treatments as well as our experience with them and the results for our patients (YOU!!). You won’t want to miss this talk. If there is enough demand, we will repeat the talk or give it at other locations or for different groups.



find and treat the underlying health conditions rather than treating the symptoms.
Primary Concepts:
  1. Some patients with ADHD are experiencing neurologic imbalances that can be treated within a functional neurological model. Learn how to recognize them and what you can do about them. This also relates to delayed development or other learning problems.

  2. Some patients with ADHD are expressing neurologic disturbance related to biochemical imbalances and brain inflammation. This can be addressed with specific dietary measures and nutritional programs. The latest research findings that support this model.

  3. Some are both 1. and 2.
  • Learn how these methods work and why.

  • Learn what you can do now to help improve the health of these children and their families.

  • Learn what functional integrated health care is: why it is patient centered and not disease or diagnosis centered and why it may work for you.

Brief Outline:
  1. A Functional Integrated Perspective on ADHD.

  2. Traditional Approaches—symptom control

  3. New approaches/paradigm—Natural therapies for underlying causes

  4. Chiropractic—a functional neurologic diagnosis and intervention (safer)

  5. Neurologically based interventions—natural, safer, gentler

  6. Neurological expressions of neuro-chemical reactions

    • model: inflammation affects brain function

    • causes of inflammation

    • diet and nutritional considerations

  7. Reading List.
So, if you or anyone you know is interested in learning about this topic, get your bodies to this talk!!!!
I really hope to see you there for a evening of really fantastic information. See you there at 7:00 PM, Tuesday evening on February 13th, 2001. Please call in advance for seating. Light refreshments will be served. 703-356-6284. Please wear your thinking caps and other appropriate apparel.


LETTER ONE, June, 2000
Migraine Help Through Chiropractic
LETTER TWO, July, 2000
LETTER THREE, August, 2000
Exercise Helps Lower Back Pain
Nutritional Approach to Reduce Inflammation And Pain
LETTER FOUR, September, 2000
The Ability to Utilize Oxygen
LETTER FIVE, October 3, 2000
October is Spinal Health Month
Stop Drinking that Soda
LETTER SIX, October 26, 2000
Lower Back Pain
LETTER SEVEN, October 31, 2000
The Importance of Intestinal Balance
LETTER EIGHT, December 7, 2000
Zinc Shown to Reduce Cold Symptoms

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