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When special programs come around,
And Music is what I want in a sound;
To Sheri Nelson I hopefully implore,
"Please, won't you play your violin some more?!"

As gracious as she is, never at a loss,
Sheri always says, "Yes"-after a moment's pause.
I, of course, clap my hands in glee and smile
Knowing she will go the extra mile!

You help keep the children's attention and in line,
With your musical notes and eyes that shine.
I sigh with relief knowing you are there,
And together with songs we entertain - What a pair!

So, Sheri, here's a great big thanks to you,
From the Rust Youth Services staff and children, too;
For all the music you so generously share,
We know in our hearts that you really care!

by Josette Chang


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Loudoun County Rust Library