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Older Poems of Mine


Long brown fingers dancing on the strings;
Lengthen then shorten the pitch.
Digits drumming, plucking, training,
Unworried brow computing emotions
Knowing what fits and where.
What does the music transcribe?


There are those times in life, my love,
When my skin
Is thin
And my skull
Is dull.
Never, however, will you see the day,
When my heart
Won't start
Or my desire
Won't fire.


Lusty buds break forth.
Virgin beauty everywhere,
From south to north,
Swelling in the air.
Yet as I drive my car I see,
Squished armadillos


The strength of human spirit
Is so aptly shown
When creativity drawn from one soul
Is engendered into a new art form.


When all my hopes have come abated
And dreams of love are dashed,
What then in me is mated?
In what manner ravished?
Loneliness and grief are fruited.
Life's fire abruptly muted.

My "yawp" has turned brown.
I am beaten down
Upon my face defeated.

As weeks flow lengthily into years
Never are they to mask the tears.

How can I forget thee,
Thy face as daybreak new?
I don't want to reject thee.
Thou has broken me, it's true.
What once was my great joy
Melts daily into sorrow
And becomes heart-pain's alloy
To help me face tomorrow.

Across the miles I feel your essence,
The power of your living soul.
Would that I had known you better,
To understand what makes you whole.
What is this fear within me dwells?
At times I think it best untried
Than the rejection here inside me swells.

These are remnants of old poems I have written. The best seem to be lost for all time. Perhaps this is as it should be.

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