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Harry Potter and the Christian World View

I feel that it needs to be noted that there is a big difference between much of the fantasy that we grew up with, our parents grew up with and this Harry Potter.

Richard Abanes in his book, "Harry Potter and the BIBLE" he opens his introduction with a beautiful quote.

"Any time the dark side of the supernatural world is presented as harmless or even imaginary, there is the danger that children will become curious and find too late that witchcraft is neither harmless nor imaginary. In a culture with an obvious trend toward witchcraft and New Age ideology, parents need to consider the effects that these ideas may have on young and impressionable minds."

Linda Beam, Focus on the Family

I believe it is a mistake to compare Harry Potter with Bambi, Snow White, Cinderella, The Christmas Carol or even books by JRR Tolkien or CS Lewis. There is a vital difference here. These stories, though they are fantasy, do not teach children HOW to cast spells. Personally, I have seen many holes in the philosophies put forth by Disney, though I'm not going to go there right now. I know he has offered plenty of relatively wholesome entertainment for children for many decades.

Richard Abanes says in his book, Harry Potter and the BIBLE:
Click on bible reference to see that quote.

"According to renowned Christian scholar J.I. Packer, sin "may be comprehensively defined as lack of conforminty to the law of God in act, habit, attitude, outlook, disposition, motivation and mode of existence." More specifically, sin may be defined in four destinct, yet related ways:
  1. Breaking God's law or standards of right conduct (Romans 4:15, Romans 2:23; 5:14; Galatians 3:19)
  2. Nonconformity to what one knows to be the right course of action. (Romans 14:23 ; James 4:12)
  3. A principle within man known as sin nature, often called the flesh. (Romans 7:14 , 17-25)
  4. A state of mind that not only tolerates but also actively pursues lawlessness. (1John 3:4)"
He further notes:
"The most common elements binding together these and other forms of witchcraft are as follow:
  1. Exaltation of experience over any set of dogmatic beliefs.
  2. Acceptance of diversity of beliefs as healthy and essential to humanity's well-being.
  3. Denial of absolute truth. No single religion or morality is objectively right. "True is what is true for you; right is what is right for you....Your path may not be my own, but both are viable trails of the truth and spirituality."
  4. Adherence to the Wiccan ethical code: "If ye harm none, do what ye will."
  5. Development of personal psychic abilities.
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Try looking up divination to see what the Word has to say about witchcraft. The word, witchcraft isn't in the bible as far as I know.
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