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The Catoctin Quartet

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See the poster for our big library concert.


From left to right:
Catharine Basson, viola; Jean Wilson, violin; Valerie Wride, cello; Sheri Nelson, violin

(click on the name to read more about this musician)

The Catoctin Quartet are four friends from the Loudoun Symphony. I had wanted to play in a quartet for a long time, but as a bass player this was very difficult for me. A few years ago I started playing the viola which I had quit in high school. One day I approached my friend, Jean Wilson, and asked her if she would like to be in a quartet with me. She enthusiastically agreed. Many months passed before I started to think about who else to invite into the quartet. In the meantime, my friendship with Sheri Nelson began to grow. When I asked her if she wanted to play in a quartet with me and Jean, she agreed with a smile on her face. I asked the other two women about their thoughts about a cellist. Suggestions were made. I wanted the quartet to be comprised of musicians from the Loudoun Symphony and I wanted us to all be in the western portion of Loudoun County. I thought and prayed about this for quite a while. Suddenly one day I was talking with Valerie Wride while we were at a symphony rehearsal. I was compelled to ask her to join us. I was so pleased with her joyful acceptance to my invitation.

Valerie is on temporary leave from the quartet while she and her family spend two years in Spain. We will miss her and await her return. The Quartet will continue and we have found a lovely substitute. I will add information about her once I am sure about the spelling of her name and when I have a little biographical information to add.

please email me


| Jean Wilson| Sheri Nelson| Catharine Basson| Valerie Wride| Tom Marks|

|Gallery| Our Performance with Loudoun Ballet| ***|

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