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Shemoneh Prayers




Favorably receive, O Lord our G_d, Thy people Israel and their prayer,
Restore the worship to Thy Temple in Zion,
Receive with love and favor the offerings of Israel and their prayer,
And may the worship of Thy people Israel always be favorably received by Thee.
May our eyes behold Thy return to Zion in mercy.
Blessed art Thou, Lord, who restores His Divine Presence to Zion.


We give thanks unto Thee who art the Lord our G_d and G_d of our fathers for all eternity.
Thou art the Strength of our lives, the Shield of our deliverance.
In every generation, we shall thank Thee and declare Thy praise
For our lives that are entrusted in Thy hand,
And for our souls that are in Thy care,
And for Thy miracles that are daily with us,
And for Thy wondrous deeds and goodness that occur at all times, evening, morning, and noon.
Thou art the Benevolent One, for Thy deeds of kindness do not stop,
Always have we placed our hope in Thee.
For all this, O our King, may Thy Name be always blessed and exalted forever and ever.
All the living will forever thank Thee and praise Thy Name in truth, O God, our eternal salvation and help.
Blessed art Thou, lord, whose Name is Goodness; it is pleasing to give thanks to Thee.


Establish peace, well-being, blessing, grace, loving kindness, and mercy upon us and upon all Israel, Thy people.
Bless us, our Father, all of us as one, by the light of Thy presence,
For the light of Thy presence have you given us, O Lord our G_d,
A Torah of life, love of kindness, justice, blessing, compassion, life and peace.
And it is good in Thy sight to bless Thy people Israel at all times and in every Hour with Thy peace.
Blessed art Thou, Lord, who blesses His people Israel with peace.

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