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My Cousin, Gary Noe

Family is the neatest thing on earth! Sometimes friends will lose touch, but family is family, no matter what.

My cousin, Gary, is all the way out in San Diego, and I'm here in Cincinnati. But it doesn't change the closeness. He's a GREAT letter-writer and caller, and very faithful in sending pictures.

Gary, my Uncle Johnny's oldest child, was the only one of all the grandchildren to serve in Viet Nam, and thank God, he came home to us. How sad our lives would be without him!

Gary has one son, Ethan, and is a devoted and loving Daddy.

I guess we should never say that we have a favorite family member, because we could easily hurt someone else. But I guess it's no secret who my favorite is! So when you see this page, Gary, just remember how much your cousin loves you, and always will. You're family AND my friend. And there's nothing I wouldn't do for you!


Baby Gary with his parents ... my Aunt & Uncle, Dona & Johnny

Joining the Army, 1966

And then came Viet Nam


Back home to California ...
Uncle Johnny, Cathy, Aunt Dona, Michael & Gary

Gary & his brothers:
(left to right) Randy, Gary & Michael


Gary & his cat, Scooter


Christmas with the Family:
Aunt Dona, Gary, his sister Dona Marie & her husband Butch, sister Cathy, brother Michael

Gary with his son, Ethan -- Ethan a few years later

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