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Diesel's Coon Hunting Page

Whats up??? Well to be honest this page has a lot of work still to be done. Well where to start I have been coon hunting for 17 years. So I guess it is safe to say this isn't my first rodeo. The first time I ever went hunting was with my papaw, Dad and Uncle Ronnie "Fireball". I remember that we shoot out three coons that night. Since then I have been hooked. I have had two great hounds in my young life and have owned a collection of good hounds.


PR. Coaldust's Papaw's Beaut: Beaut is an excellent hound. She is a honest tree dog with plenty of power. With a heavy heart I must report that Beaut has went on to the Happy Hunting grounds in the Sky.

Me and my ole man have just recieved a Hardwood Henry pup. The pup is out of Hardwood Henry and a Nailor female.


*Jason Sturgill "Dob": Dob is one of my oldest hunting buddies. Me and him have shared many of nights chasing ole mister ringtail. We have shoot out many coons and told alot of tails. Well ole Dob has gotten out of the business for a while. He has joined the Army. I still hope in the future Dob and me can spend a few nights after ole mister ring tail.

*Anthony Sturgill: We have been hunting together for along time. We have one big thing in common and that is that we are devoted Walker men. Which in this coon hunters belief is the best breed but that is just my belief. Me and Anthony have spent many a night on the back of a four wheeler, back in the Cumberlands chasing ole mister ring tail. Many people say that me and Anthony don't really hunt because of the fact that we build the occasional fire and roast a little tenderloin, all I have to say is me and Stud have shoot out our fair share of coons, and me and him have a pair of hounds(Beaut and Jettie) that I would hunt against any other pair of hounds in the county.

*Brett Collier: Well as of right now Brett also is out of the business him and his wife are expecting there next child.

*Estill Sturgill: I have hunted with Pa for about 8 years now and believe me he makes hunts a fun and humores time. Pa has a real good dog "Gypsey". Pa is kinda like a third grandfather to me. Dob, Pa, and Me have had many fun filled nights on the Knob. Recently my old man and Pa have been hunting together. I can't wait till I am out of college when I can hunt more with these two fine hunters.

*Ronnie Roberts: What to say about Ronnie. All I can say is you have to be tough to eat his corn. Ronnie is a go getter. There is one thing you can say about Ronnie Roberts, like him or not he trees coons on a regular basis, and he always has a pack of good hounds.

*Glendon Sturgill: What about ole Glendon, well for one thing at least he doesn't hunt English, but he does hunt those off brand black dogs. Me and Glendon have hunted together with his dad Glen since we where both little fat kids. Me and ole G have treed our far share of coons in our day and have shared many a night in the woods after ole mister ringtail. Even thou me and Glendon don't agree about the right color of hound, I look forward to spending a lot more nights chasing ole mister ringtail with ole G.

*Glen Sturgill: Well this old man has walked my butt off a many night. Glen is one of those hunters who loves to walk hunt. Glen gets around in the woods better than any person I have ever seen. He makes men much younger than him suck bad air. Glen is the type of man that would give you the shirt off his back and not think twice about it. You will not find a more honest and caring hunter.

*My Ole Man: He says he is a fox hunter, but I know at heart he is still a coonhunter. He quite coon hunting shortly after I was born and took up fox hunting. But we still go coon hunting with each other when ever we can. We recently were given a Hardwood Henry pup. I look forward to training this pup with him.

I don't know say about the men mentioned above, except that they are a very large and special part of my life, I don't know what kind of man I would be with out there constant support and the occassional kick in the ass.

*Doyle Roberts"my papaw": This is the man that showed me more about hunting than any other person I have ever met.There wasn't a finner dog man. He always had good hounds. I would trade anything for one more hunt with him. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about him My favorite times hunting were spent with him. Doyle passed away October 30, 2001. He was a coonhunter for over 70 years. He went hunting the night before he died. He will be missed by all. Papaw I LOVE YOU, but I know you are in heaven, and you and Mamaw are looking down on us all everyday.