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Coal Dust's Page

I have been hunting for 23 years. I have owned them all but a plott and have even hunt with a few of thoses. Well I have found a line of blue dogs that I couldn't pass up. We feel that we have a line of dogs that anyone would be proud to own. Don't take my word for it, come own down and we will put them in the woods. My dogs

NT CH PR. CoalDust's MC Blue Bonnie: Bonnie is a old sister to Kane. She is a loud hard tree dog that can flat out get mister coon to climb. I have bred Bonnie to a Jet 6 Rockect Male dog. Her sister was bred to this male dog with good results, guess we will see how this cross works.

AKC/UKC CH NT CH PR.CoalDust's Raisen' Kane: Kane is a coon treeing machine that is a A #1 track dog. Brady claims Kane now. When he is hunted in a hunt Brady hunts him. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Kane on the first night of season. He was 13mnth old.
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CoalDust's MC Blue Bonnie
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GR CH NT CH AKC GR CH NT CH Powers Rock N Rowdy
Rowdy is the English Dog owned by Tony and Brandon Powers. These two fellers are fine fellers to hunt with. With some nice hounds to boot. Rowdy is now a Grand Show Champion in AKC & UKC. He is now a NT CH in UKC & AKC with wins toward Grand in both Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Stub littermate to Kane owned by Ryan Vanover, got beat on a tie breaker in his first Nite hunt Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


PR.Flat Gap Peaches: Peaches was my old dog. She is directly out of house's lipper and a tar rattler female. She can flat out get it done. Peaches went to the happy hunting ground above

CH NT CH PR.CoalDust's Jammin Jettie: she is rat attack bred and this dog is a real solid dog, she is now show ch, and made nite ch with 2 1st and 2nd. She now has 3 win toward grand nt. I lost Jettie this past June 04, she died at the Vets, she was there for 10 days.

CNC CH NT CH PR.CoalDust's Dancin Smokey: Smokey is a young blue dog out of the Dancer dog that finished 2nd in the World hunt. This dog can do it all, and he needs no help. This could be the best pup that I have ever had. He is the Natural that I have heard others talk about. Smokey is well on his way to being a COONDOG. Smokey is now a Ch Nt Ch, He also a AKC CNC and points on the bench. I sold Smokey to Rod Vice of GA. I wish him the best of luck with him, I sure did have a lot of good nights with him.