Yaay, Christmas Cards:) Thanks all:)
Oh, and if you want to have mine, please left click it, this will take youto a place where you can download it:) If you place it on your site, please link it back to https://www.angelfire.com/va3/countrygarden

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<BGSOUND SRC="WeWishYouAMerryChristmas.mid" AUTOSTART=true LOOP=infinite HIDDEN=true>

Visit Yuko Ohigashi Plays Solo Piano

You are listening to Yuko Ohigashi's Song (c)We Wish You a Merry Christmas. This song is used with permission of Yuko Ohigashi's mother! If you want to download her music, please visit Yuko Ohigashi's Site and ask her mother's permission to download!
Thank you!

Falling Leaves Script and No Rightclick Script By Lissa Explains It All.