Well, Natacha created this little site for me, because I am living in her computerroom. LOL:)
For all of these who don't know me, my name is Nicki and I was born in September 1992. Unfortunaterly, there didn't seem to be any space for me and my two siblings, so, when we were 6 weeks old, the people where we were born brought us to the Pet Adoption Center. The same evening, Natacha, her mother and her brother came and wanted to have a little kitten, so out of all the kittens they could have chose, they chose me.
I had never been eating all by myself before, and nobody knew that, so they were all worried when I didn't want to eat anything thenext morning, so Natacha just porred a bit of food on her finger and let me eat. That way, she teached me how to eat all by myself.That same day, Natacha broke her ankle and needed to lay down all day, and couldn't walk too good for several more weeks, so I stayed with her all the time. During that time, she noticed I was very special (but hey, I STILL am) because I wasn't as every other cat. I didn't want to be hugged, and nobody was allowed to pet and touch me. She also noticed that I cannot express my feelings very well, that I like to scratch and if I like you, I bite you:) LOL:) My favourite game was opening a wardrobe, taking everything out andplaying with the socks I took out. It ended up I wasn't allowed to go near the wardrobe where the socks were in anymore.
I like to look at goldfish, hamsters and mice. I won't eatthem, I just like to look at them, and I just seem to be changed while I am doing so. I don't like other cats and other animals beside those listed above.
Since nobody was allowed to touch me and I didn't like anyother cats, the family tought I'd never have any babies, and that was alright with me.
In Summer 1997, I didn't really want to come to the house anymore, I sometimes came by, ate and went away again, so Natacha tought I probably won't come back someday, so she got another kitten, little Punky, and tought maybe if I come back or come by one day, I might like him. Well, when i saw him, I was going crazy, I couldn't believe my eyes, I wanted to fight with this cat, but he didn't seem to be impressed by me at all, he was just sitting there, staring at me like he wanted to ask:"Soo, I have to be very impressed by your crazyness, huh?" Ever since I had seen Punky, I didn't want to go inside again, I prefered to stay outside, sitting in an old birdhouse.
I noticed Punky felt lonely, and in Summer 1998, Natacha got him a little girlfriend, Gipsy. A few months later, they had babies, and the whole family was very surprised, because they wanted Gipsy to have an operation but the doc told them to wait till Gispy is a year old. She wasn't even a year old when she had these babies.
Then, in May, just after the babies turned 2 months old, Punky dissapeared and has been missing since.
Then, in April 2000, they noticed I was getting very big. I had always been a very slim and skinny cat, nomatter what I had been eating, andI admit,I couldn't really understand it myself why I was THAT big... They were sure I was pregnant, andon April 20th, 2000, I gave birth to my boys Bobby and Billy, and to one kitten, but this one was alerady death when it was born:( I loved Bobby and Billy till they were 6 weeks old, Natacha believes I didn't know what to do with them later because I was taken away from my mommy at that age. Billy was hit by a car and died when he was 7 months old. He looked like me so much, I just have red/gray/white fur, instead of his gray/white fur.
I wsa the old Nicki again, scratching, biting and not liking other animals, when I gave birth to 6 babies! yes, you read righ, I said 6. One died due to an open belly:( Fortunaterly, they didn't let him suffer. This time, I liked my babies for a couple of weeks more.
On July 25th, 2001, Natacha took me to the animal hospital, where I had to stay. I was very sad about this, because I tought she wouldn't want me anymore. I was given a shot and I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes again, I was carried in my special pet carrier to a room where Natacha was waiting for me. I was happy to see her and for the first time in my life, she could see that I was happy about something. At home, she explained me that now,i couldn't have any babies anymore cause of this operation. I am living in her computer room ever since, and I am being a very good cat. From time to time I like to scratch and bite, but nobody minds anymore, because they now know that I love them:)
Oh, and one more thing: Natacha said that if I don't want to have any friends here, I should have some friends online. So, together we chose Kimba and Lexi as my friends. Click here to go to their site! I metthem trough the 'Country Girls with Pets' Webring!
If you are a pet as well and want to be my online friend, just e-mail Natacha with your link so she can place it here. You should also link me from you site!
Thank you!
Here's me waiting for my Christmas presents the winter before they got Punky!
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