Let us pray for all those who lost their lifes on September 11th, 2001.
Let us pray for their family and friends.
Let us pray for all those who got injured.
Let us pray for all those who survived.
Let us pray for the persons still missing.
Let us pray for the fireman, policeman and all those who help as good as they can.
Let us pray for the whole shocked nation.

This is my rememberance plaque. If you want to have it, please left click it. This will take you to the site where you can rightclick it.
I'd also appreciate a link back to https://www.angelfire.com/va3/countrygarden
If you have a plaque you want me to place here, please e-mail me and let me know.

I have been getting a lot of poems, prayer requests and memorial plaques laterly. This gave me the idea of opening a Memorial Book. Please feel so free to place your toughts, prayers, memorial plaques etc into this book.
Please note that this is JUST for the tragedy of September 11th, 2001! Thanks for understanding!

Sign Memorial Book View Memorial Book

<BGSOUND SRC="HurtSoBad_c2001_YukoOhigashi.mid" AUTOSTART=true LOOP=infinite HIDDEN=true>

Visit Yuko Ohigashi Plays Solo Piano

You are listening to Yuko Ohigashi's Song (c)Hurt So Bad. This song is used with permission of Yuko Ohigashi's mother! If you want to download her music, please visit Yuko Ohigashi's Site and ask her mother's permission to download!
Thank you!

No Rightclick Script By Lissa Explains It All.