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Auction Day

After the swim & parade all of the ponies are placed into a large paddock. It's pretty chaotic -- all of the babies have gotten separted from their mothers, and the stallions fight with each other. We spend the night in this paddock, and in the morning, the auction begins!

For the auction, all of the babies are separted from their mothers and we're penned up separately. One by one, we're taken into the arena and the spectators bid on us. It's pretty stressful (for us & the people!).

The pony sold just before me was this lovely black & white pinto filly.

Believe it or not, she sold for a record $10,500. That's the most ANY Chincoteague Pony has ever sold for at the Pony Penning Auction.

If you look really closely, you can see me. I'm behind the wooden fence, behind the chain link fence, being held by the guy in the red shirt. You can see me!

My owners expected to pay way more for me than they did. They think they got me for such a good price because everyone was still reeling from the price of the black & white filly!

Here I am, after the auction, in the pens with the other purchased ponies. I'm the dark one in the back.

The story of this pony is pretty cool. The girl in the white shirt came to the auction last year (2000) with only $300 to buy a pony. Well, $300 isn't nearly enough to buy a pony at the Chincoteague auction. But, through the kindness of strangers, she was able to get a pony. Several people at the auction heard about her, and offered to give a little towards her cause. She ended up with over $1000 and was able to purchase her own pony.

Over the past year, she saved up over $1100 and returned to the auction this year (2001) to buy a pony -- but not for herself! She found another girl at the auction (the one with the blue shirt) who didn't have quite enough saved for a pony, and she used her saved money to buy the other little girl her very own pony. What a wonderful story!

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