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Vision 2001
E-mail Pastor Rob

Crossfire's Vision

Crossfire Youth Ministries has a vision to influence
every student in the Farmville area with the gospel
of Jesus Christ before they graduate from high school.

Vision 2001 | Purpose

Crossfire's Purpose

See students gathered to Christ (Outreach)
  • L.I.F.E
  • Big Events
  • Project Home
  • Friday Night Escape

See students grow in Christ (Discipleship, Fellowship, Worship)
  • Discipleship
    • Student Leadership
    • Student Small Groups
    • Sunday School
    • Pre-Service prayer
  • Fellowship
  • Wednesday Night Crossfire
  • Monthly Outings (Kings Dominion, Convention,etc.)
  • Small Groups
  • Worship
  • Wednesday Night Crossfire
  • Speed the Light
  • "Big Church"
  • Project Home

  • See students go for Christ (Serving)
  • Ministry teams
  • Worship
  • Drama
  • Café
  • Technical
  • Chapel
  • Church Connection
  • Nursery
  • Children's Church
  • Kid's Choir
  • Musical
  • Missions Trips
  • Community Projects

    Crossfire's Vision 2001

  • The development of consistent small group discipleship teams
  • To prepare 12 students for true "Student Leadership"
  • To recruit and train 4 new adult leaders
  • Campus ministry representation at the local high schools
  • The development of a viable outreach plan

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