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MLBeat: Cuddyer gains experience
By Mark Sheldon

MINNEAPOLIS -- For the third time in a week, Michael Cuddyer is in the lineup Friday as the starting right fielder for the Twins as they take on the Athletics.

Cuddyer was recalled on Aug. 31 so the Twins could make him eligible for their postseason roster. He went 2-for-8 on the road trip, including a big solo home run against the A's Sunday in Oakland.

"He's been swinging good," Twins manager Ron Gardenhire said. "I like putting him out there. The other guys can come off the bench -- they've proved it."

The other guys that Gardenhire refers to are Dustan Mohr and Bobby Kielty. Both are capable in defensive situations and Mohr slugged a pinch-hit homer Saturday against the A's. Kielty has also provided some clutch pinch-hits this season and is a switch hitter.

"It gives me a little maneuverability," Gardenhire said.

Cuddyer slugged 20 homers at Triple-A Edmonton this season and 30 last season for the Trappers. Unlike Mohr and Kielty, he still lacks experience coming off the bench. "Michael is the one who would have a little more trouble with a little longer swing until he gets acclimated up here more," Gardenhire said.

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