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Cuddyer receives thrill and abuse
By Gordon Wittenmyer
From Pioneer Press

NEW YORK — Michael Cuddyer used to drive from Virginia with his dad to see games at Yankee Stadium when he was a kid. When he was in the minors in New Britain, Conn., he made the trip by himself during a day off.

But until he walked through the opening in the center field fence and across the grass several hours before Tuesday's game, the Twins' rookie right fielder never had been on the field at Yankee Stadium.

"It was pretty awesome," he said. "This place is a monument in itself."

Cuddyer was in the starting lineup in his first day on the field there, playing right and batting seventh. And he braced for the standard barrage, verbal and otherwise, from the bleacher fans who have been known to throw objects, including coins, at visiting players.

"I got a couple of 'you sucks,' " he said. "But nobody threw anything at me. It wasn't too bad. You expect the taunting."

Center fielder Torii Hunter offered this advice for the rookie before the game: "Good luck."

Then he helped with Cuddyer's Yankee Stadium initiation during the game.

"At one point they were taunting Torii," Cuddyer said, "and he said, 'Don't taunt me, taunt him (pointing).' Thanks a lot, Torii."

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