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My Photos
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Here are some of my photos. Please excuse this page - it's still solid full of Brian and I haven't quite figured out how to make pictures smaller so they'll load better. I do have a scanner now, thanks to Grandma, so I'm planning on redoing this page completely. Thank goodness I have the time!

Click here for Geology trip photos!I'll have a better link for that when this page gets updated, but for now I want my work to be seen, dangit!!

My senior picture In case you haven't guessed, this is me. This was my senior picture. It's about three years old but I haven't gotten around to taking a new one yet. I'm planning on it soon, but there's not much rush because I look basically the same.
My boyfriend, Brian This is Brian. We dated for a year and a half. We are no longer together, but his are the only interesting pictures I have up right now. Like I said, I'm working on it!
JulieThis is my little sister Julie. Ain't she cute?
Candace This is my old roommate, Candace. We're still good friends.
Brian I took this picture of Brian and somehow the bottom half came out really dark. He likes to call it "Possessed Brian". I don't think the description is too far off.

Brian Brian again, this time one of his senior pictures.
Candace This is a really goofy picture of Candace
Gary in Italy This is my friend Gary, whom I know from the jazz band. He had this taken on a trip to Italy last spring
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