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                                                                                                       ZOOLANDER SHOWING  "LA TIGRA"

  I was here in 1984 and have played soccer for as long as i can remember and started wrestling in fifth grade.  I have two brothers, one graduated from Virginia Tech, and the other is a senior at JMU.  Last summer I helped my dad build a room, porch, and deck to the back of my house.  I really enjoy working on stuff like that but i have never had a real job.

    I consider myself to be very moderate in regards to political socialization.  I suppose my first influences were from my parents who claim to be democats but vote with republicans just as much.  Later my friends became more influencial when late night talks after long parties often times breached the subject of politics.
    I am different then most in politics, i believe, because i take many radical stands on issues, but they are with different parties.  For instance, i am a hard core believer in the death penalty, but also in democratic economic policies.  My favorite president was president Clinton because of that reason.  Bush and his trickle-down economics has failed in the past and surprisingly, is failing again.
    In conclusion, i suppose most would classify me as an independ.  I however, like my parents, prefer to be a very moderate democrat.  I think that is based on the fact that i think republicans such as bush are simply not that intelligent, even though i believe in many of party's goals.

 Link to my college (UNC)

 Link to my summer job

 Link to my e-mail

Favorite Web Sites:
         has hundreds of games including bubble trouble
        self explanatory

        my favorite search engine