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Chain of Command 


Commander-in-Chief (President)              

The Honorable George W. Bush


Vice President

The Honorable Richard Cheney

Secretary of State

The Honorable Colin Powell

Secretary of Defense

The Honorable Donald Rumsfeld

Secretary of the Navy

The Honorable Gordon R. England

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

General Richard B. Myers (USAF)

Chief of Naval Operations

Admiral Vernon Clark (USN)

Naval Education Training Center

Rear Admiral Ann E. Rondeau (USN)

Area 05 Manager

Commander Merlin Ladner

Photo Temporarily Unavailable

Unit Level

Senior Naval Science Instructor

CW0-4 Zurschmit (USN Ret.)

Naval Science Instructor

Senior Chief Fields (USN Ret.)


Commanding Officer

c/LCDR Carl Beierl

Executive Officer

c/LT Margaret O'Toole

Operations Officer

c/CPO Krista Wilkinson

Training Officer

c/LTJG Lavinia Maxwell

Administration Officer

c/CPO Brandon Lee

Scheduling Officer

c/CPO Alex Hill

Public Affairs Officer

c/CPO Jessica Smith

Supply Officer

c/SCPO Robert Richter

Weapons Officer

c/ENS Jon-Michael Morreim

Drill Team Commander

c/SCPO Alan Lane

Color Guard Commander

c/CPO Crystal Fluharty

First Year Drill Team Commander

c/CPO Justin Hunt

First Year Color Guard Commander

c/CPO Ashley Reisner

Rifle Team Commander

c/CPO Jonathan House

Athletics Team Commander

c/CPO Ty Evans

Academics Team Commander

c/CPO Robert Lawson