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EZ Text on a curve (C. File '2002)

Text on a curve is pretty simple.. there are quite a few tutorials out there, but what I use is either the draw tool (in vector setting) as a beezier curve or the preset shape in vector setting.. draw your shape (left to right otherwise the text comes out like a mirror..)

1.) Open a new canvas (400x400)
2.) Choose tool either a preset shape or the draw tool set on beezier curve. (Both need to have vector selected)
3.) Choose the Font tool.. put the cursor on the line & you should get an (A .. that is the text on the curve look.. the text/font should be set as floating..
4.) Type the text.
5.) Once you write your text, and while ants are marching on the floating text, add effects to the text.
6.) Now go to the layer pallette & delete the vector shape or beezier curve layer.
7.) This should drop your text down to the nearest raster layer. Go to Selections tool & select none. (This stops the marching ants)
8.) Go to layers tool.. add raster layer.
9.) Use tube tool (pen with ink bottle) & add tube to name or what ever picture.
10.) Use mover tool "+" and place name or tubes where you want them. when you are satisfied, go to layers tool & merge all viewable.
11.) Voila you are done. Now save as .gif .jpg or .psp


*******Tutorial is written & owned by ChristaFile79. It cannot be copied & posted under ANY circumstances. A link to this tutorial is acceptable & appreciated. *******


Here are some other tutorials out there to show "how to" with pictures "Text on a curve":
