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EZ Adding name to an existing animated graphic  (C. File 2002)

(****This same technique can be used to merge two graphics together)

1. Start by opening up your graphic in animation shop.
(Right click & save to hard drive):

2. Shift/D to duplicate it.

3. Close original animation so you will have the original.

4. Click on the first frame. (it will have a blue line around it).

5. Go to File > Export > to psp.

6. In PSP open new canvas.

7. Copy frame from animation & "paste as new layer" on the new canvas.

8. Close the frame from animation with no changes.

9. On 'New' Canvas, Go to Layers (on the tool bar) and add raster layer.

>>(** If you want to do text  on a circle or curved line, you would need to do the vector shape or line first before step 10)

10. Choose Font Tool (A) - Floating & Antialias checked-  and write text/name in desired font & size so that it is the way you want it to be around the graphic. Add effects while ants are still marching using plugins or 3D bevel etc & and any shadow at this time). (* if vector shape was done for text on a circle or path, delete Vector layer in layer pallette at this time.)

11. Make sure your name is the way you want it shaped around the frame on the graphic.

13. Delete layer in layer pallette of frame from animation shop (step #7). Merge & Save as filename.psp.

14. Go to Animation Pro. (can open animation pro directly , or thru PSP>File>JascSoftwear Products.

15. Open up you name.psp file. You should have two items reflected.. your framed animation & now the name.psp open. Make sure your canvas on the animation file is big enough for your name. Look & see # of frames are in animation.

16. If animation frames is big enough to add name to it, then go to the text/name frame. Add # of frames to name frame to = the total number in your animation.

(In this example I need to add 23 frames to my name canvas to equal the amount of frames in my animation. )

17. Click on "Name Canvas". Go to tool bar. Click on Animation>Insert Frames>Empty.  [Add # of frames=23, insert after frame=2, speed=5 carry forward checked. ]

18. Click on Name Canvas frames. Go to tool bar        Edit>Select all.

19. Click on Animation frames. Go to tool bar       Edit>select all.

20. Go to Animation Frames. Drag & Drop the animation frames onto the name frame #1. (Do not let go until it is placed where you want it.~ if you let go too soon & it is not where you want it, undo & then click on empty frames & undo.. redo step 18-20). ***********If you want to add your name to the animated frames than just Drop/Drag Name frames on the animation.**********

This should be your result:

21. To change it from a transparent background to an opaque background, go to tool bar  Click on Animation Properties > Canvas color=Opaque, Looping=Repeat. Okay

22. To change speed go to tool bar Frame Properties > set frame speed.. (in my example, I want all frames to be 5.)

23. Save as > name.gif

*****Tutorial Written & Owned by Christa File79. Cannot be copied or posted to any other website or messageboard. Links are acceptable.******
