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EZ Loose Leaf Name Tag: (By C. File 7/29/04)

PSP 8 (page 24)
Photoshop 7 (page 25)
Photo Impact 8 (PI8) (page 26)

Note: **Please do not copy tutorials in any form. Tutorial is written & owned by C. File. They are not to be emailed out on lists or posted on websites. A link is apprectiated. Thank you!***

EZ Looseleaf paper in Photo Shop 7

1. Open up new transparent canvas 400 X 400.
2. Using Marquee Selection tool, make a rectangle vertically as shown:

3. Select Flood (paintbucket) tool, Click in selection & Fill with color =white..
4. Add a new layer . (in layer pallette to the left of the trash can).
5. Change color to turq blue #27AFD1 using paint brush tool size 1 make a straight line across horizontally. After making the first line across, go to layer >duplicate layer, then using the down arrow on your keyboard, move the line down so you have some space between the lines.. continue doing this all the way down till it looks something like this:

6. add a new layer (again in layer pallette to left of trash can) Change color to Red #F94670 and again with the paint brush size 1, draw a vertical line down on the left hand side of the paper.

7. Go to Layers > Merge Visable.
8. Using marquee selection tool, change to a circle.
9. To the left of the red line towards the top, make a small circle for the looseleaf hole. once made, click on your keyboard delete button. Then go to selections > deselect That will make the hole.

10. Redo step 9 for the middle & bottom holes making sure they are lined up & even. If you make a mistake go to edit & step backward.. then redo.
11. Save as a .psd.

12. Crop using the crop tool.

13. go to Edit > Define Pattern (it will bring up a box.. name your pattern as example get rid of the .psd as it is not needed)


EZLoose Leaf with Pencil Tut
Photo Shop 7 (
Loose Leaf pattern (made below)
Yellow Pencil
Bambi Bold font (

Making a pattern in Photo Shop 7

1. With opened looseleaf psd that you just made, duplicate image by going to Image > duplicate (we don't want to effect the original we just made as we will be making a pattern)... click on "okay" & get rid of the original by clicking on the X in the upper right

2. Using the duplicate, we will make the pattern. Using the crop tool (under the lasso) crop a small rectangle including the red line with a few blue lines as reflected below and then click on the crop tool again.. it will bring up a box, and click on apply.

3. Now we will use this to make our pattern for fill as well as using to make a style. Go to Edit > Define Pattern and it will bring up a box to name your pattern. Name it whatever you want and click okay. This will put it in your patterns.

4. Now you can get rid of the canvas, so you have a clean screen. (it will ask you if you want to save, say no.
5. Now Go to File > New (to open a new working canvas width 700, height 400) with the following settings:

6. Make sure paint colors in the boxes on your left side tool bar reflect white /gray as in the picture in step one, click on your font tool with Bambi Bold font & type your name. (size = 100, Crisp setting as in tool bar picture)

7. Now we are going to stretch this to make name larger. go to Edit > Transform > scale (using the little boxes, stretch to size you want) Click on the pointer (<+) and apply transform.

8. Using magic wand, click on name.. if for example the space in the letter (ie in my name the A) use your shift key & click the magic wand in the center of it, so marching ants are around your letters and at this point it will also be around the canvas.. we just want this around the letters. Go up to the top tool bar, clicking on Select > Inverse. (marching ants should now just be around your letters)

9. Now we will fill with the paint bucket. Click on the paint bucket. On the ribbon tool bar it will have a drop down.. Foreground or Pattern. Set to pattern. In the ribbon tool bar select the pattern you just made from clicking on the drop down. Flood your letters with the pattern by clicking on the letters that have the ants marching. (this will bring up a box to say need to change to raster & it will no longer be editable. click ok, and touch on the letters to fill them.

10. Now we are going to add some shape to our flat letters. in the layer pallette is a little f at the bottom. This will help you add bevels etc to your letters. when the box comes up: click on drop shadow and use these settings:

Click on Interior Shadow with these settings:

Click on Bevel w/settings:

Click on Pattern overlay with settings: (in drop down choose your pattern you made)

Then click on stroke set to 1 & color of your lines:

now before you click on okay, click on New Style... name your style.. this will put it in your styles pallete. Click on Okay:

11. open up your pencil.psd drag the pencil onto the name canvas & place it on the letters. (if your pencil is too short, elongate it using the edit >transform >scale to stretch your pencil & then go to filters to sharpen it)
12. Where the pencil overlaps the letters, we are going to use the selection to remove parts of the pencil so it looks like it is going through the letters. using the selection marquee tool which is the dotted rectangle tool, and following the pencil sections alternating parts of the letters, make a rectangle & click delete button on keyboard. Then go to selectins > Deselect. Continue doing this with the pencil until parts are looking like it is intertwining with the letters.

13. In your layer pallette click on the eye of the pencil layer & turn off layer.
14. In your layer pallette clickon the name layer & duplicate by going to Top tool bar : Layers > Duplicate. Now go to Merge visable so this way you will merge the name layers ONLY together. (We needed to do this to make the layer editable again for later)
15. In your layer pallette make pencil visable again by clicking on the blank little box to make the eye appear again.
16. With the pencil layer highlighted, go to top tool bar, layers > duplicate twice so you will have a total of 3 pencil layers in your tool bar.
17. Click on the name layer. With the name layer highlighted, go to top tool bar, layers > duplicate twice so you will have a total of 3 name layers in your tool bar.
18. In your layer pallette move the layers (click on layer & drag) so they are Pencil/name/pencil/name/pencil/name like :

19. Click on the top name layer.. Go to Filters > Noise set to Amount = 7, Guassian checked, Monochrome checked. Continue on the name layers increasing the noise.. (Next one 10, and the last one at 13)
20. Go to top pencil layer, click on the "f" at the bottom of the layer pallette & add a drop shadow with same settings as before..blend mode=multiply, opacity= 75% distance 5, spread 0 size 5 (also the default setting) Do this for the remaining pencil layers.
21. Now go to your layer pallette and hide the bottom 6 layers by clicking on the eyes on all layers but the top pencil & name layers. Go to Layers > Merge Visable. Hide your newly merged layer & make the next two layers viewable (with the eye) make sure you have highlighted one of these layers. Again, Go to Layers > Merge Visable. Hide your newly merged layer & make the last two layers viewable (with the eye) make sure you have highlighted one of these layers.
22. Unhide the top two layers so all 3 layers are showing. Save as a .psd file.

Now on to animating!!!
23. Go to File > Jump to Image ready
24. In your animation pallette click on the arrow on the right in the pallette & select "Make frames from layers" it will open up the image reflecting 3 frames.

25. Click on each frame and then at the bottom of the highlighted fram click where it says 0 sec.. it will bring up a drop down, click on the other & change to 0.15sec. Highlight the next frame click where it says 0 sec.. it will bring up a drop down, click on the other & change to 0.15sec. Highlight the next frame click where it says 0 sec.. it will bring up a drop down, click on the other & change to 0.15sec.
26. When all of the frames are done, go to the little "e" on the left tool bar & that will bring it up in your browser to see how it looks if you were to post it on a message board, of click on the finger next to the "e" to preview the animation in the Image Ready program.
27. If it is satisfactory to you, then exit out of the animation preview by clicking again on the finger, or Xing out of your browser.
28. Go to File > Save optimized as a .gif file ! You are done!

Other things to do with the Looseleaf .psd if you scrap book or school things is a simple tag by adding a child font & typing on the looseleaf, add tubes etc.

On the below tag: I made the loose leaf paper added the drop shadow, and then used 5th grader Font in a slate gray to write on it & then after I did that attached the pencil we had previously made & then wrote on it the name & over the top used BaaBaaHmk font to curve the school days again in slate gray over the top.. then I merged everything, duplicated the layer, and glaussian blurred it, added noise & then added a white background.. I think it came out cute for those with little kids! Have fun!

*******Tutorial is written & owned by ChristaFile79. It cannot be copied & posted under ANY circumstances. A link to this tutorial is acceptable & appreciated. *******

