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EZ Loose Leaf Name Tag: (By C. File 7/29/04)

PSP 8 (page 24)
Photoshop 7 (page 25)
Photo Impact 8 (PI8) (page 26)

Note: **Please do not copy tutorials in any form. Tutorial is written & owned by C. File. They are not to be emailed out on lists or posted on websites. A link is apprectiated. Thank you!***

EZ Looseleaf paper in Photo Impact 8 (PI8)

Photo Impact 8 (30 day trial):
Image for name signature: Yellow Pencil
Font Bambi Bold

1. Start with a new transparent 400 X 400 canvas.
2. Using the Path drawing tool, set on rectangle, 2 D, and color white, draw a vertical rectangle to a size that would represent a piece of paper:

3. Change path drawing tool to line, color=#1BBADE, Border = 1 go down a little to represent a "header" on your paper and click on the left side of the white rectangle. Now go to the right side of the white rectangle & making sure the line is straight, anchor it by clicking once. You now have a line across your paper in blue.

4. click on your pointer on the left. Now highlight the line layer in your Layer Manager. Go to edit > Copy. Now again go to edit > paste as object. Now move line under the top line spacing it as reflected in the below picture.. Continue Edit > Paste as object the lines until you get to the bottom of the rectangle.

5. Choose the path drawing tool (straight line) again.. this time make color a redish color. I used #C43C5E. On the top of the white rectangle, place the start of your line in a bit and click to anchor your start point. Then bring your mouse to the bottom of the white rectangle, so that it would make a straight line to the bottom of the white.. click to anchor the end point.

6. Now we are going to do the holes for the loose leaf. Click on the white rectangle. Click on preset shapes circle & set to "continue draw" this will make the rectangle appear transparent. make a small circle at the top as such:

7. Click back on the pointer. Do not worry about the line at this point.
8. Repeat step 6 only this time do the bottom hole about the same distance from the bottom edge of the rectangle as you did the top hole.
9. Repeat step 6 only this time center the middle hole in between the bottom & top hole.

10. Now we are going to fix the hole to get rid of the line running through it. In order to do that, we will need to erase the line. We need to click on the line that is effected and convert that to an image so that we can erase the tiny part of the line that is in the hole. Click on the line & go to object in the tool bar.. in the drop down, click on covert > convert to image. Now grab the eraser tool.. if size 20 is too large, change to 15 both (horizontal & vertical) and erase in the hole until the blue line is gone. Do this to all lines that are effected by the holes.

11. When that is complete, we want to go to the top tool bar, go to Object > Select all > Merge as a single object. Now save as an object by sliding the looseleaf over to the EZ pallette and you can place that in your custom objects. If you want to use this for other programs save it as a .psd file.

Use this as an object for a cute little tag, or continue to make the animated name with pencil.


Creating the fill

1. Crop a section of the looseleaf that encompasses the blue & red lines as reflected below:

2. Save file as a .jpg and close window.

Making the Looseleaf Pencil Name tag

3. Open a new canvas 400 X 400 transparent.
4. Click on T for font & choose Bambi Bold size 75 color white. Type name.
5. Now we want to stretch the name. Click on the transform tool.. make sure you have unlocked the transform as below... now stretch to desired height by grabbing the boxes.

6. Now we are going to add our fill to the EZ pallette...Click on your EZ pallette fill galary. Right click with your mouse on the fill galary and then ADD THUMBNAIL. Locate your fill .jpg and click on it from your hard drive. It will bring up this box... put it in your custom folder.. I have a folder for backgrounds.. and name it like in my example. Then click okay. You have now placed your fill into your EZ pallette.

7. Click on the name canvas so ants are marching. Locate your fill. Click on the fill. Your letters should now look like this:

8. In EZ pallette, click on material attributes > bevel > B04

9. Open pencil.psd file & Edit > Copy.
10. Go to name canvas & Edit > Paste as object. Place pencil using pointer on name layer.

11. Click on name layer in layer manager. Go to object > duplicate. This will add a new layer on top of the pencil.

12. Convert the top name layer to image as we will be using the eraser. Erase every other area that the pencil & the name touch, so it will be like a "weave" of the pencil through the name. You do not have to be too neat as it will blend in with the bottom name and it will look like the pencil is going through the letters.

13. Go to Objects > Select all objects Go to Objects > Merge as a single object.
14. Go to Edit > duplicate to make a second window.. Go to Edit > duplicate to make a third window.. (these will end up as frames).
15. On the first one, go to Effect > add noise (choose middle right edged one & then press options)
Monochrome > 15. Go to Object > Merge all.
16. Go to second window... go to Effect > add noise (choose middle right edged one & then press options) Monochrome > 25. Go to Object > Merge all.
17. Go to third window...go to Effect > add noise (choose middle right edged one & then press options)
Monochrome > 35. Go to Object > Merge all.

You should have 3 windows that look like this:

18. Save each window by clicking on each window one at a time File > Save as filename1.ufo, filename2.ufo, filename3.ufo
19. Now click on the switch button all the way at the top right & go to ULEAD GIF Animator. Click on the animation wizard & follow steps. Setting speed at 15. I Edit > crop to canvas size and then view animation. If it looks good then I save as a gif. Done!


Other things to do with the Looseleaf .psd if you scrap book or school things is a simple tag by adding a child font & typing on the looseleaf, add tubes etc.

On the below tag (done in PS but same thing can be done in PSP & PI8 as well): I made the loose leaf paper added the drop shadow, and then used 5th grader Font in a slate gray to write on it & then after I did that attached the pencil we had previously made & then wrote on it the name & over the top used BaaBaaHmk font to curve the school days again in slate gray over the top.. then I merged everything, duplicated the layer, and glaussian blurred it, added noise & then added a white background.. I think it came out cute for those with little kids! Have fun!

*******Tutorial is written & owned by ChristaFile79. It cannot be copied & posted under ANY circumstances. A link to this tutorial is acceptable & appreciated. *******

