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Paint on Edge PI 10 Bracelet Tutorial *written by CFile 12/17/05*

(No screen prints at this time.. sorry!)

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1)I used the text of ATHelindaR, first just the C and then stretched it large then added my gel on it. (shadow of X=3, Y=3, transparency to 63... rest of settings are default)

2)Then I wrote the rest of my name size 124. (same gel effect, and then going to object>shadow adjusting shadow settings same as in step1)

3)Then I drew a line - 3 D using the line setting shaped = ) and then used my gel on it (with marching ants still active on the line I drew),

4) then chose the pearls stamp, set the stamp to size 43, spacing 50 and then chose creative effects>paint on edges. It made the line with all the pearls on it..

5) then I used the shape and made a rounded rectangle real small for the closed clasp, using a gold material on it then just rotated it 15 degrees to the right and placed it at the top left of the bracelet. (shadow setting as set in step 1)

6) then I used the outlined rounded rectangle and again made a small one for the "catch" and used the same gold and same shadow settings and placed it at the right side of the pearled line, so it now looks like an opened bracelet.

7) now I use my pick tool (top tool that looks like an arrow on the left side of screen) and choose the Large letter. Go to Objects >duplicate

8) With the large letter (duplicate) still selected, go to objects>shadow, and deselect. (the top one we do not want a shadow on)

9) Still with the duplicate first letter selected, go to Object>convert >From text image

10) now select the eraser tool, changing the size from the default 20 to around 7. Now, to intertwine the bracelet with the letter, just erase the portions of the letter you want to get rid of. This will create the illusion of the bracelet going in and out of the letters.

11) go to Object > Group so all of these pieces will stay together.

Now you can merge all OR you can add some background.

To make a background,

12) shape tool > 2d white... choose/draw what ever you want as the shape.

13) Go to Object >arrange > send to back

14) click on airbrush in tool pallette (located under the transform tool and default shows the paintbrush... if you choose the paintbrush it will bring you a drop down, just select the airbrush) make size of airbrush large and airbrush color of choice all over the white 2d shape

15) go to Photo> glaussian blur and blur based on setting you want.. (I used 28)

16) Go to Photo> Noise select monochrome and I chose 7

17) click on the pick tool... with the 2d background still marching ants, now set transparency to a lighter setting so that it is sorta faded.

18) if you wish at this point go to easy pallette and choose object library and use mask of your choice.

19) now merge all and save as .gif or jpg

Here is my result:

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